Content Posted in 2015
101 Life Changing Ideas, Trevor O'Reggio
101 Life Changing Thoughts on Leadership, Trevor O'Reggio
1993 World Survey, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist, Report to Annual Council, Unknown
1 Peter and Postmodern Criticism, Felix H. Cortez
2009 Congregations Study for the North American Division, Roger Dudley
2014 Andrews Research Conference Group, Sarah Burton
2015 Booklist, Andrews University Press
29 Some Biblical Principles Relevant to Evangelism among Polygamous Peoples, Roy E. Gane
44 Polygamy among the Tanzanian Maasai and the Seventh-day Adventist Church: Reflections on a Missiological and Theological Problem, Stefan Höschele
57 Serious About Secular Society? The Challenge of Secularism in the Twenty-first Century, Barry D. Oliver
A-1 Didactic Logic in Leviticus, Roy Gane
A-1 Evolution and Theodicy: A Study on Models of Evolutionary Theodicy, Adriani Milli Rodrigues
A-1 Marriage in the Theology of Hebrews, Adriani Rodrigues
A-1 Perceptions of Health Behaviors by Seventh-day Adventist Undergraduate Students: Do parents and religion matter?, Alina M. Baltazar, Curtis VanderWaal, and Kathryn Conopio
A-1 The Seventh-day Adventist church’s response to disasters in the Indian Ocean, Kern Agard and Joel L. Raveloharimisy
A-2 An Analysis of the Relationship between God’s Benevolence and Animal Pain in Theistic Evolution, C. Adelina Alexe
A-2 Internalization of Distinctive Religious Practices is Associated with Increased Well-Being, Karl G. D. Bailey
A-2 The Legacy of John Norton Loughborough to Seventh-day Adventism, Brian Strayer
A-2 The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in Development: ADRA’s Contribution, Alexandra Raney and Joel L. Raveloharimisy
A-2 What “Rest” remains? A Close Reading of Hebrews 4, Erhard H. Gallos
A-3 A Semiotic Look at the Seventh-day Sabbath as a Biblical Sign [System], Rachel Williams-Smith
A-3 Correlates of Perceived Emotional/Verbal and Spiritual Abuse of Adult Children of Pastors, Duane C. McBride, Wendy E. Thompson Dr, David Sedlacek, and Rene Drumm
A-3 Creation in the Twentieth-First Century: An Introduction to Protological Hermeneutic, Sergio L. Silva
A-3 Factors Contributing to Women’s Leadership Roles in Politics: Madagascar, Ave Altius and Joel L. Raveloharimisy
A-3 Katapausis and Sabbatismos in Hebrews 4, Erhard H. Gallos
A-4 Biblical Archaeology at the Louvre, Randall Younker
A-4 Indications and Environmental Implications of a Seventh Day in Psalm 104, A. Rahel Schafer
A-4 Welcoming Nonverbal Behavior: A Case Study of Group Communication and Visitor Impressions, Katelyn Ruiz
A-4 What are the Factors that make the poor to seek help from Civil Societies over Public Institutions?, Ezra M. Kenyanya and Joel L. Raveloharimisy
A Biblical and Missiological Framework for Cross-Cultural Mission: A Case Study of the Lobi Funeral Rites in Burkina Faso, Boubakar Sanou
A Biblical Theology of Leadership for the Church, Skip Bell
Abrasive Teachers and Principal Response ; a Mixed-Methods Exploration of Administrative Decisions Regarding Teachers Who Bully Students, James Clayton Weller
Absolute Theological Truth in Postmodern Times, Fernando L. Canale
Academic and Non-academic Variables as Predictors of NCLEX-RN Success Among Traditional Associate Degree Students at Southern Adventist University, Christine Moniyung
Academic Performance and Engagement of Educational Opportunity Program Students in a College Algebra Extended Class at the State University of New York, New Platz, Courtney Anthony Pindling
Academic Persistence and Attrition Among Freshman Traditional and Non-Traditional Students at a Public Midwestern Commuter University, Arnold W. Illanz
Academic writing and theological inquiry, Terry Dwain Robertson
A Call to Walk a Different Path, V. S. C.
A Campus for Health & Wellness: 2013 Campus Master Plan and Design Guidelines, The 2012 Campus Design Studio, Andrew C. von Maur, Paula Dronen, and Troy Homenchuk
A Case Analysis of Three Middle-School Boys Who Have Down Syndrome and Have Been in Regular Education Classes Since Preschool, Eileen Frances Luddy
A Case Study Comparison of Brief Group Treatment and Brief Individual Treatment in the Modification of Denial Among Child Sexual Abusers, John F. Ulrich
A Case Study Describing the Experiences of the Sexually Abused Children and Non-Offending Parents who Attended the Multi-Disciplinary Investigation Team After Care Clinic, Danielle DiMauro Williams
A case study of gender advocacy in humanitarian faith-based organizations, Erenly Agosto
A Case Study of Selected Preservice Teachers Regarding the Origins of Their Perspectives on the Commonplaces of Education and the Impact of Foundations Studies on Those Perspectives, Charles D. Scarbrough
Accessing Information Using LVAlert and Python, Belinda Cheeseboro and Tiffany Summerscales Ph.D.
Achievement Barriers Perceived and Overcome by Successful High-School Students Participating in Upward Bound Programs in Indiana, Alyssia Janet Parris-Coates
A Christian Servant Leadership Model and Training for the Adventist Church in France, Olivier Rigaud
A Christian Worldview and Mental Health: A Seventh-day Adventist Perspective, Carlos Fayard, Barbara Couden Hernandez, Bruce Anderson, and George T. Harding IV
Acknowledged and Perceived Reasons for Non-Attendance at Christian Churches in the Pacifica Community, a Suburb of San Francisco, California, Peter Edward Burch
A Collaborative Sermon Preparation Team at the Seventh-day Adventist Community Church of Vancouver, WA, Roger Walter
A Comparative Analysis of the Kingdom of God in the Writings of George Eldon Ladd and Ellen G. White, Changyoung Lee
A Comparative Analysis of the Origin and Divine Causation of Death in Ancient Near Eastern Literature and in the Old Testament, Lazarus Castang
A Comparative Investigation of the Concept of Nature in the Writings of Henry M. Morris and Bernard L. Ramm, Andrew M. Mutero
A Comparative Study of Critical Thinking Skills, Dogmatism and American College Testing Program Scores of Seventh-day Adventist College Freshmen Graduated from Church Related and Public Secondary Schools, Elizabeth May Wilkins
A Comparative Study of Giving and Volunteering Patterns Among Adults with Seventh-day Adventist and Other Christian Religious Identities, Karen E. Stockton-Chilson
A Comparative Study of Stressors Among Undergraduate Students at Grand Valley State University, Lennox Forrest
A Comparative Study of the Concept of Atonement in the Writings of John R. W. Stott and Ellen G. White, Lawrence O. Oladini
A Comparative Study of the Distribution of Spiritual Gifts: Among Seminary Students and Other Graduate and Undergraduate Students at Andrews University, Darius A. Lecointe
A Comparative Study Of The Effects Of Learning Style Prescriptions And/Or Modality-Based Instruction On The Spelling Achievement Of Fifth-Grade Students, Nancy D'Isa Turner
A Comparative Study of the Learning Styles of Southeast Asian and American Caucasian College Students on Two Seventh-day Adventist Campuses, Sally Lam-Phoon
A Comparative Study of the Sabbath Theologies of A.H. Lewis and J.N. Andrews, Siegfried H. Roeske
A Comparison of Certain Doctrinal Views of Martin Luther and Seventh-day Adventists in the Context of Present-day Dialogue, Kenneth L. Knosp
A Comparison of Computer-Based Training and Traditional Classroom Training for the SAD Corporation Job Placement Team, Janice Brown Adams
A Comparison of Kinetic Family Drawings of Firstborn and Second-Born Siblings, Lynn Anderson
A Comparison of Receptivity to the Deductive and Inductive Methods of Preaching in the Pioneer Memorial Church, Dwight K. Nelson
A Comparison of the Adult Bible Study Guide of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and a Prototype Guide Designed to Promote Spiritual Growth, Lyndelle Brower Chiomenti
A Comparison of the Adult Bible Study Guide of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and a Prototype Guide Designed to Promote Spiritual Growth, Lyndelle Brower Chiomenti
A Comparison of the Emotional Indicators on the House-Tree-Person Drawings and the Kinetic-House-Tree-Person Drawing, Denise Ann Stoddard
A Comparison of the Health Beliefs of Florence Nightingale and Ellen G. White and the Incorporation of Them into Their Respective Schools of Nursing, Ruth Duncan Abbott
A Comparison of the Incremental Rehearsal Method, the Pocket Word Method, and Repeated Reading Instructional-Level Text on the Word Retention, Words Read Per Minute, and Comprehension of First-Grade Students, Lara Lynne MacQuarrie
A Comparison of the Role Expectations of the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Selected Universities in Michigan as Perceived by Five Status Groups, John Evans Hill
A Composition Project: an Original 12-tone Fugue Modeled After J. S. Bach's BWV 847, Ilana Joyce Cady
A Comprehensive Guidance Counseling Program for Jamaican Schools: a Needs Assessment, Grace Altia Kelly
A Contextual Analysis of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Norway, with Suggestions for Renewal and Growth, Kjell Aune
A Correlational-Developmental Study of Sexual Symbols, Actions, and Themes in Children's Kinetic Family and Human Figure Drawings, Peggy Joan Rodgers
A Correlational Study of Jungian Psychological Types and Nineteen Spiritual Gifts, Chek Yat Phoon
A Correlational Study of the Relationship Between Adolescent Religiosity and Adolescent Perception of Parental Behavior in Antigua and Barbuda, Eustace Sheppard
A Critical Analysis of the Relationship Between Salvation and Social Justice in the Minjung Theology, Ilmok Kim
A Critical Evaluation of John Hick's Religious Pluralism in Light of His Eschatological Model, Haejong Je
A Critical Study of Carl F. H. Henry's Portrayal of the Human Role in Revelation and Inspiration, Boxter Kharbteng
A Critique of the Urban Mission of the Church in the Light of an Emerging Postmodern Condition, Kleber de Oliveira Goncalves
A Critique of the Urban Mission of the Church in the Light of an Emerging Postmodern Condition, Kleber de Oliveira Gonçalves
A Critique of Three Psychological Theories of Behavior and the Presuppositions Which Underly Their Model of Man, Marek Jantos
A Cross-Cultural Study of Moral Developmental Theory: the Influence of Collectivism on Moral Reasoning of Asian Students and Caucasian American Students, Chang-ho Clyde Ji
A Cross-Cultural Study of the Relation Between Degree of American Acculturation and Androgyny, Chui-Liu Serena Gui
Actions, Practices, and Workplace Conditions that Characterize High-Engagement Workgroups in a Hospital Environment, Barbette Weimer-Elder
Acts 1:8—A Paradigm for Mission in West-Central Africa, Kelvin Okey Onongha
A Cultural and Social History on the Role of Film and Societal Trends: A Case Study of the Outlaw Jesse James, April Mae Grube
A Curriculum Data Base for Continuing Education for Ministers in the Colombia-Venezuela Union Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Edgar J. Escobar
A Curriculum to Equip Lay Pastoral Candidates for Service in the Pennsylvania Conference, James Richard Wibberding
Adam and Adapa : two anthropological characters, Niels-Erik Andreasen
Adapting Architectural Models for Visualization Using Virtual Reality Headsets, Bernardo Martinez
Adapting the Church manual, Patricia Jo Gustin
Addressing Reasons for Members' Non-Attendance at the Elmhurst Seventh-day Adventist Church, Glenn Paul Hill
A Delphi Study of the Biblical/Doctrinal Knowledge That Ministers of Christian Churches/Churches of Christ Consider Essential for Spiritual Development, Jeffrey D. Derico
A Descriptive Analysis of Creation Concepts and Themes in the Book of Psalms, Gnanamuthu S. Wilson
A Descriptive Analysis of Evangelical Seminaries in Canada Based on and Comparing the Views of their Presidents and Deans and of the Canadian Leaders of Evangelical Denominations, Edward Lawrence Oke
A Descriptive Case Study of Staff Development In Two Seventh-day Adventist Districts as They Relate to Potential Change, Michael G. England
A Descriptive Case Study of Teacher Study Groups and Teachers' Perceptions of the Impact of Study Groups on Professional Growth, Rita Henriquez-Roark
A Descriptive Case Study of Teaching Teams at Lakeside Middle School, Dion Harrigan
A Descriptive Case Study : The Implementation of a Field-Based Master's Program, Jeanne Renita Grant
A Descriptive Multiple Case Study of Caucasian Female Suicide Attempters: Risk and Protective Factors, Janice Johnson Browne
A Descriptive Multiple Case Study of Three Elementary Schools in Project Homecoming, the Inclusion Program Within the Dallas Independent School District, Sharron A. Caraker
A Descriptive Study of Teacher, School, and Training Characteristics in the Implementation of the Cooperative and Inductive Teaching Models, Samuel M. Gaikwad
A Descriptive Study of the Kinetic Family Drawings of Children from Catholic, Lutheran, and Seventh-day Adventist Religious Backgrounds, Anne-Maria J. Monttinen
A Design for a Psycho-social Support System Potentially Applicable to the Local Pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America Based Upon an Evaluation of the Needs, Benjamin D. Schoun
A Design for Learning and Developing Skills for Handling Interpersonal and Substantive Conflict in the Ardmore, Oklahoma, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Jan Gary Johnson
A Design for Spiritual Formation During the Academic Life of the Adventist Seminary Students at Collonges-sous-Saleve, France, Bruno R. Vertallier
A Dictionary of Middle Egyptian for Students of Biblical Archaeology and Old Testament Studies, Robert D. Bates
A Disciple-making Strategy to Reach the Emerging Postmodern Generation, Miroslav Pujic
A Discipleship Strategy for the Local Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Korea, Un Bae Kim
A Discipling Strategy for Multi-Church Districts in Zambia, Vanny Munambeza Munyumbwe
Administrator Perceptions of Internet-Based Distance Education in Adventist Colleges and Universities : a Mixed-Method Study, Pamela K. Cress
A Doctrinal Training Program Adapted to the Current Chinese Setting, Robert C. Wong
Adventism among the World Religions, Gary Krause
Adventism's Greatest Need: The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Ron E. M. Clouzet
Adventist Church Growth and Mission Since 1863: An Historical–Statistical Analysis, David J.B. Trim
Adventist Concepts of Discipleship and Nonconformity, Denis Fortin
Adventist Evangelistic Preaching, Russell C. Burrill
Adventist Maverick: A Celebration of George R. Knight’s Contribution to Adventist Thought, Gilbert M. Valentine and Woodrow W. Whidden
Adventist Medical Mission in Botswana: Toward an Effective and Appropriate Model, Olaotse Obed Gabasiane
Adventist Ministry Reaches Remote Tribes of the World, Cristian Dumitrescu
Adventist Missiological Education and Global Mission Perspectives, Wagner Kuhn
Adventist Mission Theology: Developing a Biblical Foundation, Rick McEdward
Adventist Perspectives on Short-Term Missions: Brief Survey and Evaluation, Wagner Kuhn
Adventist Pioneer Places: New York and New England, Merlin D. Burt
Adventist Research African Continent, Elizabeth M. Role
Adventist Responses to Cross-Cultural Mission: Global Mission Issues Committee Papers Volume 1, 1998-2001, Bruce Bauer
Adventist Responses to Mission Challenges through Theology and Contextualization, Jon L. Dybdahl
Adventists and Ecumenism, Nicholas P. Miller
Adventist Youth and Drugs, Patricia B. Mutch, Robert J. Cruise, and Roger Dudley
Adventures in Church Growth Study Guide, Roger Dudley
A Factorial Description of Tasks of the Family, Hideyo Ogawa
A Family Life Program to Assist Caribbean Immigrant Families of the Malton Seventh-day Adventist Church in Their Adjustment to Canadian Culture, Haskell G. Edwards
A Feast to My Eyes: Color and Human Behavior, Erica Iris Bruso
A Formal Mentoring Program and its Relationship to Academic Success and Retention Rates of First-Time Freshman College Students at Walla Walla University, Sallieann Brown Hoffer
A Fresh Look at Two Genesis Creation Accounts: Contradictions?, Jiri Moskala
Africa: Adventist Mission in Africa: Challenges & Prospect, Gorden R. Doss
African Adventists and Self-Reliance, Pardon Mwansa
African American Male and Female Student Perceptions of Pulvers Body Images: Implications for Obesity, Health Care, and Prevention, Sherine R. Brown, Mian Bazle Hossain, and Yvonne Bonner
A Functional View of Human Motivation in the Local Seventh-day Adventist Church Based on Theological and Psychological Principles, Willmore Duncan Eva
Agriculture Department Logo, Andrews University
A Grounded-Theory Study of the Teaching Methods of Jesus : An Emergent Instructional Mode, Liv Fønnebø
A Health-education Program for Seventh-day Adventists in Japan Based on the Dynamics of Psychosomatic Relationships, Keith Yoskikazu Watanabe
A Hierarchical Framework for Estimating Heterogeneous Architecture-based Software Reliability, Wayne Morris
A History in Missiological Perspective of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Japan from 1945 to 1985, Tadaomi Shinmyo
A History of Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education in the China Mission, 1888-1980, Handel Luke
A History of the Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index, Part 3: Still a Work in Progress, Daniel Drazen
Aims of Education in the Writings of Ellen White, Erling Bernhard Snorrason
Airway Obstruction as a Causative Agent for Temporomandibular Joint Pain, Kathleen Bergland
A Language Without Words: Music as an Agent of Identity in Brian Friel's Dancing at Lughnasa, Catherine Tetz
A Lay Visitation Program to Help Reclaim Inactive Members at the Hillsboro Seventh-day Adventist Church in Hillsboro, Oregon, Rodolfo N. Salazar
Albert Bandura and Ellen G. White: a Comparative Study of Their Concepts of Behavior Modification through Modeling, Miriam S. Tumangday
A Legal History of the Job Corps, Joseph E. Blackett
Alexander Bolotnikov, Andrews University
Alexander Hegius (ca. 1433-98) : His life, Philosophy, and Pedagogy, John V. Matthews
Alexandrian School and the Trinitarian Problem, Darius Jankiewicz
Allusions, Exegetical Method, and the Interpretation of Revelation 8:7-12, Jon Paulien
A Longitudinal Study on the Essence of Success Development As Seen by Caribbean Canadian Women in the Storied Landscape of Their Lived Experience, Glenda-mae Greene
A look into the future: What will Africa and the church look like in 20 years response, Gorden R. Doss
Al-Zar in Upper Egypt: A Missiological Perspective, Basma Al-Masih
A Malawian Seventh-day Adventist Theology of Wealth and Poverty and Missiological Implications, Gorden R. Doss
A Man for All Seasons: Remembering Attorney Lee Boothby, Nicholas P. Miller
A Man of Passionate Reflection, Bruce L. Bauer
A Manpower Planning Process for the Institutions of Higher Education in the Inter-American Division, Carlos Alberto Archbold
A Manual for SDA Ministers of South Brazil to Train the Laity in Understanding How to Evangelize Roman Catholic Basic Ecclesial Communities, Jose Miranda Rocha
A Marriage Program to Strengthen and Support Marriage Relationships at the Multicultural Community of the Milton Keynes Seventh-day Adventist Church, Augustus Cafuema Lawrence
A Mathematical Approach for Predicting Harbor Seal Haul-out, Jonathan Daniel Cowles
A Mathematical Model Describing the Dynamics of HIV Virions and CD4+T Cells in the Human Immune System, Matthew Chacko
A Mentoring Model for Pastors Entering the Ministry in the Indiana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Steven Nowald Poenitz
America’s Founding Protestant Philosophy, Nicholas P. Miller
A Ministry Of Reconciliation, Graeme Stanley Loftus
Amish Childbearing Beliefs and Practices and the Implications for Nurse-Midwives as Servant-Leader Care Providers, Victoria L. Wickwire
A Missiological Study of the Phenomenon of Dual Allegiance in the Seventh-day Adventist Church Among the Yoruba People of Nigeria, Paul Adekunle Dosunmu
A Missiological Study Of The Phenomenon Of Dual Allegiance In The Seventh-day Adventist Church Among The Yoruba People Of Nigeria, Paul Adekunle Dosunmu
A Mixed-Method Study of the Environmental and Personal Factors That Influence Faculty Research Productivity at Small-Medium, Private, Doctorate-Granting Universities, Gustavo Gregorutti
Ammon in the Hebrew Bible: a Textual Analysis and Archaeological Context of Selected References to the Ammonites of Transjordan, James Roger Fisher
A Model for Introducing the Spiritual Disciplines to the Members of the Capital Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church, Steve Willsey
A Model for Marketing Agricultural Programs [in] Private Colleges and Universities, Thomas N. Chittick
A Model for Ministry of Church Elders in the Inca Union of Seventh-Day Adventists, Luis Miguel Luna
A Model for Multicultural Worship Developed at the Fallbrook Seventh-day Adventist Church, Gerald Hansel Jones
A Model for Pastoral Nurture and Care to African American Persons Who Are HIV Infected or Living With AIDS, Marcus Eldred Harris
A Model for Small Group Ministry in the North Zambia Field of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Chapi S. Wellington
A Model for the Development and Administration of a Modern Television Complex for Private Colleges and Universities, Paul Henry Denton
A Model for the Development of Educational Specifications for Small Schools, Raymond K. Wilkinson
A Model for Training Church Family Life Directors in Hispanic Congregations in the Michigan Conference, Jorge Raul Mayer
A Multiple-Case Study Describing Collaborative Relations Between Adventist Pastors and Teachers in the Eastern United States, Pamela Consuegra
An Adventist Missiological Response to Traditional Beliefs in Kenya, Festus Felix Gumbo
An Adventist Pilot Project to Reduce the Spread of HIV/AIDS Among Young People in Umuahia Capital Territory of Abia State, Nigeria, Okorie Chukwu Anyaogu
Analisis de Razones por las que los Jovenes Abandonan la Iglesia Adventista Del Septimo Dia en Argentina, Jorge De Sousa Matias
Analysing Valence Patterns in Biblical Hebrew: Theoretical Questions and Analytic Frameworks, Janet W. Dyk, Oliver Glanz, and Reinoud Oosting
Analysis and Application of the Vector Marketing Corporation Business Model, Tyler Nabel Yasa
Analysis and Evaluation of the Ministry of the Hamilton Community Church to the Unchurched, Mark C. Bresee
Analysis and Evaluation of Vladimir Lossky's Doctrine of Theosis, Eugene Zaitsev
Analysis of Fund-Raising Activities In Regard to Alumni Giving at Bethel College, Homer W. Drew
Analysis of the Attitude of the Constituents of Indonesia Union College Toward the Absence of Government Academic Recognition of the College, Amos Simorangkir
Analysis of the Icelandic Oral Hymn Tradition as Seen in the Twentieth-century Enthnographic Recordings of "Stridsmenn Krist" ("Christ Bears His Cross"), Navina M. Dueck-Stefansson
Analysis of the Optical and Magentooptical Spectra of Non-Kramers Pr3+(4f2) in Y_3A1_5O_12 Complemented by Crystal-Field Modeling, Gary W. Burdick, Uygun V. Valiev, John B. Gruber, Anvar K. Mukhammadiev, Dejun Fu, and Vasiliy O. Pelenovich
Analysis of the spectra of trivalent erbium in multiple sites of hexagonal aluminum nitride, John B. Gruber, Ulrich Vetter, Gary W. Burdick, Zachery D. Fleishman, Larry D. Merkle, Takashi Taniguchi, Yuan Xiaoli, Takashi Sekiguchi, Daniel Jurgens, and Hans Hofsass
Analysis of University Personnel's Perception of Institutional Factors Impacting Student Persistence/Retention, Jose Melendez
An Analysis and Role Description of the Seventh-day Adventist Conference Ministerial Secretary in North America, William Hinton McVay
An Analysis of MSKN and 'HL MW'D in the Masoretic Text of Exod 25-40, Ralph E. Hendrix
An Analysis of Role Perceptions and Job Satisfaction of Secondary-School Counselors in Trinidad and Tobago, Hillman St. Brice
An Analysis of Teacher Satisfaction in the Seventh-day Adventist Church Schools in Zimbabwe, Silas Masuku
An Analysis of the Expressed Needs for Vocational Education in Secondary Schools in Barbados, Jonathan H. Lewis
An Analysis of the Personalities of a Sample of Students at Grand Valley State University Who Consume Alcohol, Jeanette McDowell
An Analysis of the Planning Process in Secondary Education in Trinidad and Tobago: 1962-1976, Vernon E. Andrews
An Analysis of the Relationship Between Nurturing Spousal Friendship and Marital Quality, Cherryl Anne Galley
An Approach to a Holistic Ministry in a Seventh-day Adventist Urban Church in Uganda, Nathaniel Mumbere Walemba
An Approach to a Holistic Ministry in a Seventh-Day Adventist Urban Church in Uganda, Nathaniel Mumbere Walemba
An Approach to Seventh-day Adventist Radio Evangelism in Ghana, Ebenezer Obodai Sackey
A Narrative Analysis Using Multiple Case Studies of Nursing Graduates Who Overcame Academic Adversity, Judy C. Whedbee
A Narrative Case Study Describing the Support Culture for the Change Process in a Small Parochial, Boarding Secondary School, Stanley M. Rouse
An Assessment of Departmental Ministries Local Congerences in the Columbia Union: 2003, Unknown
An Assessment of Effective Fund-Raising Policies Used at Private, Church-Related Undergraduate Colleges, Albin H. Grohar
An Assessment of Marital Satisfaction in Stepfamilies Toward an Integration of Three Conceptual Models of Relationship Satisfaction, Lorie Ann Hamel
An Assessment of the Organizational Climate for Creativity in the Canadian Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists : Recommendations for Change Based on the Perceptions of Leading Church Members, Donald Douglas Devnich
An Assessment of the Perceived Administrative Effectiveness of Boarding School Principals in the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Malcolm E. Hutchinson
An Assessment of the Perceived Inservice Needs of K-12 Teachers of the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Hazel R. Wright
An Assessment of the Vocational Technical Education Needs of the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Larry Dean Mahlum
An Attempt to Increase the Communion Attendance at the Willowdale Seventh-day Adventist Church, Adam R. Bujak
A Natural Bridge and Meeting Ground for Faith and Reason, Stephen Harnish
An Autobiographical Study of My Beliefs, Attributes, and Practices as an Instructional Support Consultant, Jennifer Wilcox Dove
Ancestral Beliefs and Practices: a Program for Developing Christian Faith Among Adventists in Zimbabwe, Zebron Masukume Ncube
Anchoring Change in Higher Education : Narratives from Senior Executives at Malcolm Baldrige Award-Winning Institutions, Cheryl H. Kisunzu
Andrew Hoff presents on "Fragility and Glass Forming Ability of Ni-based Bulk Metallic Glasses", Andrews University
Androgynous Coping Behaviors: a Test of Bem's Sex-Role Theory, Roy Lucas Lukman
An Empirically Derived Base for the Validation of Standards for Industrial Arts Programs in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in the United States of America, P John Williams
An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Religious Orthodoxy (Defined as Religious Rigidity and Religious Closed-Mindedness) and Marital Sexual Functioning, Stephen Lennard Purcell
An Equipping Strategy for Numeric Growth at the Denver Korean Seventh-day Adventist Church, Young Uoo Suh
An Evaluation of a Probiotic Supplement on Dairy Calf Growth: Birth - 60 Days Old, Kristy Quezada
An Evaluation Of Current Procedures Of Local Conference Constituency Sessions With Recommendations For Possible Improvement, Jere D. Patzer
An Evaluation of Edward Heppenstall's Doctrine of Redemption, Armando Juárez
An Evaluation of Electrical Conductivity as a Practical Tool in Mastitis Detection at Andrews University Dairy, Carrie Mesiar
An Evaluation of Health Behavior Change During a General Education Health Course, Lynn M. Merklin
An Evaluation of Performance as it Relates to Leadership Training in the United States Coast Guard, Chad Arron Long
An Evaluation of Raw Data Collected During Nine Consecutive Years Depicting Attitudes of Members Regading Personal Outreach Witnessing, John E. Collins
An Evaluation of Reserve Component Leaders' Attitudes and Motivation as They Relate to Situational Leadership Theory in a Peacekeeping Operational Environment, Clark C. Barrett
An Evaluation of the Bachelor Degree in Accounting Program in a Ghanaian Private University, Samuel Adaboh
An Evaluation of the Concept of Seminary in Mission With Reference to the Latin American Adventist Theological Seminary, Juan Millanao Orrego
An Evaluation of the Effect of the Parent Readiness Education Project on Readiness and Subsequent Performance of Preschool Children, Linda Mei-Lin Koh
An Evaluation of the Master of Divinity Program by Graduates of 1989 and 1994, Roger Dudley
An Evaluation of the Materials and Services Offered to the World Field by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Roger Dudley
A New Evangelistic Paradigm: Using Foundational Theology Issues as an Apologetic Instrument for Evangelism in a Secular World, David E. Thomas
A New Youth Discipling Model for the Los Altos Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church, John Kangho Ang
An Examination of Cross-Cultural Understanding in a Global Automotive Company, A Dale Phillips
An Examination of Employees' Understanding and Implementation of the Information Security Program at XYZ Engineering Center, Dale J. Mancini
An Examination of Implicit Beliefs and Ability Judgments Among School Psychologists, Heather Owen Nudd
An Examination of Parent -Child Relationships and Teen Substance Use, Brianna Johnson, Duane C. McBride, Gary Hopkins, and Sara Pepper
An Examination of Parent-child Relationships and Teen Substance Use, Brianna Johnson
An Examination of Perceived Stress and Coping Patterns of pastoral wives in the Nigerian Union Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Olufunmilayo Janet Ola
An Examination of the Evaluations of Ministers, Conference Presidents and Ministerial Directors in an Attempt to Determine the most Effective Pathways of Preparation for Ministry, Roger Dudley and David Dennis
An Examination of the Reasons Leading Individuals to Apostatize from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, James H. Smuts
An Exegesis of the Little Horn of Daniel 8, Reuben Lynn Hilde
An Exegetical Analysis of Jeremiah 1:5: The Presence of Free Will and Choice, Daniel Xisto
An Exploration of the Interest in and Challenges of Fostering Undergraduate Leadership-Development at Andrews University, Frances Mae Faehner
An Exploratory, Correlational, Self-Rater Study on Authentic Leadership Values of Adventist Local Conference Chief Financial Officers in the United States, Juan R. Prestol-Pues{acute}an
An Exploratory Investigation Into the Use of eAUP as an Alternative to Text-based Passwords, Joseph Ahor Abandoh-Sam
An Exploratory Study of Nursing Personnnel Needs in Seventh-day Adventist Hospitals in the Continental United States with a View to Educational Assessment and Planning, Robert Thompson Andrews
An Exploratory Study of the Aims and Methods of Family Worship in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, L Edgel Phillips
An Historicist Perspective on Daniel 11, Frank Wilton Hardy
Animal Assisted Therapy: A Study To Understand The Impact Further for Children with Developmental Disabilities, Rachel Young
An ‘Information Literacy’ Perspective of the Creation/Evolution Debate, Terry Dwain Robertson
An Inquiry of Governance Training, Perceptions of Board Members' Qualifications, and Board Assessments of Day Academies in the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Nathaniel George Higgs
An Interpersonal Relationship Workshop Designed For Seventh-Day Adventist Congregational Use, David Emery Greenlaw
An Introduction to a Meta-meta-search Engine, Martin Lalnunsanga
An Introduction to Knot Theory, Anthony Bosman
An Investigation into Luther's View of the Bondage of the Will with Implications for Soteriology and Theodicy, John C. Peckham
An Investigation of Dispensational Premillennialism: an Analysis and Evaluation of the Eschatology of John F. Walvoord, David P. Gullón
An Investigation of Predictors of Success in Elementary Student Teaching in Selected Seventh-day Adventist Colleges, J. Roger Couty
An Investigation of the Chronology of Daniel 9:24-27, Brempong Owusu-Antwi
An Investigation of the Concept of Perfectionism as Target in the Writings of Ellen G. White, F. W. Bieber
An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Training in the Utilization of Spiritual Gifts in the Personal Ministries of Ontario Seventh-day Adventists, Fitzroy S. Maitland
An Investigation of the Knowledge and Beliefs Held by Teachers and Parents in a Parochial School System Regarding Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and the Variables that Predict their Knowledge, Kendra-Lee Yvonne Pearman
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Community Connectedness and Congregational Spiritual Vitality, Rhonda Louise Whitney
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Learning-style and Temperament of Senior High-school Students in the Bahamas and Jamaica, Owen Anthony Roberts
Announcing the Kingdom: The Story of God’s Mission in the Bible / Arthur F. Glasser [book review], Russell L. Staples
Anointing with Oil in African Christianity: An Evaluation of Contemporary Practices, Sampson M. Nwaomah
An Organizational Model for a Coordinated Program of Music Ministry for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North American and Europe, Raimo J. Lehtinen
A Note on the Onset of Synchrony in Avian Ovulation Cycles, Shandelle M. Henson and Danielle Burton
Anthony Bosman illustrates Knot Theory, Sarah Burton
Anthropomorphic and Zoomorphic Figurines of Tall Jalul from 1992 to 2007, Sean Patrick Porras
Anticancer Activity of Some Boronic Acid Arylidene Heterocycles, Joy Kim
An Understanding of Selected Familial Dynamics as they Relate to the Prevention of Substance Use Among Youth from St. Martin, Vincent A. David
An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care: Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary
A Paradigm for Cell Church Ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South Korea, Won Moo Song
A People Group Approach to Discipleship Among the Ahanta in Ghana, Michael Assilidjoe
A People Waiting for Salvation: a Biblical Evaluation of Watchtower Christology and Soteriology With Suggested Strategies for the Evangelization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Jose Carlos Ramos
A Perspective on Seventh-day Adventist Hermeneutics, Denis Fortin
A Pilot Project To Increase Member Participation And Revitalization Of The Coffeyville And Independence, Kansas, Seventh-Day Adventist Churches In The Central States Conference, Andre M. Trofort Jr
A Pilot Study on Gender Disparities in the Accounting Profession: Overcoming the Disproportionate Workplace, Laury Fouche
Apocalypse Not Yet, Roy Gane
Apocalypse Now, Roy Gane
Apostolic Succession in the Writings of Yves Congar and Oscar Cullmann, Carlos Alfredo Steger
Application of a Hough Search for Continuous Gravitational Waves on Data from the fifth LIGO Science Run, Tiffany Summerscales and The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
Application of Biblical Worship Principles in the New Life Seventh-day Adventist Church in Nairobi, Kenya, Thomas Masimba
Applying Biblical Principles of Discipleship and United Team Work in the Owen Sound Seventh-day Adventist Church, Peter Caran
Applying Marketing Concepts to Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Education, David Stephen Penner
Applying the Biblical Practice of Meditation Among Adventist Frontier Mission Employees, Conrad Vine
A Pragmatic and Theological Evaluation of Management by Objectives in Seventh-day Adventist Conference Administration, Alfred Ernest Birch
A Prática da Caridade e da Beneficência Social na Igreja Cristã, Wagner Kuhn
A Principle-Based Model of Discipleship to Shape the Church as an Organic Community of Believers, Joel C. Barrios
A Program for Congregation-Based Short-Term International Evangelistic Campaigns, Lary E. Brown
A Program for Congregation-Based Short-Term International Evangelistic Campaigns, Lary E. Brown
A Program For Training In Personal Christian Witnessing To The Muslim Of Indonesia, Dumas Tambunan
A Program of Physical and Spiritual Practices for Youth at Takoma Academy, Anthony A. Medley
A Proposed Model Worship Service Incorporating a Biblical View of the Holiness of God for the Urbandale, Michigan Seventh-day Adventist Church, Ivan Charles Blake
A Proposed Paradigm of Personality as Explored Through the Relationship Between Moral Reasoning and Cognitive Flexibility, Karen I. Madgwick
A Proposed Psycho-Social Support System For Ministers' Wives Of The Seventh-Day Adventist Church In North America, John David Watts
A Proposed Strategy for a Seventh-day Adventist Ministry on Community Radio in Norway, Terje Jacobsen
A Psychological Profile Analysis of Selected Employees of the Indiana Department of Correction, Stanley Kent Showalter
A Qualitative Study of Long-Term Retention of Midwestern Child Welfare Workers, Andrea Vajdic-Pena
A Quantitative Case Study of Transformational Leadership Characteristics of Valley View University in Ghana, Isaac Boateng
A randomized clinical trial on the effects of extracorporeal shockwave therapy, joint mobilizations and exercise on plantar heel pain in patients with plantar fasciitis., Elizabeth Oakley and Paolo Sanzo
Archaeology, the Ancient World, and the Bible: an Integrated Evangelistic Approach, Franke Jon Zollman
A Re-examination of Luther ’s View on the State of the Dead, Trevor O'Reggio
A Reflection on Leadership Principles in the New Testament, Stanley E. Patterson
A Reflection on Leadership Principles in the Old Testament, Skip Bell
A Reflection on Two Metaphors, Earl Kumfer
A Republic 'on Earth as it Is in Heaven': the Freedom of the Fall in Paradise Lost and His Dark Materials, Jordan Arellano
A Revisitation of the WISC-R Factor Structure with Adequate Sample Size, Systematic Control of Both IQ and Age Ranges, and the Use of Procedures to Limit Overfactorization, Rudolph D. Bailey
Are Women Aware? : Factors Related to Women's Knowledge of Risk and Preventive Factors in Breast Cancer, Sandra M. Walther
A Rhetorical Analysis of Theodore Hesburgh's Fund-Raising Speeches for the University of Notre Dame, Peggie Mathaba Ncube
Arthur Whitefield Spalding : A Study of His Life and Contributions to Family-Life Education in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Allan William Freed
Art professor Kari Friestad's poster and and artwork
A Search for Clarification: Contemporary Views of the Inspiration and Authority of the Bible in Seventh-day Adventism, Michael Swenson
A Search for Relevancy, Michael Pichot
A Second Chance for Christian Education: Strategies for a New Approach to Christian Education in Nigeria in View of the Current Search for Educational Relevance, Silvanus Ndukuba Chioma
A Secular Threat, Nicholas P. Miller
A Semantic Analysis of Aramaic Ostraca of Syria-Palestine During the Persian Period, Gerald Klingbeil
A Seminar on Adventists, Adornment, and Jewelry, Dennis H. Braun
A Seminar to Improve Interpersonal Relations Among Members of the Waipahu Seventh-day Adventist Church, Eliezer A. Graterol
A Sequential Study of Revelation 1-14 Emphasizing the Judgment Motif : With Implications for Seventh-day Adventist Apocalyptic Pedagogy, Richard Fredericks
A Seventh-day Adventist Concept of the Kingdom of God and its Implication for Religious Education, Alvinus Desmond Bhola
A Short Grammar of Biblical Aramaic, Alger F. Johns
Ashram: a Contextualized Model for Discipling the Hindus of Tamil Nadu, Poovelingam R. Solomon
Aspects of the Remnant Concept in the Gospel of Matthew, Edgar A. Johnson
A Spiritual Model For Recovery Of Pastors Suffering Burnout (The Pine Springs Retreat), Charles Martin Liu
Assessing Biblical Spirituality in the Culture of the Master of Divinity Program: Implications for the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Jon Michael Harris
Assessing the Social-Psychological Interior of the Family : an Empirical Basis for the Study of Family Functions, John Edward Rodgers
A Statement on Biblical Spirituality, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary
A Statement on the Biblical Doctrine of Creation, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary
A Statistical Model for Seventh-day Adventist White English-Speaking Church Growth in the United States, Des Cummings
A Strategic Model of Short-term Missions for the Andrews Korean Seventh-day Adventist Church, Won Young Bong
A Strategy for Pastors to Mobilize and Equip Lay Members for Evangelism in Tanzania, Herry Mhando
A Strategy for Poverty Reduction Among Seventh-day Adventist Members in Kenya, Joseph B. Nyagwoka
A Strategy for Small Group Relational Evangelism for the Ukiah Seventh-day Adventist Church, Ralph S. Watts III
A Strategy for the Use of Videotaped Sermons in a Multi-Church District, Lloyd Edwin Hallock
A Strategy to Engage Islamic Youth and Young Adults in Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia, Matthew F. Kamara
A Strategy to Strengthen the Role and Function of the District Pastor for Effective Leadership and Guidance of Local Churches in Ghana, Paul Adu Sampah
A Structural Equation Model of the Influence of Personal, Behavioral, and Environmental Factors on the Writing Performance of First-year Students at a Selected Michigan Community College, Thula I. Norton Lambert
A Structural-Functional Approach to Attitudes : Development and Application of a Theoretical Framework, Alberto Mario Dos Santos
A Study in Red: The Codification and Practical Application of a Copyediting Procedure, Nathan Berglund
A Study of Atmospheric Effects in Open Space Optical Communications, Enoc Gallegos
A Study of Attitudes of Seventh-day Adventist Members in the Greater Toronto Area, Wayne Martin, Roger Dudley, and Des Cummings Jr.
A Study of Attitudes toward Christian Education in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Roger Dudley
A Study of Attitudes Toward, Giving Among Seventh-day Adventists in the North American Division, Roger L. Dudley and Annette Melgosa
A Study of Birefringence in Sweeteners and the correlation with metabolic processes and reactions in teeth, Luis Pantaleon
A Study Of Church Planting And Growth Patterns Of Eight Korean Seventh-Day Adventist Congregations In The Eastern North America, Hai Chong Pak
A Study of Creative Conflict Management and Christian Reconciliation With a Proposed Seminar for Seventh-day Adventist Ministers in the Caribbean and West Indies Unions, Winston Anthony Richards
A Study of Curricular and Spatial Characteristics of Selected Public and Private Secondary School Facilities Constructed from 1967 Through 1976 in Puerto Rico, Manuel Velazquez Jr.
A Study of Deuteronomic and Priestly Legislation With Particular Reference to Clean and Unclean Foods, Vivienne J. Fletcher-Watts
A Study of Evangelism of West Indian Immigrants in Five Seventh-Day Adventist Churches in Toronto, Canda, Aaron R. Hitlall
A Study of Factors Related to the Numerical Growth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Iceland from 1950 to 1980, Steinthor Thordarson
A Study of Factors Relating to Church Growth and Apostasy in the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Roger Dudley
A Study of Factors Relating to Church Growth in the Greater Atlanta Area, Roger Dudley
A Study of Factors Relating to Church Growth in the Ohio Conference of Seventh-day Adventist, Roger L. Dudley, Des Cummings, and Tim Garrison
A Study of Factors Relating to Urban Church Growth in the North American Division of Seventh-Day Adventist, Monte Sahlin
A Study of Gender-Role Attitudes Among Contemporary White and African American Couples, Margaret Cecile Dust
A Study of Group Attitudes Toward the Professional Status of Teachers in Selected Adventist Elementary and Secondary Schools, Edward Joseph Kunitz
A Study of Hemispheric Preference As It Relates to Reading and Recalling Nonsense Words from a Card Reader, Charlotte V. Groff
A Study Of Issues And Problems Women Face In Attempting To Pursue Careers In Educational Administration In Kenya, Bertha Kirigo Mutai
A Study of K-12 Teachers in Small School Districts : Their Levels of Stress, the Source of Stress, and the Effect of Initiating Coping Strategies, Roberta J. Farwell
A Study of Parental Attitudes Regarding Secondary Boarding Schools of the Mid-America Union of Seventh-day Adventists, Lawrence Gilbert Kromann
A Study of Perceptions Held Toward Teacher Evaluation Policies and Practices by Teachers and Their Supervisors in Adventist Schools in Canada, Dave Densil Higgins
A Study of Racial Transition in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Roger L. Dudley, Wayne Martin, Serena Gui, and Des Cummings
A Study of Religious Attitudes and Problems as Perceived by Current and Former Seventh-day Adventist Students at Seventh-day Adventist Mission Secondary Schools in Hong Kong, Daniel Gim-Teng Chuah
A Study of Select Decisions That Fostered the Growth and Development of Solusi University in Zimbabwe, Israel Sampson Mfune
A Study of Selected Administrative Issues in the History and Development of Newbold College, Derek Crowther Beardsell
A Study of Self-Concept of Hearing-Impaired Students as Compared to the Self-Concept of Normal-Hearing Students, Wayne K. Wright
A Study of Seventh-Day Adventist Church Membership, Unknown
A Study of Spiritual Gifts With a Program Designed for Its Understanding and Implementation by a Local Congregation, Lester Levi Bennett
A Study of Student and Faculty Perceptions of the Religious Environment of Andrews University in Relation to Religiosity, Walter M. Booth
A Study of Teacher Motivation in Five Selected Seventh-day Adventist Colleges in the United States, Allen F. Stembridge
A Study of the Attitudes of seventh-day Adventist Members in the Greater Toronto Area, Roger Dudley
A Study of the Attitudes of the Adventist Church Members in Taiwan Toward the Support of Seventh-day Adventist Christian Education, Paul Fu-sheng Cho
A Study of the Career Aspirations of Selected Jamaican College Students : Implications for Educational Program and National Manpower Development, Newton W. Hoilette
A Study of the Cleansing of the Sanctuary in Relation to Current Denominational History, Donald Karr Short
A Study Of The Discriminative Function Of Six Variables In 9-12-Year-Old Males With Learning Disabilities, Kenneth M. Hanig
A Study of the Duties of the Elders of Local Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Chile: a Needs Assessment, Rolando A. Itin
A Study of the Educational Administrator's Responsibility for Facility Planning as Seen by the Public-School Superintendents and Private-School Principals in Southwestern Michigan, Gado Appollo Ongwela
A Study Of The Functions Of Ministry And Laity With Special Reference To The East Caribbean Conference Of Seventh-Day Adventists, Samuel H. Joseph
A Study of the Growth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Joel Sarli
A Study of the Growth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Joel Sarli
A Study of the Internal Family Systems Model Applied to Remarried Couples of Stepfamilies in Different Stages of Adjustment, Susan Marie Carter
A Study of the Leadership Training Needs as Perceived by the Secondary School Principals of Fiji, Nemani W. Tausere
A Study of the Out-Of-Class Experiences of Saint Mary's College Students Studying in Maynooth, Ireland, Carolyn S. Langley
A Study of the Perceived Influence of Collective Bargaining on the Functional Role of the Michigan High School Principal, David R. Clark
A Study of the Relationship Between Followership Modalities and Leadership Styles Among Educators at Selected High Schools in Jackson, Mississippi, Joyce Elaine Johnson
A Study of the Relationship Between Loneliness and Internet Use Among University Students, Katherine L. Dittmann
A Study of the Relationship Between Police Stress and Moral Reasoning, Coping Mechanisms, and Selected Demographic Variables, Harvey J. Burnett
A Study of the Relationship Between Psychological Androgyny and College Adjustment Among Korean American College Students, Daniel Donghyun Kim
A Study of the Religious Attitudes and Behaviors of Seventh-day Adventist Adolescents in North America Related to their Family, Educational, and Church Backgrounds, Janet Leigh Kangas
A Study of the Self-Esteem of Delinquent Male Adolescents and the Perceived Degree of their Parents' Child-Rearing Practices, Dayton Chin Chong
A Study of Warfare Theodicy in the Writings of Ellen G. White and Gregory A. Boyd, Martha O. Duah
A Study of Why Seventh-day Adventists Who Attended S.D.A. Schools Separate From Their Church, Grey Banta
A Study of Women In the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Roger L. Dudley, Tim Garrison, and Des Cummings Jr.
A Study of Women in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Roger Dudley
A Study on Selected Factors Influencing School Choice Among the Seventh-day Adventist Population in Southwest Michigan, Philip Omenge Mainda
A Study On Various Factors and Their Relationship to Burnout Among Seventh-day Adventist Clergy, W. Don Edwards
A Suggested Methodology for Establishing Evangelistic Contact With the Upper Classes in Jamaica, Denton W. Rhone
Asuntos Legales en el Ministerio, Ricardo Norton
A Survey of Leadership Standards for Professional Preparation of Public School Principals in Kuwait, Amal EEHE Alansari
A Survey of Pacific Press Authors and Their Manuscript Submission Habits, Glen Robinson
A Survey of Readers of the Adventist Review, Roger Dudley
A Survey of Selected Aspects of the Practice of Ecclesiastical Appointment in the New Testament, Early Christian, and Seventh-day Adventist Church, Gerald T. du Preez
A Survey of Subscribers and Nonsubscribers to the Adventist Review., Roger Dudley
As We Forgive / Catherine Claire Larson [book review], Cristian Dumitrescu
A Synthesis of Leadership Principles Emerging from the New Testament, Stan Patterson
Ataraxia: A Modern Platonic Utopia, Jeremy Burton
A Theological Foundation for the Use of Artistic Mediums and Technology in Preaching and Evangelism, Jessica-Robyn Sarah Trevithick
A Theoretical Proposal for Reaching Irreligious Czech People Through a Mission Revitalization Movement, Petr Cincala
A Theoretical Proposal for Reaching Irreligious Czech People through a Mission Revitalization Movement, Petr Cincala
A Time to Gain and a Time to Lose, Jacques R. Doukhan
A Training Program for Lay Evangelists in the Principles of Communication, Carl Fletcher
A Training Program for Leadership in Group Processes Designed to Help Establish New Members in the West Indies SDA Churches, John C. Palmer
A Training Program in Pastoral Responsibilities for Church Elders in Lusaka, Zambia, Pardon Kandanga Mwansa
A Training Seminar for Preaching: Developing Effective Preaching Skills, Frank Ottati
Attachment and the Church: Toward an Understanding of the Bonding Factors for Youth and Young Adults as Applied to Their Relationship to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Hadley Phillip Muthersbaugh
Attitudes about worship Seventh-day Adventist in North America, Unknown
Attitudes and Approaches to the Evangelization of Muslims in the Middle East, Ray Lee Roth
Attitudes and Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists Concerning Psychology, Counseling, and Mental Health Issues, Kristy Koeppe
Attitudes of Junior High Teachers Towards Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities in Inclusive Classes in Public Schools in New Providence, Bahamas, Virginia Alicia Romer
Attitudes of Male Administrators Toward Hiring and Promoting Female Administrators in the Seventh-day Adventist Educational System in the North American Division, Hessen C. Ghazal
Attitudes Toward Muslim Lebanese Women in Religious Resurgence: a Study of 284 University Students, Bassima Schbley and Lori Maria Walton
Attitudes Toward Women In Ministry, Roger L. Dudley
Attitudes toward Women in Ministry by Pastors in North America and Religion Teachers in Adventist Higher Education, Roger Dudley
Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control as Indicators for Nurse Educators’ Intention to Use Critical Thinking Teaching Strategies: a Structural Equation Model Analysis, Angerlita Yolanda Smith
A two-minute paper and pencil test of symbolic and nonsymbolic numerical magnitude processing explains variability in primary school children’s arithmetic competence, Nadia Nosworthy, Stephanie Bugden, Lisa Archibald, Barrie Evans, and Daniel Ansari
Auditing's Ripple Effect: Divergence After Enron, Kelley Wolff
Authored Portraits, Jason Lemon
Authorizing Shakespeare on Film and Television: Gender, Class, and Ethnicity in Adaptation, L Monique Pittman
Autobiography of Joseph Bates: With Additional Material from Two Later Editions of the Same Work, Joseph Bates
Autobiography of Joseph Bates: With Additional Material from Two Later Editions of the Same Work, Joseph Bates and Gary Land
Automatic summarization of clinical abstracts for evidence-based medicine, Rodney Summerscales
Avaliacao da Revista do Anciao com o Fim de Melhorar sua Eficacia na Preparacao De Anciaos para O Ministerio, Paulo Roberto Pinheiro
A Validation and Comparative Study of Kinetic Family Drawings of Native American Children, Sheryl A. Gregory
A Vision for Growth and Conservation in the Village of Berrien Springs & Oronoko Charter Township, Michigan, The 2011 Urban Design Studio, Andrew C. von Maur, Paula Dronen, and Jesse Hibler
A Voice from the Back Seat, Jerry Chase
Avoiding Comfortable Syncretism by Doing Critical Contextualization, Bruce L. Bauer
A Worldview Approach to Ministry Among Muslim Women / Cynthia A. Strong and Meg Page [book review], Cristian Dumitrescu
A Youth Leadership Development Program for Small Group Leaders at the Westchester Seventh-day Adventist Church in Miami, Florida, Denis Leroy Sand
B-1 Analysis of Factors that Affect the Hatching Success of Gull Eggs, Lynelle M. Weldon
B-1 Do Adventists Care about Their Communities? An Exploration of Personal Religious Practices and Community Service Involvement among SDA Faculty and Staff, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Alissa R. Mayer, and John T. Gavin
B-1 Psalm 1: "From Obedience to Eternity", Maksym S. Gordiienko
B-1 Rocky story of change: The Pleistocene deposits of Protection Island, James L. Hayward, Shandelle M. Henson, Roy E. Jenson, and Robert Cushman
B-1 Trinitarian Development in the Early Danish Adventist Church, Paul B. Petersen
B-2 Changing sea surface temperature alters timescale of reproductive synchrony in seabird colony, Shandelle M. Henson and James L. Hayward
B-2 Lessons and Legacies of the Role of Scripture in Scottish Missions to Contemporary Missionary Praxis, Kelvin Onongha
B-2 Pediatric Asthma Management in Schools, Gisele Kuhn
B-2 Tentmaking in the 21st Century: Theological and Missiological Implications for the Adventist Church, Kelvin Onongha
B-2 The Conditionality and Unconditionality in the Latter Prophets' Prophecies, Ronald Rojas
B-3 A Lesson of Unity from Catholicism: The Experience of Maurice Blondel and Alfred Loisy during the Challenge of Modernism, Davide Sciarabba
B-3 Combinational effects in weed suppression by deleterious rhizobacteria, Athena Smith and Robert Zdor
B-3 Current Trends in Pastoral Family Stress, David Sedlacek
B-3 Enhancing Leadership Skills in Baccalaureate Junior Level Students, Gisel Schmidt
B-3 New Testament and Demonization: Are Demons Respecters of Persons?, Christopher R. Mwashinga
B-4 Effects of walnuts consumption on cognitive performance in young adults, Peter Pribis
B-4 Greenhouse Emissions from Tofu Production, Alfred Mejia, K. Jaceldo, J. Sabaté, H. Harwatt, Soret Samuel, and K. Sranacharoenpong
B-4 Locus of Authority in Hans Küng's paradigm, Arlyn S. Drew
B-4 The role of Christian Doctrine in contemporary Theological Interpretation of Scripture: a brief analysis, Adriani Milli Rodrigues
B-5 Early Childhood Education Training in South Africa, Heather Ferguson
Bab edh-Dhra', Numeira, and the Biblical Patriarchs: a Chronological Study, Kris J. Udd
Baby Boomers and the Church: a Seminar Towards Understanding, Gary E. Russell
Bacterial Cyanogenesis: Impact on Biotic Interactions, Robert E. Zdor
Balancing Justice and Mercy: Redemptive Ways of Dealing With Adolescent Substance Abuse, Curtis J. VanderWall, Alissa R. Mayer, Krista Cooper, and Laura Racovita-Szilagyi
Banquet, Andrews University
Barrio Capital De Analco: A Living Capitol Neighborhood for Santa Fe, New Mexico, The 2009 Urban Design Studio, Andrew C. von Maur, Paula Dronen, and Daniel Acevedo
BA & Undergraduate Certificate in Islamic Studies: A First for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Velda Cox
Because God Said I Was! A History of the Power Struggles within the Davidian and Branch Davidian Sects of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Rebekah Ann Crowe
Becoming Gay and Lesbian: Identity Construction Among Seventh-day Adventist Homosexuals, Rene' D. Drumm
Behavioral Sciences Department Logo, Andrews University
Being Humans: Biology, Faith, & Human Nature, Karl G. D. Bailey
Beliefs and Practices of Expert Respiratory Care Faculty on Critical-Thinking Learning: a Case Study, James Leland Hulse
Believing Brains? Cognitive Approaches to Faith and Reason, Karl G. D. Bailey
Belinda Cheeseboro (left) explains her poster "Accessing Information Using LVAlert and Python", Andrews University
Benefits, Challenges and Strategies of Open Access And Repository Implementation in Seventh-Day Adventist University Libraries: An International Perspective, Silas Bruscagin Marques Dr.
Benefits to Adolescents Who Perform Community Service: A Perspective from Adolescent Health Researchers, Gary Hopkins, Duane C. McBride, Brent C. Featherston, Peter C. Gleason, and Jacqueline Moreno
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo in the Acute Hospital Setting: Review of a Novel Means for Examination and Intervention, Daniel Stam, David Village, and Lee Olson
Benjamin Kilchor, Andrews University
Between Law and Grace: Ritual and Ritual Studies in Recent Evangelical Thought, Gerald Klingbeil
Between the Ideal and the Actual, William G. Johnsson
Beyond Beliefs 3: Our dataset - what is in it, how we got it cheaply, how we’re taking it global, how you may be able to use it, or use our strategies to obtain your own dataset quickly and cheaply, Leanne M. Sigvartsen, Jan. A. Sigvartsen, and Paul B. Petersen
Beyond Beliefs: What Millenial Young Adults Really Think of the 28 Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Paul B. Petersen, Jan A. Sigvartsen, and Leanne M. Sigvartsen
Beyond Imagination, John Templeton Baldwin, Jerry D. Thomas, and L. James Gibson
Beyond the American Dream : Tales of Hispanic Mutimillionaires Who Rose Above Poverty after Immigrating to the United States, Ricardo Norton
BibleWorks 9.0 on DVD-ROM [book review], Kelvin Okey Onongha
Biblical and Theological Studies on the Trinity, Paul B. Petersen and Robert K. McIver
Biblical Authority and Moral Responsibility: The Word Cannot Be Silenced, But Must Not Be Made Void, Miroslav Kis
Biblical Interpretation and Moral Authority, Miroslav Kis
Biblical Narratives and Christian Decision, Miroslav Kis
Biblical Principles for Missiological Issues in Africa, Bruce Bauer and Wagner Kuhn
Biblical Sources in the Development of the Concept of the Soul in the Writings of the Fathers of the Early Christian church, 100-325 C.E., Thomas W. Toews
Bibliography of Recommended Lists of Books and Journals for Health Sciences Libraries, Lawrence W. Onsager
“Big data” in workplace research: Using high technology to assess workplace collaboration, Jay Brand and Gabor Nagy
Big-Shouldered Shakespeare: Three Shrews at Chicago Shakespeare Theater, L. Monique Pittman
Biology: a Seventh-day Adventist Approach for Students and Teachers, H. Thomas Goodwin
Biology Department Logo, Andrews University
Bipolar Preaching For Hispanic Evangelism In The North American Division, Eradio Alonso
Blessing in Kind: An Exploration of Principle in Short-Term Mission Trips, Lary E. Brown
Book Review of A Dictionary of Bible Plants. Bulletin for Biblical Research, by John Lytton, 2012, Gerald Klingbeil
[Book Review of] Adventism and Ellen White: A Phenomenon of Religious Materialism, by Thomas McElwain, Denis Kaiser
Book Review of A Letter That Has Not Been Read: Dreams in the Hebrew Bible, by Shaul Bar, Jiri Moskala
Book Review of Analytical Key to the Old Testament, by John Joseph Owens, Jacques R. Doukhan
Book Review of An English to Akkadian Companion to the Assyrian Dictionaries, by Mark E. Cohen, 2011., Gerald Klingbeil
Book Review of Brad: Visionary Spiritual Leadership, by Harold L. Lee, with Monte Sahlin, Trevor O'Reggio
Book Review of Carl F.H. Henry, by Bob E. Patterson, Miroslav Kis
Book Review of Christian Belief in a Postmodern World: The Full Wealth of Conviction, by Diogenes Allen, Fernando L. Canale
Book Review of Creation and Blessing: A Guide to the Study and Exposition of the Book of Genesis, by Allen P. Ross, Jacques R. Doukhan
Book Review of Daniel on Solid Ground, by Arthur J. Ferch, Jacques R. Doukhan
Book Review of Deep and Wide: Creating Churches People Love to Attend, by Andy Stanley, 2012., Ricardo Norton
Book Review of Deliverance in the Psalms: Messages of Hope for Today, by Hans K. LaRondelle, Richard M. Davidson
Book Review of Divine Rest for Human Restlessness: a Theological Study of the Good News of the Sabbath for Today, Niels-Erik Andreasen
Book Review of Eat that frog: 21 Great ways to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time, by Tracy, B. (2007, 2nd ed.), Stan Patterson and Michael Adomako
Book Review of Faith & Reason: Searching for a Rational Faith, by Ronald H. Nash, Fernando L. Canale
Book Review of Family Ministry: A Comprehensive Guide, 2nd ed., by Diana Garland, 2012., David Sedlacek
Book Review of Fathers and Daughters in the Hebrew Bible, by Johanna Stiebert, 2013, Gerald Klingbeil
Book Review of Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons, by Thabiti M. Anyabwile (2012), David Penno
Book Review of Four Views on the Warning Passages in Hebrews, ed. by Herbert W. Bateman IV, Felix H. Cortez
Book Review of God Who Creates: Essays in Honor of W. Sibley Towner, by William P. Brown and S. Dean McBride, Jr., Richard M. Davidson
Book Review of Innovation und Tradition: Zur Herstellung und Verwendung von Prestigegütern im pharaonischen Ägypten, by Heike Wilde (2011), Gerald Klingbeil
Book Review of Inspiration: Hard Questions, Honest Answers, by Alden Thompson, Fernando L. Canale
Book Review of Judah in the Neo-Babylonian Period: The Archaeology of Desolation, by Avraham Faust, Paul Ray
Book Review of Leading God’s people: Wisdom from the early church for today, by Beeley, C.A. (2010), Stan Patterson
Book Review of Management: A Faith-Based Perspective, by Michael E. Cafferky, Annetta M. Gibson and Charles H. Tidwell Jr.
Book Review of Meeting the ethical challenges of leadership: Casting light or shadow, by Craig E. Johnson, Duane Covrig
Book Review of Metaphysics and the Idea of God, by Wolfhart Pannenberg and translated by Philip Clayton, Fernando L. Canale
Book Review of Numeri Kapitel 1,1–10,10 , (2012); Numeri Kapitel 10,11–22,1, (2003); Numeri Kapitel 22,2–36,13 (2007), by Horst Seebass., Gerald Klingbeil
Book Review of Old Testament Grace, by Jon Dybdahl, Jacques R. Doukhan
Book Review of Passaporte Para a Missão, edited by Cheryl Doss, Wagner Kuhn
Book Review of Pastoral Ethics: Professional Responsibilities of the Clergy, by Gaylord Noyce, Miroslav Kis
Book Review of Peacemaking Remnant: Essays and Historical Documents, edited by Douglas Morgan, Trevor O'Reggio
Book Review of Peer to peer leader: Why the Network is the Leader, Stanley E. Patterson
Book Review of Resolving everyday conflict, by Sande, K., Johnson, K. (2011), Stanley E. Patterson and Fenades Obinchu
Book Review of Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes, by Eamon Duffy, Darius Jankiewicz
Book Review of Selected Studies on Prophetic Interpretation, by William H. Shea, Richard M. Davidson
Book Review of The Craft of Theology: From Symbol to System, by Avery Dulles, Fernando L. Canale
Book Review of The death of the Messiah. From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives in the Four Gospels, by Raymond E. Brown, Thomas Shepherd
Book Review of The Integrated Church: Authentic Multicultural Ministry, by Tracy M. Lewis Giggetts (2011), David Penno
Book Review of The Intellect and Beyond, by Oliver R. Barclay, Miroslav Kis
Book Review of The Living and Active Word of God: Studies in Honor of Samuel J. Schultz, edited by Morris Inch and Ronald Youngblood, Richard M. Davidson
Book Review of The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion, by editors in chief R.J. Zwi Werblowsky, Geoffrey Wigoder, Jacques R. Doukhan
Book Review of The Problem of Poverty, by Abraham Kuyper; edited and introduced by James W. Skillen, Miroslav Kis
Book Review of The Promise of Trinitarian Theology, by Colin E. Gunton, Fernando L. Canale
Book Review of The Torn Veil: Matthew’s Exposition of the Death of Jesus by Daniel M. Gurtner, Felix H. Cortez
[Book Review of] Tidings Out of the Northeast: A General Historical Survey of Daniel 11, by Marc Alden Swearingen, Denis Kaiser
Book Review of Who Said Life is Fair?: Job and the Problem of Evil, by Jerry A. Gladson, Jacques R. Doukhan
Born Yesterday: The True Story of a Girl Born in the 20th Century but Raised in the 19th, Rachel Williams-Smith
Bounded and Centered Sets: Possible Applications for Adventist Mission, Bruce L. Bauer
Boyd speaks on "Honesty: The Foundation of Biblical Faith", Andrews University
Break, Andrews University
Break, Andrews University
Break, Andrews University
Break, Andrews University
Break, Andrews University
Break, Andrews University
Break, Andrews University
Break, Andrews University
Break, Andrews University
Break, Andrews University
Break, Andrews University
Breakfast, Andrews University
Breakfast, Andrews University
Breakfast, Andrews University
Breakfast, Andrews University
Breakfast, Andrews University
Breakfast, Andrews University
Breakfast, Andrews University
Breakfast, Andrews University
Breakfast, Andrews University
Breakout sessions, Andrews University
Breakout Sessions, Andrews University
Breakout Sessions, Andrews University
Breakout Sessions, Andrews University
Bringing Back Jobs: the Factors That Influence Decisions to Offshore and Reshore Jobs Back to the U.s., Jessica R. Wahlen
Budgeting in Higher Education, Annetta M. Gibson
Builder, Jerry A. Moon and Floyd Greenleaf
Building an Inculturation Alliance: Gospel and Cultures in Africa and North America, George R. Hunsberger
Building Community Volunteerism Among Seventh-day Adventist Church Mebers in Small Towns of North America, Wilma Zalabak
Business Research COMPLETE REPORT on an Accounting Software Satisfaction Survey within the North American Division of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Jean Renaud and Ishak Simatupang
C-1 Manatee Ecology and Conservation in Cuba, Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske, Anmari Alvarez-Aleman, Jorge Angulo-Valdes, and Mindy McLarty
C-1 Nutrition, exercise type, exercise intensity and stress and predictive relationship with premenstrual symptoms, Lori Maria Walton, Roan Asumbrado, Lindsey Machamer, and Mary Anne Behrens
C-1 Sentient or Silent? The Personification of Stones and Wood in Habakkuk 2, A. Rahel Schafer
C-1 Solomon on Monogamy: Is Song 6:8-9 really talking about Solomon’s harem?, Erick Mendieta
C-1 Using the Activity-Based Costing Approach to Measure the Cost of Quality in Higher Education: A Faculty Perspective, LeRoy Ruhupatty
C-2 Disenfranchised Grief: The Unwed Widow, Brenda Markert-Green
C-2 Justifying the God of the Akedah: Interpretation as Theodicy, Arlyn S. Drew
C-2 Mustard Seed Meal Influences on Velvetleaf Growth, Robert Zdor
C-2 Project Get Connected: An African American Church-Community Collaboration to Improve Mental Health Education, Support and Referrals, Curtis J. VanderWaal
C-2 The Impossibility of Repentance in Heb. 6:4-6, Erhard H. Gallos
C-3 A historical analysis of AWR’s impact in the East-Central Africa Division of the SDA church: A case study of Tanzania, Desrene Vernon
C-3 A System of Discipline: A Review of Classroom Management Models and Strategies, Ellen Rodrigues
C-3 Climate Change Mitigation Through Dietary Choices: Meat Analogues—A Case Study, Maximino Alfredo Mejia, Joan Sabate, Samuel Sotet, Griselda Uriegas-Mejia, Helen Harwatt, and Sherine Brown-Fraser
C-3 The Deliverance of “I” in Rom 7:24-25, Ronald Rojas
C-3 The Liminal Church: Exilic Consciousness and Adventist Theopolitics, Ante Jeroncic
C-4 A Diachronic Study of the Conditionalist Faith among Sabbatarian Adventists from 1845 to 1860, Denis Kaiser
C-4 Climbing the Rope Ladder to Success, Susan M. Taylor
C-4 Communication Practices from the History of the Waldenses, Kathleen M. Demsky and Melchizedek M. Ponniah
C-4 Evaluation of anodized aluminum for potential use as an interposer for the test socket industry, Boon-Chai Ng, Will Allen, Dominique Tan-Ng, and Lucas Marchado
C-4 Representative Headship in Genesis 1-3, Erick Mendieta
C-5 Implications of Emergent Media for Communication Pedagogy, Melchizedek M. Ponniah, Delyse Steyn, and Desrene Vernon
Called to be Church: The Book of Acts for a New Day / Anthony B. Robinson and Robert W. Wall [book review], Wagner Kuhn
Can a Prophet Err?, Jiri Moskala
Can Church Planting Movements Emerge in the West? Case Studies of Three Church Planting Strategies in Western Australia, Daniel Kewley and Sven Östring
Car Art, Greg Constantine
Career Concerns, Pathing, and Professional Development of High-School technology educators, Linda A. Tolan
Career Counseling Program for the South Ghana Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church, Samuel Amoh
Carl Helrich presents on "Uncertainty", Andrews University
Cause for Celebration or Concern?, Roger Dudley
Centripetal and “Centrifugal” Mission: Solomon and Jesus, Doug Matacio
Challenges of Tribal and Ethnic Diversity in Africa, John Shumba
Challenging Polygamy in a Muslim Community of South East Asia: A Case Study, G. P. P.
Change Across Cultures: A Narrative Approach to Social Transformation / Bruce Bradshaw [book review], Paulo de Oliveira
Change in Seventh-day Adventist Theology: a Study of the Problem of Doctrinal Development, Rolf J. Pöhler
Change Processes in Selected Private Institutions of Higher Education, Ronald Dean Herr
Changing Attitudes Towards Sexual Orientation and the Effect of Documentary Film, Michael Jon VanderWaal
Chaos, Fragility, and Change: Revisiting Laura Wingfield, Lydia M. Weiso
Characteristics of Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Adolescents Who Attempted Suicide, Juanita E. Trivino
Charting a Course for Missionary Education, Cheryl Doss
Charting the future for moral leadership, Craig E. Johnson and Duane Covrig
Chemistry and Biochemistry Department Logo, Andrews University
Chemistry professor Getahun Merga (right) explains his poster to interested undergraduate students
Children at Risk: Key Frontier for Adventist Mission, P. T. Pointe
Children in Armed Conflict: A Human Rights Dilemma, Afia Asamoah
Choose You This Day: Why It Matters What You Believe About Creation, Richard M. Davidson and Leonard Brand
Christ-Centered Discipleship: a Biblical Concept of Religious Education, Myung Soo Cho
Christian-Buddhist Dialogue in the Writings of Lynn A. De Silva, Tissa Brian De Alwis
Christian Faith Development for Students on Non-adventist College and University Campuses, Ronald R. Pickell
Christianity With Chinese Characteristics: The Origins and Evolution of Adventist Mission in a Chinese Province, Trevor O'Reggio and Jomo R. Smith
Christian Remnant – African Folk Church: Seventh-Day Adventism in Tanzania 1903-1980 / Stefan Hoeschele [book review], Russell L. Staples
Christian's Aren't Perfect ...: Christ's Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary, Felix H. Cortez
Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church, and the Bible / M. Daniel Carroll R. [book review], Cristian Dumitrescu
Christian Worship and Cultural Diversity: A Missiological Perspective, Bruce L. Bauer
Christmas Festival of Lights, Richard M. Davidson
Christ's Entry "Within the Veil" in Hebrews 6:19-20: The Old Testament Background, Richard M. Davidson
Christ's Heavenly Sanctuary Ministry, Roy Gane
Church, Andrews University
Church, Andrews University
Church and Society in Adventism: Some Reflections, Kwabena Donkor
Church and Society: Missiological Challenges for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Rudi Maier
Church Discipline and Grace, Stefan Radu
Churches, Mission, and Structure: An Internet Sampling, Bruce Campbell Moyer
Church Leadership in a Multicultural World, Harold L. Lee
Church Planting Among Refugees in Perth, Australia, Glenn Townend
Church Planting as Growth Strategy: Is it Effective?, Skip Bell and Rod Davis
Church Planting in Unentered Areas in the South American Division, Cristhian Alvarez Zaldúa
Church Revitalization after the Velvet Revolution in the Czech Republic, Petr Činčala
Church, Sect, and Government Control, a History of Seventh-Day Adventists in Austria, 1890-1975, Daniel Heinz
Clark H. Pinnock's Shift in His Doctrine of Biblical Authority and Reliability, an Analysis and Critique, Ray C. Roennfeldt
Classifying Ethnographic Photographs from Tall Hisban: Toward an Improved Process for Analyzing Old Photographs from Jordan, Doneva Walker
Classroom Implementation of Cooperative Learning: Qualitative Case Studies of Three Early Elementary Teachers, W. Philip Bassett
Classroom Teachers' Perceptions Of Seventh-Day Adventist Academy Principal's Effectiveness In The Lake Union Conference, Ritch Enos Kacelenga
Cleansing the Sanctuary of the Heart: Tools for Emotional Healing, David Sedlacek and Beverly Sedlacek
Clergy Family Systems Training and How It Changes Clergy Leadership Attitudes and Practices, Michael J. Aufderhar
Closing, Andrews University
Closing Remarks, Andrews University
"Clothes Make the (One Like a Son of) Man": Dress Imagery in Revelation 1 as an Indicator of High Priestly Status, Ross E. Winkle
Codependency in Master's-Level Counseling Students, Terri Lynne Pardee
Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Characteristics as Predictors of College Success Among African-American and Caucasian Students in a Comprehensive Community College, Denise Marie Scameheorn
Cognitive Styles and Measured Occupational Preferences of College Freshmen and Sophomores, Leonard M. Fisher
College Graduates' Perception of Placement-Service Impact at Three Selected Institutions of Higher Education in the Michiana Area, Javan Lukema Ntaganda
Combination and QCD Analysis of Charm Production Cross Section Measurements in Deep-Inelastic ep Scattering at HERA, Margarita C. K. Mattingly, ZEUS Collaboration, and H1 Collaboration
Communicating Adventist Beliefs in the Muslim Context, Jerald Whitehouse
Communicating Vision : a Linguistic Analysis of Leadership Speeches, Debrah J. Martin
Communication Department logo, Andrews University
Community Study, Wilmington Metropolitan Area, Monte Sahlin, Joanne Notturno, and Andy Clark
Comparative Study of the Physiological Effects of Three Passive Relaxation Techniques Administered to Mentally Retarded Children, Karen Holford
Comparison of International and American Doctoral Graduates' Expectations, Satisfaction, and Appropriateness of their Programs in Education at Andrews University, Libin Kutup Rampasan
Comparisons of Cultural Identities in Relation to Poverty, Amanda A. Corea
Competencies needed by Administrators as perceived by Officers and Committee Members in the North American Division, Roger Dudley and Lloyd Erickson
Competencies Needed by Administrators as Perceived by Officers and Committee Members in the North American Division, Roger Dudley
Competitiveness, Cooperativeness, and Assigning Grades in the High School Classroom, Nelson Edward Evans
Complete Cycle Experiments Using the Adiabatic Gas Law Apparatus, Mickey Kutzner and Mateja Plantak
Conceptual Frameworks and Research Models on Resilience in Leadership, Janet Ledesma
Concurrent Validity of the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory for Seventh-day Adventist Seminarians and Ministers, M. Lloyd Erickson
Conditional Immortality and Current Christian Physicalism, Nancey Murphy
Conference attendees enjoy a presentation, Sarah Burton
Conference attendees listen attentively to the Saturday presentations, Andrews University
Congrats: a Configurable Granular Trust Scheme for Effective Seller Selection in an E-marketplace, Ogbonnaya Boniface Akpa
Connected to Culture, Conformed to Christ: Exploring Alternate Forms of Worship, G. T. Ng
Connection and Isolation, Lynda Lee
Considering Levitical Food Laws, Jiri Moskala
Constituent Expectations of the Youth Ministries Department, Unknown
Constraints on Cosmic Strings from the LIGO-Virgo Gravitational Wave Detectors, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration
Constructing Short Fiction: The Creative Writing Process, Mark Joslin
Contemporary Plant Systematics, 4th Ed., Dennis W. Woodland
Contemporary Women's Issues As Perceived By Selected Groups of Women Within a Neo-Evangelical Protestant Church, Arlene Taylor
Contextualization and Syncretism: Navigating Cultural Currents / Gailyn Van Rheenen [book review], Lester Merklin
Contextualization in Daniel’s Use of God’s Names for Cross-Cultural Witness to Nebuchadnezzar, Sung Ik Kim
Contextualization in the context of mainstream ‘rock’ music listeners, Clifton Maberly
Contextualized Discipleship Ministries: Problematic, Legitimate, Imperative?, Mike Johnson
Controlling Methamphetamine Precursors: The View from the Trenches, Curtis J. VanderWaal Dr., Rachel M. Bishop, Duane C. McBride, Kimberly Rosales, Jamie F. Chriqui, Jean C. O'Connor, and Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath
Coping Strategies of Nontraditional Female Students, Desiree Davis
Correlates of Body Image of Undergraduate Females Attending Andrews University, Jennifer L. Dabros
Correlation Between the Leadership Practices of Lead Ministers and the Workplace Spirituality of Their Churches as Reported by Church Members, Richard A. DeVost
Correlations Between Old Aramaic Inscriptions and the Aramaic Section of Daniel, Zdravko Stefanovic
Cosmic Conflict as a Hermeneutical Framework for Mission Theology in the Old Testament, Cristian Dumitrescu
Cosmic Conflict as a Hermeneutical Framework for Mission Theology in the Old Testament, Cristian Dumitrescu
Cosmological Beliefs About Origins Related to Science Achievement Among Junior High-School Students in South Bend, Indiana, J David Van Dyke
Cost Analysis of the Visitor and Options for Cost Reduction, Monte Sahlin and Paul Richardson
Counselor Religiosity and its Relationship to the Willingness to Encourage Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Clients, AnnMarie Cutting
Creating Exciting Family Worship, S. Joseph Kidder
Creating Political Leaders: Lawyer Stories About Transitioning into Political Office in Canada, Ralph A. Chatoor
Creation Care and the Christian, Jo Ann Davidson
Creation in Isaiah, Wann M. Fanwar
Creative Discovery, Steven Hansen
Critical Thinking in Associate Degree Nursing Education, Nancy Tucker
Cross-Cultural Evangelism: The Challenge Facing Adventism Today, Patricia Jo Gustin
Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility / Duane Elmer [book review], Cheryl Doss
Crystal field and Zeeman splittings for energy levels of Nd3+ in hexagonal AlN, John B. Gruber, Gary W. Burdick, Ulrich Vetter, Brandon Mitchell, Volkmar Dierolf, and Hans Hofsass
C. S. Lewis’s The Great Divorce: An Adaptation for Reader’s Theater, Olivia Ruiz-Knott
Cultural Considerations in Understanding Domestic Violence Beliefs, Melissa Ponce-Rodas
Cultural Dynamics and the Church in the Philippines, Kenneth D. Mulzac
Cultural Intelligence: a Model to Empower the West Houston Seventh-day Adventist Church for Multicultural Ministry, Ashwin James Somasundram
Cultural Perception of Seventh-day Adventist Fundamental Beliefs through Big Data Analysis, Germán Harvey Alférez
Cultural Practices Challenging the Adventist Church: A Case Study on Polygamy in Ghana, Kwame Annor-Boahen
Current Ethnic Issues in the United States and Their Impact on the Church, James Williard Zackrison
Current Perspectives on Petrine Ministry and Papal Primacy, Denis Fortin
Curriculum Design and Language Learning: An Analysis of English Textbooks in Brazil, Ellen Nogueira Rodrigues
Cyanide Production by Pseudomonas putida ATH2-1RI/9 Under Biofilm Conditions, Ranita Campbell
Cytosolic Carboxypeptidase 5 and Cilia Development in Zebrafish, Philip E. Giddings IV
D-1 Gender and conversational interruption: A qualitative content analysis of five TV Discussion segments, Thula Lambert
D-1 Shakespeare and the Cultural Olympiad: Contesting Gender and the British Nation in the BBC’s Hollow Crown, L. Monique Pittman
D-1 The Influence of Prospect Theory on Student Loans in the US: How it Affects Students with Low Socio-economic Status Backgrounds, Protas A. Makimu
D-1 The Law in James, Erhard H. Gallos
D-2 A Conversational Analysis of Mix Marital Couples Conversation, Ellen Nogueira Rodrigues
D-2 Nationally Held Public Debt and Economic Growth: An Application to the US Economy, Lucile Sabas and Leroy Ruhupatty
D-2 Physiognomy, Art, and Artifice in The Rape of Lucrece and The Devil’s Law-Case, Vanessa Corredera
D-2 Typology and Adventist Eschatological Identity: Friend or Foe?, Erick Mendieta
D-3 Study Abroad Best Practices, Joel Raveloharimisy and Ave Altius
D-3 The “Day of the Lord” in Jubilees 3:9: A Textual Analysis in the Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Ronald Rojas
D-3 The Moral Realism of Iris Murdoch, Ante Jeroncic
D-3 Welcoming Nonverbal Behavior: A Case Study of Group Communication in Church, Katelyn Ruiz
D-4 Creation and Covenant: A Hermeneutical Analysis on the Correlation of the Seventh Day and the Biblical Sabbath, Sergio L. Silva
D-4 Early Developments of Harmonic Theory in the New World: Reflections on Two 17th-Century Mexican Treatises, Carlos A. Flores
D-4 Johann Samuel Schroeter Keyboard Concertos Op.5, Chi Yong Yun
D-4 Short Stories in the French Classroom: An additional way to seek knowledge, affirm faith and change the world?, Sonia R. Badenas
D-5 Poetic License, Greg Constantine
Daniel 8:14 and the Latter Days, Desmond Ford
Daniel and Friends: A Model for Witnessing, Carlos Elias Mora
Daniel Block, Andrews University
Daniel's Message to Modern Man, Paul Z. Gregor
Danjuma Daniel presents on leadership and management in medical institutions
D.A.R.E. Day! Implementing Evidence-Based Drug Education in an Adventist Educational Setting, Harvey J. Burnett Jr.
Das Christentum Begegnet dem Islam: Eine Religiöse Herausforderung / Daniel Heinz and Hans Heinz [book review], Børge Schantz
Data for Henson et al. 2014, Shandelle M. Henson, James L. Hayward, Gordon Atkins, Amanda Sandler, and Wadenerson Saint Martin
Data Warehousing and Decision Making in Higher Education in the United States, David Lester Heise
Date-setting in America for the Second Coming of Christ During the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century, Wayne A. Scriven
David Duarte presents on "Measuring the impact on the physical condition in school children exposed to Exergaming", Andrews University
Dealing with Doctrinal Issues in the Church: Part 1, Richard M. Davidson and Paul S. Ratsara
Dealing with Doctrinal Issues in the Church: Part 2, Richard M. Davidson and Paul S. Ratsara
Dealing with Doctrinal Issues in the Church: Part 3, Richard M. Davidson and Paul S. Ratsara
Dealing with Doctrinal Issues in the Church: Part 4, Richard M. Davidson and Paul S. Ratsara
Dealing with Doctrinal Issues in the Church: Proposal for Ground Rules, Paul S. Ratsara and Richard M. Davidson
Death Before the Sin of Adam: a Fundamental Concept in Theistic Evolution and its Implications for Evangelical Theology, Marco T. Terreros
Decentralization to facilitate mission, Bruce Bauer
Deconstructing Evangelical Theology?, Fernando L. Canale
Deconstruction of the E. G. White Statement “the greatest want of the world” as it Relates to Leadership, Trevor O'Reggio
Del Estacionamiento a la Plataforma: Como Integrar a los Jovenes Adventistas de Hialeah al Culto de Adoracion de la Iglesia, Carlos Allan Machado
Demographic Profile: the Adventist Community in North America, Monte Sahlin
Demonstrating Experiential Learning at the Graduate Level Using Portfolio Development and Reflection, David Winslow Rausch
Denominational Employees in the Adventist Church: How Many and Where are They Assigned?, Monte Sahlin
Department of Visual Art & Design, Andrews University
Dermal Reduction of Urushiols Using an Activated Charcoal Formulated Dermal Care Patch, Celena Cameron
Desarrollo de un Seminario de Educacion Familiar Como Estrategia Evangelistica para la Iglesia Adventista Hispana Lima Drive en Lexington, Kentucky, Samuel Peguero Colon
Desarrollo e Implementacion de una Escuela de Capacitation Laica Para la Union Colombiana Del Sur, Jose Aicardo Arias Quintero
Descriptions of Childhood Trauma, Effects of the Trauma, and How Adults Moved Through the Trauma to Normalized Behavior, Alice Katherine Schaaf
Descriptive Case Studies of Training, Research and Development in Computers and Related Instructional Technologies for Teachers at Three NCATE Universities, Anne L. Chandler
Desecration and Defilement in the Old Testament, Nilton Dutra Amorim
Design and Implementation of a Course to Train Lay Persons in the Southampton, Bermuda, SDA Church to Prepare and Preach Evangelistic Sermons, Sydney C. Gibbons
Designing, Activating, and Evaluating a Training Program for Small-Group Leaders in the Cleburne First Seventh-day Adventist Church, Richard William Peterson
Destructive Anger Among Adolescents: Management Strategies for Principals and Teachers, Elvin Gabriel and Kimberly Nelson
Detecting Malingered Psychotic Symptoms With the Rorschach Projective Technique, Kristin M. Batchelder
Detection of Free-ranging West Indian Manatees Trichechus Manatus Using Side-scan Sonar, Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske, Leon David Olivera-Gomez, and Robert E. Ford
Determining Social Preference of Holstein Cows Based on Stall Selection, Yoona Kang
Determining the Outcome of Legal Grievances: An Application of Game Theory to Tort Negotiations, Tyler Bodi
Developing a Discipleship Ministry for Seventh-day Adventist Churches in the West Central Korean Conference, Jae Sun Kim
Developing a Discipleship Strategy for the Dunamis Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brooklyn, New York, Donnieval Walker
Developing a Mentoring Model, Based on Christ's Approach to Discipleship, for Intern Pastors in the British Union, Desmond Gaius Boldeau
Developing a Model for Organizing and Administering Instructional Media Centers for Teacher Education in Iran, Mohammed Hossein Morovati
Developing a Model for the Organization, Administration, and Programs for Community Colleges in Malaysia, Boni Thadius Gaban
Developing and Implementing a Domestic Violence Intervention Strategy in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Evans Nwachukwu Nwaomah
Developing and Refining a Leadership Training for Pastors of Multi-Staff Churches in the Georgia-Cumberland Conference, Virgil Alan Covel
Developing an Empirical Basis for Selecting a Strategic-Planning Team from Among Likely Candidates Based on Desired Emotional Intelligence Competencies, Robert Allen Reindel
Developing a New Model for Church Planting in the Wisconsin Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Donald W. Corkum
Developing an Interdisciplinary Analysis and Application of Worldview Concepts for Christian Mission, Paulo Candido De Oliveira
Developing an Interdisciplinary Analysis and Application of Worldview Concepts for Christian Mission, Paulo Cândido de Oliveira
Developing an Intracellular Neurobiology Lab Sequence for Use in an Interdisciplinary Neurobiology Course, Aleksandra Kozlova-Harris
Developing a People Group Approach in Ghana as Illustrated in the Krobo Project, Francis Kwame Tenortey
Developing a Relationship-Based Evangelism Training Program to Equip Church Leaders and Members in the North Brazil Union, Davi Tavares
Developing a Series of Sabbath School Lessons on the Book of Zechariah, Philip G. Samaan
Developing a Vision Statement for the Luzo Brazilian Seventh-day Adventist Church in New Jersey, Paulo Macena
Developing, Implementing, and Testing a Training Program for Lay Pastoral Ministry in Selected Churches of the Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Kenneth Boynton Stout
Developing Life Skills : Perceptions of Graduates of the Adult, Non-Traditional Business and Management Programs at Indiana Wesleyan University, Joseph Robert Flowers
Developmental Processes Critical to the Formation of Servant Leaders in China, Thomas William Horn
Development and Empowerment of Women for Ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Francistown, Botswana, Leabaneng Providence Simankane
Development and Implementation of a Seminar to Combat the Effects of Pornography on Marriage in the Madison Community SDA Church and Strategies for Prevention, Abraham L. Swamidass
Development of a Biblical Paradigm for Ministry to Unbaptized Seventh-day Adventist Children, Seizou Wagatsuma
Development Of A Coping Mechanism Seminar For Single Parents Within A Seventh-Day Adventist Context, Elliott Claude Osborne
Development of An Institutional Research Model : Lake Michigan College, Jonas M. Dalton
Development of a Program for the Empowerment of Black Single Mother Families in the Church Congregation, Richardson Honore
Development of a Rationale and Methodology for the College-level Religion Course "Life and Teachings of Jesus", Loron T. Wade
Development of a spectrometer for diffuse reflectance of human skin for scientific and dermatological studies, Rusbel Dominguez
Development of the Concept of Salvation in Seventh-day Adventist Children and Adolescents 7 to 18 Years of Age Who Attend Public Schools, Bradley S. Booth
Development of the Concept of Salvation in the Argentinean and Paraguayan Seventh-day Adventist Children and Adolescents From Ages 6 to 17 Years, Victor Andr'es Korniejczuk
Development of the Participant's Manual for a Divorce Recovery Seminar, David Harnden White
Development Of West Indies College, 1907-1960: A Historical Study, Anthon C. Francis
Devotional, David Trim
Devotional, Paul Brantley
Devotional, Paul Brantley
Devotional, David Steen
Devotional, John Peckham
Devotional, Trevor O'Reggio
Devotional, John Reeve
Devotional, John C. Peckham
Diagnose Pastoral: Como Identificar e Curar Males que Impedem o Crescimento de sua Igreja, Ricardo Norton
Didactic Logic and the Authorship of Leviticus, Roy Gane
Differences Between Undergraduate and Graduate Students in Self-concept and Depression, Ann L. Woolley
Differential Perceptions of English Teachers About the Teaching of Literature in Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Schools in Selected Regions of the Caribbean, Shirley Ann McGarrell
Differential Perceptions of Teachers and Students About the Teaching and Learning of History in Secondary Schools of Trinidad and Tobago, Stephen Joseph
Dimensions of the Ideal Family as Perceived by Adolescents, Lily Hok-Neo Wong
Disassociation: An Investigation Into the Contributing Factors of Backsliding and Separation from the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Michigan, Louis C. Nielsen
Discipleship Master Plan: A Disciple-Making Strategy for the South Flint Seventh-day Adventist Church, Melvin S. Santos
Discipleship Process as a Catalyst for Mission Orientation in Chestnut Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church, Tara J. VinCross
Discontinuance from the Ministry by Seventh-day Adventist Ministers : a Qualitative Study, Smuts Van Rooyen
Discourse and Narrative: Creating Gender Control in Junot Diaz's the Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Charles Lee
Distribution and Conservation Status of Antillean Manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) in Honduras, Daniel González-Socoloske, Cynthia R. Taylor, and Olivia R. Rendon Thompson
Does God Change His Mind?, John C. Peckham
Does State Certification or Licensure Influence Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program Practices?, Jamie Chriqui, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Duane C. McBride, S Eidson, and Curtis VanderWaal
Doing Justly, Roy Gane
Dominant Characteristics and Predictive Factors that Motivate a Theology Career Choice in a Private Denominational University in São Paulo, Brazil, Gerson Pires Araujo
"Domus Ecclesiae": an Examination of House Churches, Charles James Griffin
Do State Policies Matter in Prosecutor-Reported Juvenile Marijuana Case Disposition?, Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath, Jamie F. Chriqui, Hannalori Bates, and Duane C. McBride
Drinking at the Sources, Jacques B. Doukhan
Dropping out of High School Among African Americans in Benton Harbor, Michigan : a Study of its Economic Implications, Dahlia E. Pottinger
Drug Treatment Program Ownership, Medicaid Acceptance, and Service Provision., Duane C. McBride, J. Chriqui, Y. Terry-McElrath, and M Mulatu
Duane McBride enjoying a presentation
E-1 Evaluation of the Electrical Resistance and Capacitance of a Di-Electric Electro-Active Polymer, Boon-Chai Ng
E-1 Open Your Hands: Poverty and Cross-Cultural Youth Missions, Glenn Russell
E-1 The Impact of Education on Entrepreneurship, Arian C. Emanuel and Kayla Piña
E-2 Cooperation between the U.S. and Diaspora Communities: Implications for Development and Foreign Policy, Joel L. Raveloharimisy and Kayla Piña
E-2 Isolation and Structure Determination of Carcinogenic Arginine-Based Heterocyclic Amines, Ryan T. Hayes, Tyler Pender, J.C. Lynch, Zach Reichert, and Andrew Stewart
E-2 The priesthood of Christ and the priesthood of all believers: connections between priestly Christology and Ecclesiology, Adriani Milli Rodrigues
E-3 Informal Institution Moramora and Distribution of Entrepreneurship in Madagascar, Joel L. Raveloharimisy
E-3 The Products of Research, Desmond Murray
E-3 The Subordination of the Son and the Submission of Women, Paul B. Petersen
E-4 Helping or hurting? The impact of call centers on the English teaching profession in Costa Rica, Janet Blackwood
Earliest Seventh-day Adventist Periodicals, George R. Knight
Earliest Seventh-day Adventist Periodicals, George R. Knight
East Lemonweir Church Membership, 1854-1867; History and Biographical Sketches, Lawrence W. Onsager
"Eating" and "Drinking" in the Book of Revelation: A Study of New Testament Thought and Theolgy, Gerald Klingbeil
Eating-Disorder Patterns in the Minnesota Multiphasic Personaity Inventory, Karen Baer-Barkley
Ecclesiastical Deadlock: James White Solves a Problem That Had No Answer, George R. Knight
Ecclesiology in Dialogue : a Critique of the Understanding of the Nature of the Church in the Thought of G. C. Berkouwer, Bruce Norman
Ecclesiology in Seventh-day Adventist theological research, 1995-2004: A Brief Introduction and Bibliographical Guide, Gerald Klingbeil
Editorial, Bruce L. Bauer
Editorial, Bruce L. Bauer
Editorial, Bruce L. Bauer
Editorial, Wagner Kuhn
Editorial, Bruce L. Bauer
Editorial, Bruce L. Bauer
Editorial, Bruce L. Bauer
Editorial, Bruce L. Bauer
Editorial, Bruce L. Bauer
Editorial, Bruce L. Bauer
Editorial, Bruce L. Bauer
Editorial, Bruce L. Bauer
Editorial, Bruce L. Bauer
Editorial: Institute of World Mission 45th Anniversary Issue, Rick McEdward
Educational Administrators and Computer Usage: Leadership Styles and Computer Attitudes in Small Secondary Schools in North America, Daniel Hong Lim
Educational Brain Research as Compared with E.G. White's Counsels to Educators, Linda Bryant Caviness
Educational Facility Space Guidelines for Seventh-Day Adventist Schools, K-12 in the United States, George P. Babcock
Education for Worship in the East Wenatchee Seventh-day Adventist Church, S. Joseph Kidder
Edward Alexander Sutherland and the Seventh-day Adventist Educational Reform: the Denominational Years, Warren Sidney Ashworth
Edward Snowden, Criminal or Patriot: Media Coverage of National Security Agency Document Leaks, Joyce M. Yoon
Effective Administration and Implementation of External Programs Addressing Social Issues Operating Within Schools, Roselyn R. Cole
Effective Methods of Communicating Organizational Values: A Case Study, Caralin B. McHan
Effective Middle School Teachers : Becoming "Real", Rhoda C. Sommers
Effect of doping and defects on the electronic structure of DWCNTs, Matias Soto
Effect of Latrunculin B on Phonotaxis in Induced Selective Crickets Treated With JHIII (Acheta domesticus), Jerome Martin
Effect of Velvetleaf Root Exudates on Indole-3-acetic Acid Production by Rhizobium rubi AT3-4RS/6, Amy Nadane
Effects of Administrator Implemented Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Grouping on Reading Achievement of Selected Sixth-Grade Students, Jerry L. Thacker
Effects of Adventist Engaged Encounter on Role Expectations and Growth in Premarital Relations, Jeffrey O. Brown
Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on the Visually Evoked Response in the Visual Cortex, Arni Holm
Effects of Music Relaxation Video on Pain and Anxiety for Women With Gynaecological Cancer Receiving Intracavitary Brachytherapy: a Randomised Controlled Trial, Grace Chu-Hui-Lin Chi, Anne Young, Judith McFarlane, Mary Watson, Robert L. Coleman, Patricia J. Eifel, Geri LoBiondi-Wood, Diane C. Bodurka, and Michael Richardson
Effects of Plastic Pollution Density on the Crawling Rates of Hawksbill Hatchlings in Utila, Honduras, Kyungje$eauthor Sung
Effects of Rational-Emotive Group Therapy Upon Anxiety and Self-Esteem of Learning Disabled Children, Donna J. Meyer
Effects of the Wisconsin Reading Design Comprehension Program on Reading Achievement and Self-Concept of Sixth Grade Students, Sandra Negley
Efficacy of Addiction Treatment in a Correctional Setting for Female Offenders as Measured by the Addiction Severity Index, Paul Robert Wiese
Egg Cannibalism in a Gull Colony Increases with Sea Surface Temperature, Lynelle M. Weldon, Shandelle M. Henson, James Hayward, Brianna G. Payne, Libby C. Megna, and Andre E. Moncrieff
Egyptian Idea of Canon in Literature and Some Possible Implications for Hebrew Scribal Traditions and the Writing of the Torah, James K. Hoffmeier
Egyptian Language Practice, a Model for Hebrew Poetic Use?, L.S. Baker Jr. and A. Rahel Schafer
El diezmo: su naturaleza y uso a la luz de la Biblia, Felix H. Cortez
Ellen G. White and the Apocrypha, Denis Fortin
Ellen G. White on Biblical Hermeneutics, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Ellen G. White Portrait, Harry S. Ahn
Ellen G. White's Conceptual Understanding of the Sanctuary and Hermeneutics, Denis Fortin
Ellen G. White's Counsel to Leaders in Conflict, Michael Thomas White
Ellen G. White’s Life of Christ: An Episode in the History of Early Adventist Translation Work, Denis Kaiser
Ellen White and the ‘Daily’ Conflict, Denis Kaiser
Ellen White’s Interpretation and Use of the Seven Letters of Revelation, Denis Fortin
Embodied Covenantal Instruction and Legal Reuse in Torah, Kenneth Bergland
Empathy and Cognitive Flexibility as Correlates of Forgiveness, Rebecca Bennett Katovsich
Employability Skills in the Undergraduate Business Curriculum and Job Market Preparedness : Perceptions of Faculty and Final-Year Students in Five Tertiary Institutions, Patrick Antonio Williams
Engineering and Computer Science Department Logo, Andrews University
English Department logo, Andrews University
Enhanced Interlayer Exchange Coupling in Co/Fe/MgO/Fe(001), Andrew Hoff
Enhancing Leadership Skills in Clinical Practicum: A Medical Surgical Nursing Class Experience, Gisela Schmidt
Enjoying a game of volleyball after a day of presentations, Sarah Burton
Enthusiasm and Charismatic Manifestations in Sabbatarian Adventism With Applications for the Seventh-day Adventist Church of the Late Twentieth Church, James Michael Wilson
Environmental Literacy of Seventh-day Adventist Teachers in the Parochial Schools of the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Michael Murdoch
Envision, Fall 2012, Andrews University
Envision, Fall 2013, Andrews University
Envision, Fall 2014, Andrews University
Envision, Spring 2010, Andrews University
Envision, Spring 2012, Andrews University
Envision, Winter 2011, Andrews University
Equal Reproductive Success of Phenotypes in the Larus Glaucescens-Occidentalis Complex, Shandelle M. Henson, Libby C. Megna, Andre E. Moncrieff, and James Hayward
Equal Reproductive Success of Phenotypes in the Larus glaucescens–occidentalis Complex, Libby C. Megna, Andre E. Moncrieff, James Hayward, and Shandelle M. Henson
Equine Misbehavior and Its Relationship to Temperament and Rider Induced Stress, Taylor Huffman
Equipping Church Members for Contextualized Discipleship in Osaka-Central Seventh-day Adventist Church, West Conference, Japan, Jong Hyun Ryu
Error Gravity in a Nonnative English Speaker's Speech: The Case of Article Errors and Pluralizing Non-Count Nouns, E. Julia Kim
Eschatological Paradigm and Moral Theory in Contemporary Christian Ethics: Stephen Charles Mott and Thomas W. Ogletree, Larry Lee Lichtenwalter
Eschatology and Genesis 22, Jo Ann Davidson
Esther: A Theological Approach, by Angel Manuel Rodriguez, Jacques R. Doukhan
Estrategias de Retencion de Miembros para la Iglesia Central Hispana Adventista del Septimo Dia de Chicago, Ernesto R. Sanchez
E-texbooks usage by students at Andrews University: a study of attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors, Silas Bruscagin Marques Dr.
Europe at the Receiving End: Historical Background on Adventists and Immigration, Børge Schantz
Evaluating and Enhancing the Personal Prayer Life of the Members of the Standifer Gap Seventh-day Adventist Church, Robert D. Mix
Evaluating Hypotheses That Explain Non-continuous Responses to Syllable Periods ("Skipping") During Phonotaxis by Female Acheta Domesticus, Tori Joy Steely
Evaluating the Dimensionality of First-Grade Written Composition, Luana L. Greulich, Young-Suk Kim, Stephanie Al Otaiba, Jessica S. Folsom, and Cynthia Puranik
Evaluation of Christian Record Products and Services for the Visually Impaired, Sarah Lee
Evaluation of the Formal and Informal Curricula of the North American Division Evangelism Institute, Calvin Novaraj Joshua
Evangelism among Resistant Peoples with Deeply Entrenched Polygamy, Russell L. Staples
"Even If Noah, Daniel, and Job" (Ezekiel 14:14, 20)—Why These Three?, Jo Ann Davidson
Evolution Over Revolution: A Generic Criticism of the Muscle Car Genre, John C. Irvine
Evolution, Theology, and Method - Part 1: Outline and Limits of Scientific Methodology, Fernando L. Canale
Evolution, Theology, and Method - Part 2: Scientific Method and Evolution, Fernando L. Canale
Evolution, Theology, and Method - Part 3: Evolution and Adventist Theology, Fernando L. Canale
Examiner Bias and Intelligence Test Scoring : a Study of the Effect of Speech-Handicapped Responses on the Scoring of the WISC-R Comprehension Subtest, Julia B. Peyser
Exemplary Bilingual Teachers in Puerto Rico: a Multiple-Case Study, Aurea Laracuente Araújo
Exercise Dependence and Eating Disorders Among College Students, Shelli Meulemans
Exercise Motivators and Exercise Causality Among Andrews University Students: a Correlational Study, Anna T. Piskozub
Expatriates and the Performance Management System, Mary-Anne Razafiarivony
Experiences Assisting or Hindering the Academic and Social Integration of African American Students at Southwestern Michigan College, Naomi L. Ludman
Experiences in Adventist colleges and universities: an international perspective, Jimmy Kijai, Vinita Sauder, and Robert Weaver
Explaining religiosity: Personality, Post-Critical Belief Scale, or Doctrine?, Jurriën den Hollander
Exploration of relationships between the physical home environment, personal competencies, and psychological well-being of older adults: Construction of a structural model, Shannon M. Trecartin
Exploration of the Range Overlap Between Cynomys Leucurus and Cynomys Ludovicianus, Kenneth D. Choi
Exploratory Study of the Relationships Between Community Building and the Social, Academic, and Spiritual Engagement at Antillean Adventist University, Zilma Enid Santiago
Exploring Core Values in the Middle East from a Missiological Perspective, G. P. P.
Exploring Teacher Attitudes, Experiences, and Beliefs of the Development and Implementation of Faculty Data Teams (TM) in a Midwestern School District, Bradley William Sheppard
Exploring the Factors That Shaped the Early Adventist Mission to Jamaica, Trevor O'Reggio
Exploring the Impact of a Marriage Seminar on Marital Relationships in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Trinidad, Kern P. Tobias
Exploring the Relationship Between Adventist Hospital Board Chair Leadership Behaviors and Effectiveness, Anthony M. Stahl
Exposure to Electronic Entertainment Media and Student Outcomes in Two Demographically Diverse Elementary Schools, Ronald W. Busby
Exposure to Narratives and Social Reasoning, Cassandra Chlevin
Expressed Parental Attitudes Toward Child Rearing in Relation to Study Habits, Study Attitudes and Study Skills Achievement in Early Adolescence, Minerva Elizabeth Straman
Ezekiel 5:5-17 and Theodicy: a Theological Investigation of the Character of God, Paul Onyango Wahonya
Ezra Kenyanya listens intently
F-1 European Integration and Corporate Interests: winners and losers, Marcella Myers
F-1 God’s Moral Government of Love: The Theological Background of the Civil War, Nicholas P. Miller
F-1 Physiognomy in Renaissance Society and Drama, Vanessa Corredera
F-2 Big-Shouldered Shakespeare: Three Shrews at Chicago Shakespeare Theater, L. Monique Pittman
F-2 Choice and Motivation in Indigenous Language Revitalization, Janet Blackwood
F-2 Heroes, Villains, and Balkans: Intertextual Masculinities in Ralph Fiennes’s Coriolanus, L. Monique Pittman
F-3 Accidental Path Dependency in the Evolution of Gender Equality in Madagascar, Joel L. Raveloharimisy and Erenly Agosto
F-3 Body mass, BMI and body composition of teens in Berrien Springs public and Adventists schools, Marval White and Peter Pribis
F-4 My Cross-Cultural Journey: An Autobiographical Analysis of the Challenges and Negotiations in Entering the World of Unfamiliarity, Ellen Rodrigues
F-4 Relationship between body composition and age of menarche in teen-age girls, Samara Sterling and Peter Pribis
Facing the Challenges in Christian-Muslim Dialogue, Yelena V. Muzykina
Facing Uncertainty in Web Service Compositions, Germán Harvey Alférez
Factores Predictores de la Satisfaccion Laboral en los Docentes de las Instituciones Educativas de la APC-SUR, Luis Barba Briceño
Factors Affecting Mobility Rates of Principals and Teachers in Canadian Seventh-day Adventist Schools : 1970-78, Leroy Raymond Kuhn
Factors Affecting Phonotaxis in Male House Crickets, Acheta domesticus, Erik Thordarson
Factors Associated with Pastoral Preaching on Financially-Related Topics Within the Missionary Church, Terry A. Zeitlow
Factors Contributing to the Successful Completion of the Haitian Baccalaureat (Part I) and Their Administrative Implications, Serge E. Vernet
Factors Influencing Consumer Choices in Graduate Nursing Education at Andrews University, Catherine Keith Turner
Factors Influencing Enrollment Trends in Seventh-day Adventist Boarding Schools on North America, Jeanette Wright Bryson
Factors Influencing the Sale of Pacific Press English Trade Books: A Preliminary Study, Glen Robinson
Factors Influencing the Use of Complementary Alternative Methods (CAM) in Patients Attending an Adult Sickle Cell Clinic in Jackson, Mississippi., Wendy E. Thompson Dr and Clifton C. Addison
Factors Related to Adult Degree Program Completion at Atlantic Union College, Corina Polanco Parris
Factors Related to Clergy Sexual Misconduct, Donald L. Totten
Factors Related to Declining Attendance at the Adult Sabbath School in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist Church, Laurentiu A. Serban
Factors Related to the Brain Drain from the Middle East Union of the Afro-Mideast Division, Najeeb W. Nakhle
Factors That Contribute to the Educational Success of Haitian-American Women, Magdana Louis
Factors that Relate to Registered Nurses' Readiness for Interprofessional Learning in the Context of Continuing Professional Development, Collette Williams
Faculty Perceptions of Institutional Commitment to the Scholarship of Engagement, Mackenzi Anne Huyser
Faith and Reason as Fundamental to Both Science and Religion, Carl Helrich
Faith and Works in Ellen G. White's Doctrine of the Last Judgment, Jairyong Lee
Faith Commitments and Spiritual Influences as Correlates of Adolescents' Involvement in Service in the Valuegenesis Study, Andrea Cristina Nagy
Faith Communities Today 2010 Study for the North American Division, Petr Cincala, Raquel Rodriguez, and Roger Dudley
Faith Development Within the Campus-Based Youth Ministry Model of the English Oaks Adventist Church, Scott R. Ward
Faith Perspectives on Building Strong Volunteer Programs, John Gavin, Curtis J. VanderWaal Dr., and W. Ellis
Faith, Reason, and Earth History, 2nd Ed.: A Paradigm of Earth and Biological Origins by Intelligent Design, Leonard Brand
Faith, Reason, and Science? The Applicability of Thomas Kuhn to Christian Theology’s Dialogue with “Science”, John Slattery
Family-Based Youth Ministry for Adventist Public High School Students in the Idaho Conference, John F. Bryson
Family Bonding and Family Dinners, Duane C. McBride, D. Sedlacek, A. Baltazar, L. Matthews, Romulus Chelbegean, and Gary Hopkins
Fatal Flirting: The Nazi State and the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Harold Alomia
Features of Copulation and the Copulation Call in Glaucous-winged Gulls (larus Glaucescens), Amanda Sandler
Feeding Interactions Between Juvenile and Adult Flightless Cormorants., James Hayward, Libby C. Megna, and Brianna G. Payne
Fees for Information Services to Hospitals: A California Experience, Lawrence W. Onsager and George V. Summers PhD
Feminine Values, Interpersonal Orientation, and the Evolution of the Female Identity in College Students, Barbara Jones Robinson
Field Documentation of Summer and Fall Diet in Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrels, Ictidomys Tridecemlineatus, Trevor Zimmerman and H. Thomas Goodwin
Field Test of an Instructional Program for Local Church Elders, Clinton Lloyd Shankel
Financial findings, people's opinions about church Tithe & Offerings, Unknown
Financial Freedom through Budgeting, Annetta M. Gibson
Financing Universal Compulsory Free Elementary Education in India, Simon Gurushantappa David
Finding Meaning in the Literary Patterns of Revelation, Ranko Stefanovic
First All-Sky Search for Continuous Gravitational Waves from Unknown Sources in Binary Systems, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration
First Searches for Optical Counterparts to Gravitational-Wave Candidate Events, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration
First-Year Teacher Perceptions of Classroom Experiences and Teacher Induction in a Midwestern School District, Cheryl Torok Fleming
Fixing the Hole in the Pipe : Moving Beyond Prereferral Toward Changing the System, Jean T. Papandrea
Foco na Pessoa: 4 Integrando Tipos de Libernca Moral, Duane Covrig
Focus, Tom Shepherd
Focus, 1998, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 1998, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 1998, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 1998, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 1999, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 1999, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 1999, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 1999, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2000, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2000, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 2000, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2000, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2001, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2001, Spring/Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2001, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2002, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2002, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2003, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2003, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 2003, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2003, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2004, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2004, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 2004, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2004, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2005, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2005, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 2005, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2005, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2006, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2006, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 2006, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2006, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2007, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2007, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 2007, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2007, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2008, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2008, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 2008, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2008, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2009, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2009, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 2009, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2009, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2010, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2010, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 2010, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2010, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2011, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2011, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 2011, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2011, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2012, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2012, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 2012, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2012, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2013, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2013, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 2013, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2013, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2014, Fall, Andrews University
Focus, 2014, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 2014, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2014, Winter, Andrews University
Focus, 2015, Spring, Andrews University
Focus, 2015, Summer, Andrews University
Focus, 2015, Winter, Andrews University
Focus on Children's Ministry, S. Joseph Kidder
Folk Intuitions About Human Nature Among Nonreductive Physicalist Christians, Karl G. D. Bailey
Food Safety Attitudes in College Students, Rachelle Booth
Food safety attitudes in college students: A structural equation modeling analysis of a conceptual Model, Rachelle Booth, Magaly Hernandez, Erica L. Baker, Tevni Grajales, and Peter Pribis
Food Safety Attitudes in College Students: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis of a Conceptual Model, Rachelle Booth, Maggie Hernandez, Erica L. Baker, Tevni Grajales, and Peter Pribis
Formation and Development of Caring Ministries Based on Neighboring Evangelism Model, Lloyd I. Munson
Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Fragility and Glass Forming Ability of Ni-based Bulk Metallic Glasses, Andrew Hoff
Frederick Griggs, Seventh-day Adventist Educator and Administrator, Arnold Colin Reye
Frequent Family Dinners Protect Our Children, Duane C. McBride, Alina M. Baltazar, Gary Hopkins, and Kathryn Conopio
Freshmen Retention at Two Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education Institutions, R. William Cash
From Clear Fulfillment to Complex Prophecy: the History of the Adventist Interpretation of Revelation 9, from 1833 to 1957, Jon Hjorleifur Stefansson
From left to right: Richard Rice, Gregory Boyd, Stephen Harnish, and Carl Helrich participate in a panel discussion, Andrews University
'From the Universal to the Particular': Seven Thesis Statements Concerning the Hermeneutics of the Pentateuch, Gerald A. Klingbeil
¡Fuera en el Primer Strike!: ¿Niega La Epístola a los Hebreos el perdón a quienes pecan voluntariamente después de la conversión?, Felix H. Cortez
Fusion in New York Politics, Bradley P. Sica
G-1 Hot and Bothered I: Climate Change, Cannibalism, and Ovulation Synchrony, James L. Hayward, Shandelle M. Henson, and Lynelle M. Weldon
G-2 Hot and Bothered II: Climate Change, Cannibalism, and Ovulation Synchrony, Shandelle M. Henson and James L. Hayward
G-3 Hot and Bothered III: Climate Change, Cannibalism, and Ovulation Synchrony, Lynelle M. Weldon, James L. Hayward, and Shandelle M. Henson
G-4 Vessels for the Kool-Aid Ceremony, Steve Hansen
Galatians as Dialogical Response to Opponents, Bernard Hungerford Brinsmead
Gary Burdick, Associate Dean of Research, welcomes the audience to the 2013 Celebration of Research
Gary Burdick moderates the discussion
Gender Differences in Exercise Dependence and Eating Disorders in Young Adults: A Path Analysis of a Conceptual Model, Tevni Grajales, Shelli Meulemans, Peter Pribis, and Gretchen Krivak
Gender, Family, and Morality in Ben Jonson’s Volpone, Shanelle Kim
General Conference Evangelism Study, Wong Yew Chong, Clifton Maberly, and Roul Tauran
Gener Aviles-Rodriguez presents on the "Study of Experimental Validation for Negative Pressure Wound Therapy", Sarah Burton
Gerald Klingbeil, Andrews University
Getting from There to Here: Collaborations, Motivations and Mistakes at Mid-Career, Curtis VanderWaal
Globality: Its Implications for Research and Creative Scholarship at Andrews and Beyond, Øystein LaBianca
God and Integrity: a Case Study of Walter C. Kaiser Jr. and Norman L. Geisler, Augustin Tchamba
God Did an Awesome Thing: A Church Growth Strategy that Worked, S. Joseph Kidder
God Is Amor: Biblical Teachings for House and Home, Translated from Spanish to English, Melissa Breetzke
"God Just Brought Me Through It": Spiritual Coping Strategies for Resilience Among Intimate Partner Violence Survivors, Shannon Trecartin, Rene Drumm, Marciana Popescu, Laurie Cooper, Marge Seifert, Tricia Foster, and Carole Kilcher
God’s Footprints in the Rubble: Adventist Muslim Relations During Crisis, Jerald Whitehouse
God's Mission to the "Nations" and Hindus: Three Old Testament Narrative Models, Andrew J. Tompkins
God Speaks in the Heart Language, Gideon Petersen
God, the Trinity, and Adventism: An Introduction to the Issues, Denis Fortin
“Good Going”, Troy Fitzgerald
Goodloe Harper Bell, Pioneer Seventh-day Adventist Christian Educator, Allan G. Lindsay
Googling - Our Future?, Lawrence W. Onsager
Gospel Sadness, Tom Shepherd
Grades in Prerequisite Courses as Predictors of Success in a Nursing Program, Elaine Zeilke Foster
Graduate Business Education in Adventist Colleges and Universities: History and Challenges, Annetta M. Gibson and Robert Firth
Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars: Results from the Initial Detector Era, Tiffany Summerscales and The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
Greg Boyd speaks at University Vespers, Andrews University
Group Ministry for New Converts in Puerto Rico, Miguel Angel Gonzalez
Growing Disciples Inventory (GDI) for Self-Assessment of Christian Spiritual Development, Glynis Bradfield
Growing Through Stress / Kath Donovan [book review], Erich C. Baumgartner
Guest Editorial, Michael Hamilton
Guest Editorial, Michael R. Cauley
Guidance Through God-given Dreams, Bruce Bauer
Guidelines for Campus Beautification With Special Reference to Seventh-day Adventist Academies and Colleges in North America, Larry W. Boughman
Guidelines for Developing a Campus Master Plan Document for Small Colleges and Universities, Bradley Allen Jamison
Gull Egg Mass as a Function of Length and Width, Melissa McCormick
Gustavo Gutierrez's Understanding of the Kingdom of God in the Light of the Second Vatican Council, Victor Figueroa-Villarreal
Haima in Hebrews, Hermann V. Kuma
Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too: Engineering Measurements at Fabrication for Channel Design and Process Control, Donald DeGroot, Brett Moreland, and Eric Bogatin
Hawksbill Turtle Eretmochelys Imbricata Nesting Environment and Population Study in Cuero Y Salado Wildlife Refuge on the Coast of Northern Honduras, Ariana Emily Cunningham
hcnABC Gene Expression in the Soil Bacterium Pseudomonas putida ATH2-IRI/9 Under Various Culture and Rhizosphere Conditions, Myrna May Biswas
hcnABC Operon Transcription of Pseudomonas putida Under Varying Iron and Oxygen Concentrations and Culture Age, Christine Lee
Health Beliefs, Attitudes, and Perceptions of Muslim Women Living in the United States and Implications for Health Care Providers, Lori Maria Walton, Fatima Akram, and Ferdosi Hossain
Heart, Soul, Mind, & Strength, Karl G. D. Bailey
Helping Parents in the Toronto SDA Churches Understand and Deal With the Challenges of Adolescents and Work Towards a More Harmonious Relationship, Nephtaly Dorzilme
Helping Young People Resist At-risk Behaviors, Gary L. Hopkins, Duane C. McBride, Jacqueline Moreno, Susan Armstrong, Joni Roberts, and Donavan Andregg
Hesban 11: Ceramic Finds: Typological and Technological Studies of the Pottery Remains from Tell Hesban and Vicinity, James A. Sauer and Larry G. Herr
Hesban After 25 Years, David Merling and Lawrence T. Geraty
“He Spake and it was Done”: Luther’s Creation Theology in His 1535 Lectures on Genesis 1:1–2:4, Denis Kaiser
“He Spoke and It Was”: Human Language, Divine Creation and the Imago Dei, Gerald Klingbeil
Hike/Canoeing, Andrews University
Hispanic American Immigration: Challenges and Opportunities, Ricardo Norton
Hispanic Membership Survey, J. P. Soria
Hispanic Student Teachers' Practice Teaching in Cooperative Learning: Two Qualitative Case Studies, Myrna Colon
Historical/Analytical Study Of The Contributions Of Alma E. McKibbin To The Seventh-Day Adventist Church School System, Marie Louise Myers
Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists, George R. Knight
Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists, George R. Knight
History and Political Science Department logo, Andrews University
Hogar Iglesia: Implementacion de un Programa para el Crecimiento de la Iglesia Adventista Hispana de Alexandria, Virginia, Jose Daniel Esposito Forciniti
Holistic Ministry: a Christocentric Foundation and Its Application Toward Developing a Curriculum for Ministerial Education in Ghana, Walton Sanford Whaley
Homegrown Islam in the USA, Bruce L. Bauer
Homosexuality, Marriage, and the Church: Biblical, Counseling, and Religious Liberty Issues, Roy E. Gane, Nicholas P. Miller, and H. Peter Swanson
Honesty: The Foundation of Biblical Faith, Gregory Boyd
Honors and Undergraduate Research Scholar Alyson Drew listens to a question on her poster "Paper-based Biosensor for Colorimetric Detection of PSA Biomarker", Andrews University
Honors and Undergraduate Research Scholar Andrew Stewart poses next to his poster "Synthesis of Arginine-Based Heterocyclic Amines", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Allegra Stennett (right) explains her poster "The Association between Open Market Operations and the S&P 500 Index from 2008-2010", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Charles Lee presents his poster "Discourse and Narrative: Creating Gender Control in Junot Diaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Cheryl Simpson presents her poster "Sabbath-Keeping Experiences: The Relationships Between Religious Internalization, Well-Being, and Need Support", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Christine Lee poses beside her poster "hcnABC Operon Transcription of Pseudomonas putida under Varying Iron and Oxygen Concentrations and Culture Age", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Eliana Iller explains her poster to Keith Mattingly, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Andrews University
Honors Scholar Erica Bradfield explains her poster "The Diversity of Color: An Analysis of Cross-Cultural Color Symbolism", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Erik Thordarson explains his poster "Factors Affecting Phonotactic Responses in Male Acheta domesticus", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Ivan Ruiz explains his poster "Te Amo Mujer", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Jamie Kim explains her poster "Investigation of spatial isotope ratios in soil and the effects of fertilizer on plant isotope ratios", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Joyce Yoon presents her poster "Edward Snowden, Criminal or Patriot: Media coverage of National Security Agency document leaks", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Kathleen Wilson explains her poster "Diagnosis" And Other Essays: Exploration In Personal Writing, Andrews University
Honors Scholar Lynda Lee poses beside her poster and artwork, Andrews University
Honors Scholar Megan Reed listens to a question on her poster "Narcissism and the Selfie: Investigating Millennial Narcissism on Instagram", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Michael Momohara explains his poster "My Plea: A Musical Portrait of a Japanese Internment Poem by Mary T. Matsuzawa", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Michelle Imperio poses beside her poster "Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies of Chalbenes", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Nelson Starkey (right) explains his poster to Biology professor Thomas Goodwin (left), Andrews University
Honors Scholar Paola Caceres (right) presenting her poster "The Role of Sabbath Keeping Internalization, Need Satisfaction, and Parental Environment in Well-Being", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Philip Giddings explains his poster "Cytosolic Carboxypeptidase 5 (CCP5) and Cilia Development in Zebrafish", Andrews University
Honors Scholar Stephen Erich explains his poster "The Effect of Mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility on Share Returns in Indonesia", Andrews University
Horn Awardee Fernando Canale gives a plenary address "The Adventist Sola Scriptura Research Project"
Horn Awardee Greg Constantine gives a plenary address "Ready 4 Opportunities"
Horn Awardee Roy Gane gives a plenary address "Didactic Logic and the Authorship of Leviticus"
Horn-Motifs in the Hebrew Bible and Related Ancient Near Eastern Literature and Iconography, Margit Linnéa Süring
Hospitality Versus Patronage: an Investigation of Social Dynamics in the Third Epistle of John, Igor Lorencin
Hot and Bothered: Climate Change, Cannibalism, and Ovulation Synchrony, Shandelle Henson and James Hayward
How Does Focus on Form Affect the Revising Processes of ESL Writers?: Two Case Studies, Eun-Young Julia Kim
How Instructional Leadership is Addressed in Educational Administration/Leadership Programs, Lolethia Jones Kibble
How to Know if a Bible Principle Applies Today, Roy Gane
Hydroxyl Number Determination of Dendritic Polyols Utilizing NIR Spectroscopy, Seth Stacey
I Account This World a Tedious Theatre: Foucauldian Theatricality and Female Subversion in Webster's The Duchess of Malfi, Samantha Snively
Identification of Seventh-day Adventist Health Core Convictions : Alignment with Current Healthcare Practice, Randall L. Haffner
Identification of the At-Risk Mathematics Student Within the Community College Environment, Gerry Lee Cox
Identification of the Presence of the Restoration Concept in Seventh-day Adventist Nursing Programs in the United States, L. Phil Hunt
Identifying Factors that Enhance or Hinder the Utilization of Strengths by Healthcare Managers, Gene C. Milton
‘I Don’t Lend Money; It Causes Amnesia!’ Money, Culture and Ethics., Annetta M. Gibson
Image-of-God Motif in the Writings of Ellen G. White : A Search for a Distinct Voice in Educational Philosophy, Kevin D. Grams
Imagery, Prayer, and Mind Wandering: Kataphatic Prayer, Martha M.O. Duah
Imagery, Prayer, and Mind Wandering: Kataphatic Prayer, Martha M.O. Duah
Immigrant Pastor, Sinisa Horvat
Immigration and Evangelism in the British Union of Seventh-day Adventists, Patrick Boyle
Immigration and Mission: The Spanish Story, Cristian Dumitrescu
Immigration: A Two-Way Street, Cristian Dumitrescu
Immigration Stories and the Construction of a Bilingual American Identity, Camden Bowman
“Impact Hope” Project: An Integrated Missional Experiment, Alberto R. Timm
Impact of a Short-Term Shelter Program on Selected Outcome Indicators Among Youths and Their Parents, Gale Sandra Hackworth
Impact of Immigration on Israel, Richard Elofer
Impact of Storytelling to Effect Life Change at Raleigh Seventh-day Adventist Church, Robert Louis Cundiff
Impeccability in 1 John: an Evaluation, Leon Eloy Wade
Implementation and Evaluation of a Leadership Mentoring Program in the Hampden Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church, Barry Tryon
Implementation of a Conference-Wide Church Planting Strategy Within the Texas Conference, Tom L. Evans
Implementation of a Guest Retention Process in the Louisville First Seventh-day Adventist Church for Maximal Evangelism Effectiveness, Timothy E. Madding
Implementation of an F-Statistic All-Sky Search for Continuous Gravitational Waves in Virgo VSR1 Data, Tiffany Summerscales and The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
Implementation of an Integration Process for Baptized and Transferred Members Into the Durham Spanish SDA Church Through the Adoption of Shared Values, Mission, and Vision, Domingo A. Paulino
Implementation of the Personal Styles of Evangelism in the Highland Seventh-day Adventist Church for Maximal Evangelistic Impact, David L. Hartman
Implementing And Evaluating A Model Of Pastoral Counseling In A Church District, Don Miller
Implementing Innovative Pedagogy in the First Course in Accounting and its Relationship to Student Attitudes Toward the Profession, Henry L. Foster
Implications of Selected Curricular Determinants for Seventh-day Adventist Graduate Theological Education in the South American Division, Nancy J. Vyhmeister
Importing God: The Mission of the Ghanaian Adventist Church and Other Immigrant Churches in the Netherlands, Daniëlle Koning
Improved Upper Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from 2009-2010 LIGO and Virgo Data, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO and Virgo Collaboration
Improving Marital Satisfaction Using a Structured Facilitation Program in Three Southern Maine Congregations, Merlin L. Knowles
Improving Mortar Crack Resistance with Hardwood Pulp Fiber as an Internal Curing Agent, Johnson Luma
Improving the Economic Life of Adventists and Motivating Them to Increase Their Financial Support of the Church: A Case Study from the Mid-West Ghana Conference, James Kwaku Badu
Inauguration or Day of Atonement?: A Response to Norman Young's "Old Testament Background to Hebrews 6:19-20 Revisited", Richard M. Davidson
Incarnation and Covenant in the Prologue to the Fourth Gospel (John 1:1-18), Wilson Paroschi
Incidence and Impact of Urinary Incontinence, Pain, and Other Comorbidities on Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) For Postpartum Bangladeshi Women, Lori Maria Walton, S. J. M. Ummul Ambia, and Bassima Hussein Schbley
Indiana's High-Stakes Reading Assessment: Impact on Professionalism and Instructional Practices of Elementary Teachers, Michelle A. Fish
Indicators of Typology Within the Old Testament : the Exodus Motif, Friedbert Ninow
Indonesia Union College : a Historical Study of a Seventh-day Adventist Institution, Rajoaman Nainggolan
Inerrancy and Sovereignty: a Case Study on Carl F. H. Henry, Joseph Karanja
In Granite or Ingrained? Study Guide for Individuals and Small Groups, Skip MacCarty and Esther R. Knott
In Granite or Ingrained? What the Old and New Covenants Reveal about the Gospel, the Law, and the Sabbath, Skip MacCarty
In Granite or Ingrained? What the Old and New Covenants Reveal about the Gospel, the Law, and the Sabbath, Skip MacCarty
In Granite or Ingrained? What the Old and New Covenants Reveal about the Gospel, the Law, and the Sabbath, Skip MacCarty
In Memoriam: James A. Inciardi, Professor of Sociology & Criminal Justice and Director of the Center for Drug & Alcohol Studies at the University of Delaware, Wendee Wechsberg, Duane C. McBride, and Hilary Surratt
Innuendo as a Rhetorical Strategy: Davidic Traditions as a Subtext of Hebrews, Felix H. Cortez
Insights from Growing Churches in North America, S. Joseph Kidder
Insights from the Sociology of Religion for Movements to Christ among Muslims, Stefan Höschele
Inspiration and Science, Jo Ann Davidson
In Spite of the Fact, Roy Gane
Institutional Activities in International Higher Education : An Assessment of Advancement Strategies Used at Selected Small Church-Related Colleges and Universities, Janeric Arne Gustavsson
Institutional Effectiveness : the Integration of Program Review, Strategic Planning, and Budgeting Processes in Two California Community Colleges, Eileen Knight White
Instructional Approaches to Conventional Spelling in Holistic Classrooms : A Descriptive Study, Laurie Sue Hale
Instructional Implications of the Michigan Educational Assessment Program as an Accountability Instrument, Daniel J. Applegate
Instructional Practices and Attitudes of Teachers in One- and Two-Room Schools in the Seventh-day Adventist School System in North America, Judith Leist Anderson
Instructors' Perceptions of the Bologna Model of Higher Education Reform in Cameroon, Zachary Y. Mngo
Intact Families with a Multiple Sclerotic Parent: Social and Emotional Adjustment of Parents and School-Age Children, Jean A. McCutchan
Integrated Thematic Instruction : A Descriptive Case Study of its Adaptation and Implementation, Premalatha Gaikwad
Integrated Thematic Instruction : a Descriptive Case Study of Students' Attitudes Toward School and Learning, Ginger Heinrich O'Neal
Integrating four types of moral leadership into your organization., Duane Covrig, Mordekaio Ongo, and Janet L. Ledesma
Integration of Faith and Learning in Christian Higher Education : Professional Development of Teachers and Classroom Implementation, Constance Chibuzo Nwosu
¿Integridad o habilidad?: La pregunta acerca del Liderazgo, Felix H. Cortez
Intentional Classroom Humor in Nursing : a Multiple Case Study, Joan Kay Ulloth
Intention to Pursue Post-Secondary Education, and Related Factors, Among Jamaican Senior High School Students, Teran T. Milford
Interactional Effects Between Levels of Biofeedback Confidence and Measures of Assertiveness on Biofeedback Treatment Outcome, Dora D. Clarke-Pine
Intergenerational Transmission of Values Through Adages in an Ecuadorian Family, Norma Albán-Lowry
Intergovernmental Mediation : a Technique for Successful Local Government Partnerships, W Thomas Wiseman
Inter-group Communication During Hurricane Katrina: How Organizational Culture Defeats Coordination, Johanna Nielsen
International Language Studies Department logo, Andrews University
Internet Resources for Mission Theology, Cristian Dumitrescu and Bruce L. Bauer
Internet Resources for Short-Term Missions, Bruce Campbell Moyer
Interpretation of Bereʼšît in the Context of Genesis 1:1-3, Jiri Moskala
Interview with Richard Blackaby: Reflections on spiritual leadership, leadership, Stan Patterson
Intimate Partner Violence Screening and Implications for Health Care Providers, Lori Maria Walton, Femke Aerts, Haley Burkhart, and Teresa Terry
Intraindividual Variation in the Calling Songs of the Cricket Gryllus Pennsylvanicus, Lauren Van Putten
Intrinsic Canonicity and the Inadequacy of the Community Approach to Canon-Determination, John C. Peckham
Introduction, Gary Burdick
Introduction, Gary Burdick
Introduction: Science and Faith as Honest Friends, H. Thomas Goodwin
Introduction to Missiological Research Design / Edgar J. Elliston [book review], Boubakar Sanou and Gyeongchun Choi
Intuitive Decision Making and Leadership Style Among Healthcare Executives in the United States, Cherie Whiting
Investigating the presuppositional realm of biblical-theological methodology: Part 1: Dooyeweerd on Reason, Oliver Glanz
Investigating the presuppositional realm of biblical-theological methodology: Part 2: Canale on Reason, Oliver Glanz
Investigating the presuppositional realm of biblical-theological methodology: Part 3: Application and Comparison, Oliver Glanz
Investigating the presuppositional realm of biblical-theological methodology: Part 4: Critique and Transformation, Oliver Glanz
Investigation of Spatial Isotope Ratios in Soil and the Effects of Fertilizer on Plant Isotope Ratios, Jamie Kim and H. Thomas Goodwin Ph.D.
Investigation of the Prevalence of Learning Disabilities Within the Home-School Population of Southwest Michigan, Paul Steven Kitchen
Involvement and Conflict with Parents Relationship with Seventh-day Adventist College Student Alcohol Consumption, Alina Baltazar
I Rest My Case, Richard M. Davidson
Is Adventist Theology Compatible With Evolutionary Theory?, Fernando L. Canale
Is God Present in the Song of Songs?, Richard M. Davidson
Islamic Spain: Model of Peaceful Coexistence, Gabriela Profeta Phillips
Islam in Britain: Missiological Implications and Opportunities, Oscar Osindo
Islam on the Web, Bruce Campbell Moyer
Israel and the Nations: A Mission Theology of the Old Testament / James Chukwuma Okoye [book review], Cristian Dumitrescu
Issues and Alternatives in Educational Philosophy, 4th Edition, George R. Knight
Issues in Adventist Muslim Ministry, Abner Perez Dizon
Issues in Biblical Inspiration: Sanday and Warfield, Peter M. van Bemmelen
Is Vegetarianism a Diet? Implicit Associations of Vegetarians and Omnivores on a Vegetarian Campus, Ashley Raethel
I Used to be Perfect, 2nd Ed.: A Study of Sin and Salvation, George R. Knight
I Used to be Perfect: a Study of Sin and Salvation, George R. Knight
I Used to be Perfect: A Study of Sin and Salvation, 2nd Ed., George R. Knight
Jacina's Worldview 2.0: Revisiting, Refinding, and Refining Faith in the University Years, Jacina Shultz
James Hayward presents "Hot and Bothered: Climate Change, Cannibalism, and Ovulation Synchrony", Sarah Burton
James Hoffmeier, Andrews University
James Malinki of Malawi: Church Leader in Cross-Cultural Ministry, Jaspine D. Bilima
James White and the Development of Seventh-day Adventist Organization, 1844-1881, Andrew Gordon Mustard
James White Library, Andrews University
James White Library Hidden Treasures Isaac Newton: Early Adventist Pioneer? A Physicist’s Perspective, Sarah Kimakwa
James White Portrait, Harry S. Ahn
Jan Sigvartsen explains the "Beyond Beliefs Study" to Denise Shaver
Jan Sigvartsen presents "Beyond Beliefs 3"
Jesús: el rey prometido, Felix H. Cortez
Jesús: el rey prometido como mediador del pacto, Felix H. Cortez
Jesus - The 'One and Only' or the 'Only Begotten': the Meaning of Monogenes, Paul B. Petersen
Jiri Moskala, Andrews University
Jiri Moskala, Dean of the Seminary, welcomes everyone to the conference
J. N. Loughborough: The Last of the Adventist Pioneers, Brian E. Strayer
Job Motivation, Commitment and Volunteerism of Seventh-Day Adventist Pastors of the North American Division, Johnny Almas Manassian
Job Satisfaction Among Psychologists in a Managed-Care Environment, Walter R. Vyhmeister
Job Satisfaction Among Teachers in Seventh-day Adventist Schools and its Relationship to Commitment and Selected Work Conditions, Athanase K. Rutebuka
Job Satisfaction and its Relationship to Organizational Commitment and Religious Commitment for Andrews University Employees, Ralph Schroder
Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Among Teachers in Norway : A Comparative Study of Selected Schools From Public and Private Educational Systems, Styrkår A. Dramstad
John Bruce, Jr. : a Sixty-Nine Year Leadership Journey Throughout Change in the United States Army, Joseph Rakocy
John Slattery listens to a question
Johnson Luma presents on "Improving Mortar Crack Resistance with Hardwood Pulp Fiber as an Internal Curing Agent", Sarah Burton
Joshua Berman, Andrews University
Josiah Litch: His Life, Work, and Use of His Writings, on Selected Topics, by Seventh-day Adventist Writers, Daniel David Royo
Judging the Sabbath: Discovering What Can't Be Found in Colossians 2:16, Ron Du Preez
Judging the Sabbath: Discovering What Can't Be Found in Colossians 2:16, Ron du Preez
Judgment as Covenant Review, Roy Gane
Jurriën den Hollander and Karl Bailey
Katapausis and Sabbatismos in Hebrews 4, Erhard H. Gallos
Keeping Hope Alive, Unknown
Kenneth Bergland, Andrews University
Key Administrative Decisions in the History of the Seventh-day Adventist Education in Bermuda, Leslie C. Holder
Key Factors of Faith Development : the Relationship Between Family and Church Factors and Faith Development of Adolescents and Young Adults in German-Speaking Europe, Alexander C. Schulze
Keynote Address, Christian Smith
Keynote Address: The Myth of the Science-Religion Wars—and Why it Matters to your Kids, Nancey Murphy
Khirbet Nisya 1979-1986: a Report on Six Seasons of Excavation, David Palmer Livingston
Kinetic Family and Human Figure Drawings of Child and Adolescent Sexual Offenders, Lyle Curtis Miller
Kinetic Family Drawings of Chinese-American Children, Verna Nga-Fun Chuah
Kingly authority: Is it finding a place in the Adventist Church?, Stan Patterson
L3 Auditory Interneuron Responses to Dual-frequency Calling Songs in Female Crickets (Acheta Domesticus), Jeong Bin Lee
La Crisis De La Vida Media: Elaboracion e Implementacion ce un Seminario Para la Iglesia Adventista Hispana de Ontario, California, Daniel Rumrrill Alvarez
Language Choice Motivations in a Bribri Community in Costa Rica, Janet Blackwood
La revelacion de Jesucristo: Comentario del libro del Apocalipsis, Ranko Stefanovic
La revelación de Jesucristo: Comentario del Libro del Apocalipsis, Ranko Stefanovic
Las Acreditaciones y Su Impacto en Universidades Adventistas de Latinoamerica, Gustavo Gregorutti, Caterina Pavon, and Nester Ramirez
Laser Beam Optical Trapping of a Nanoparticle, Rufaro Musvosvi
Late Completers : How and Why Non-Traditional Graduate Students Who Exceed Program Timelines of 10 Years Ultimately Complete the Doctoral Process, Lisa Ann Margerum
“La Unión Hace la Fuerza”: Una Perspective Bíblica sobre las Relaciones Ecuménicas, Gerald Klingbeil
Leadership and Management: Implications For Faith-Based Medical Institutions In Global Setting, Danjuma Daniel
Leadership and Religiosity: A Study of their Effects on Seventh-day Adventist Student Leaders, James Vernon Bird Jr.
Leadership Development in Albania: Equipping Young Pastors for Apostolic Leadership, Leigh Rice
Leadership in Reaching Global Consensus on Technologicl Standardization, Carol Oak Tierney
Leadership Language in the Old Testament, Richard M. Davidson
Leadership Programs Designed to Develop Creative Leaders : a Multi-Case Study, Karen Tilstra
Leadership Requirements in the 21st Century : the Perceptions of Canadian Private Sector Leaders, Samy H. Watson
Leadership Requirements in the 21st Century : the Perceptions of Canadian Public Sector Leaders, M. Ruth Dantzer
Leading by Default: Perspectives and Challenges for Germany in Its Reluctant EU Leadership Role.”, Marcella Myers
Learning and Study Strategies as they Relate to Success in an Open-Entry/Open-Exit College Developmental Reading Course, Ginna A. Wenger
Legal Substitution and Experiential Transformation in the Typology of Leviticus, Part 1, Roy E. Gane
Legal Substitution and Experiential Transformation in the Typology of Leviticus, Part 2, Roy E. Gane
Lesser Gods of the Ancient Near East and Some Comparisons with Heavenly Beings of the Old Testament, K. Merling Alomia
Lessons from War, Bryan Gallant
Let’s Try Something Different, Bruce Campbell Moyer
Levels of Acculturation of Children of Mexican Descent as Perceived in their Kinetic Family Drawings, Kevin Adolfo Rosado
Liberation Theology's Use of the Exodus as a Soteriological Model, Atilio Rene Dupertuis
Librarian Silas Marques Olivera explains his research to an attendee
Life Incidents, James White
Life Incidents, James White and Jerry Moon
Light Intensity and Time of Day Influence Female Acheta Domesticus Phonotaxis, John Hyun-Sik Ahn
Lineage II of Southeast Asian/American DENV-2 Is Associated with a Severe Dengue Outbreak in the Peruvian Amazon, Maya Williams, Sandra V. Mayer, William L. Johnson, Rubing Chen, Evgeniya Volkova, Stalin Vilcarromeor, Steven G. Widen, Thomas G. Wood, Luis Suarez-Ognio, Kanya C. Long, Katherine A. Hanley, Amy C. Morrison, Nikos Vasilakis, and Eric S. Halsey
Linking indoor environment conditions to job satisfaction: a field study, Jay Brand
Liturgical Order and Glossolalia: 1 Corinthians 14:26c-33a and its Implications, William E. Richardson
Liturgy and Ritual as Religious Education: Implications for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, James Bingham
Living Out the Principles of the Ten Commandments, Trevor O'Reggio
Living with Moral Issues, Miroslav Kis
Local Church Usage and Evaluation of Satellite-linked Events, Monte Sahlin
Localization of Carboxypeptidase O in Madin-Darby Canine Kidney Cells, Donnel Dockery
Local School-System Use of State-Level Educational Goals in Selected States, Philip B. Lambert
Locating Gravitational Waves with BayesWave, Belinda Cheeseboro and Tiffany Summerscales
Logic Systems and Cross-Cultural Mission, Cheryl Doss
Looking at the End from the Beginning, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Looking at the End from the Beginning: Studying Eschatological Concepts in the Pentateuch, Gerald Klingbeil
Love and Judgment: God's Triumph--Part 1, Jo Ann Davidson
Love and Judgment: God's Triumph -- Part 2, Jo Ann Davidson
Love Your Enemies and Pray for Them: My Life as a Christian in the Middle East, S. Joseph Kidder
Love Your Enemy? Reflections at the Centenary of World War I, Denis Kaiser
Loving Conversations: A Seminar To Assist Hispanic Families in Advance Planning For Their End-Of-Life Care at El Divino Salvador Presbyterian Church And Monrovia Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Edgar Enrique Urbina
Lunch, Andrews University
Lunch, Andrews University
Lunch, Andrews University
Lunch, Andrews University
Lunch, Andrews University
Lunch, Andrews University
Lunch, Andrews University
Lunch, Andrews University
Lunch, Andrews University
Lunch, Andrews University
Lunch, Andrews University
Lunch, Andrews University
M-139 Corridor Improvement Plan: Enabling a Strong, Place-based Vision for Berrien Springs & Oronoko Charter Township, MI, The 2014 Urban Design Studio, Andrew C. von Maur, and Troy Homenchuk
Madaba Plains Project 6: The 1996 and 1998 Seasons at Tall al-'Umayri and Subsequent Studies, Larry G. Herr, Douglas R. Clark, Lawrence T. Geraty, Oystein S. LaBianca, and Randall W. Younker
Magisterial Reformers and Ordination, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Major Gifts to The Seed Company : Who Gives Them and Why, Michael E. Toupin
Man’s Search for Meaning: The Case of Legos Revisited, Michael Choi
Man’s Search for Meaning: The Case of Legos Revisited, Michael Choi
Marital Expectation Fulfillment and its Relationship to Height of Marital Expectations, Optimism, and Relationship Self-Efficacy Among Married Individuals, Kristina D. Johnson
Marital Satisfaction Factors for Korean-Americans, Soonja Choi Lee
Marketing Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education : College-Choice Motivators and Barriers, Vinita Sauder
Marketing Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education in Southeast Asia, Geoffrey A. Pauner
Marriage in the Ten Commandments, Trevor O'Reggio
Martin Luther: Marriage and the Family as a Remedy for Sin, Trevor O'Reggio
Martin Luther on Marriage and Family, Trevor O'Reggio
Mathematical truths, doubts and (un)certainties: Dynamics of a creative relationality, Stephen Harnish
Mathematicians' Views on Transition-to-Proof and Advanced Mathematics Courses, Robert C. Moore
Mathematics Department logo, Andrews University
Mathematics professor Robert Moore explains his research on grading mathematical proofs
Mathematics professor Robert Moore is interviewed about the Celebration of Research by AUNews
Matias Soto presents on the "Effect of doping and defects on the electronic structure of DWCNTs", Sarah Burton
Mating Patterns and Breeding Success in the Larus Glaucescens-occidentalis Complex, Protection Island, Washington, Andre E. Moncrieff
Maximizing the missional value of short-term mission, Gorden R. Doss
Maximizing Your Effectiveness, S. Joseph Kidder
Measurement of charm fragmentation fractions in photoproduction at HERA, Margarita C. K. Mattingly and ZEUS Collaboration
Measurement of D^\pm Production in Deep Inelastic ep Scattering with the ZEUS Detector at HERA, Margarita C. K. Mattingly and ZEUS Collaboration
Measurement of D^*\pm Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA, Margarita C. K. Mattingly and ZEUS Collaboration
Measurement of High-Q2 Neutral Current Deep Inelastic e+p Scattering Cross Sections with a Longitudinally Polarised Positron Beam at HERA, Margarita Mattingly and ZEUS Collaboration
Measuring a Circle: A Math Lesson for Grades 5-10, Robert C. Moore
Measuring Student Satisfaction in the Andrews University School of Business, Khelsea Vesper Bauer
Measuring the impact on the physical condition in school children exposed to Exergaming, David Duarte
Mechanism Analysis of Copper (II) Ions Interacting with Dimethylaminocyanostilbene, Eui Bin You and Ryan T. Hayes Ph.D.
Media Literacy Education : a Case Study of the New Mexico Media Literacy Project, Sam Nkana
Mediating Contexts in Trans-Generational Faith Transmission : a Qualitative Study, David John McClintock
Meet and Greet Supper, Andrews University
Meeting of the Adventist Human Subjects Researchers Association (AHSRA), AHSRA
Memoirs of William Miller, Sylvester Bliss
Memoirs of William Miller, Sylvester Bliss
Memoirs of William Miller, Sylvester Bliss and Merlin D. Burt
Mentoring and Discipling the Early Adolescents of the Kitchener-Waterloo Seventh-day Adventist Church, Jiwan S. Moon
Mercutio and Romeo: an Analysis of Male Friendship in the Renaissance, Christian Bacchiocchi
Messianic Allusions of Zechariah 13:6 Revisited, Ingram London
Metaphors and Similes for Yahweh in Hosea 14:2-9 (1-8) : a Study of Hoseanic Pictorial Language, Bernhard Oestreich
Methods and Results of a Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts Using the GEO 600, LIGO, and Virgo Detectors, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration
Michael LeFebvre, Andrews University
Mickey Kutzner gives the Friday evening devotional, Andrews University
Microstructural Analysis of Revelation 4-11, Ekkehardt Müller
Microstructural Evaluation of DEAP Material after Stress Relaxation, Cody Rieger, Gunnar Lovhoiden, James Magbanua, and Boon-Chai Ng Ph.D.
Migration and Adventist Mission, Terri Saelee
Military Service--a Comparative Study Between the New Testament Teaching and the Attitude of German Adventists, Johannes Hartlapp
Minimizing Side Reactions in Novel Peptide Ring Closing Metathesis Reactions, Solomon Gisemba
Ministerial Training for Seminarians at Northeast Brazil College, Emílio Abdala
Ministering in the Midst of Competing Worldviews, Trevor O'Reggio
Missiological Implications of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dreams, Sung Ik Kim
Missional Communities, Milton Adams
Missionary Family Transition and Chaos Theory, Cheryl Brown Doss
Mission as Service in the Czech Republic [Interview], Cristian Dumitrescu
Mission in Africa: The Nigerian Connection [Interview], Cristian Dumitrescu
Mission on Autopilot: The Untold Story, G. T. Ng
Missions Institute and the Holy Spirit, Lester Merklin
Mission Theology in the Old Testament: A New Paradigm, Cristian Dumitrescu
Modeling Mammalian Carboxypeptidase O Expression Patterns with the Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus), Christian Bardan and Peter Lyons
Modelo de Evangelismo Continuo para a Igreja de New Bedford, Massachusetts, Paulo Gerhardt Vieira
Models of Religious Authority, Darius Jankiewicz
Modern Feminism, Religious Pluralism, and Scripture, Jo Ann Davidson
Moral and Religious Problems and Attitudes as Expressed by Students in Seventh-day Adventist Academies in the United States and Canada, Ingram Frank Du Preez
Moral biography of Andrew Jackson, Brian Traxler and Duane M. Covrig
Moral Orientation, Ego Maturity, and Religious Commitment : an Exploratory Study from a Developmental Perspective, Penelope Anne Webster
Moral Rules and Exceptions, Miroslav Kis
Mother of seed, Sarah Kimakwa
Motivational Factors That Influence African American Women to Serve as Michigan State Legislators, Rogenia Goza
Motivation of Secondary-School Teachers in the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Based on Herzberg's Dual-Factor Theory of Job Satisfaction and Motivation, Khillah Latif Khillah
Moving Seventh-day Adventist Churches Beyond the Two Hundred Barrier, David Ripley
Multi-directional Warning Message Dissemination Protocol Based on Motion Vector Clustering for VANETs, Hung-Chou Wang
Multimessenger Search for Sources of Gravitational Waves and High-Energy Neutrinos: Initial Results for LIGO-Virgo and IceCube, Tiffany Summerscales, IceCube Collaboration, and LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
Musical Borrowing in Las Cuatro Estaciones Portenas: Piazzolla, Desyatnikov, Vivaldi, WayAnne Watson
Music Department logo, Andrews University
Music professor Kenneth Logan presents his poster "Musical Composition Efficiency Project"
Muslim Women in America: Characteristics, Implications, and Practical Steps for Ministry, Charissa Baldwin
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: a Potential Training Tool for Leadership Development in Kenya, Kefa Obure Matena
My Plea: A Musical Portrait of a Japanese Internment Poem by Mary T. Matsuzawa, Michael M. Momohara
My Quest for Biblical Spirituality, Stan Patterson
Nancey Murphy listens to the discussion
Nancey Murphy speaks on "Conditional Immortality and Current Christian Physicalism"
Narcissism and the Selfie: Investigating Millennial Narcissism on Instagram, Megan Reed
Narrative and the Maintenance of Great Lakes Native American Cultural Identity, Lacey E. Barroso
Narratives of Adolescent Students: the Integration of Health and Learning Through Application of Nursing Theory, Marjean Huber
Narratives of Longevity From the Perspective of Seventh-day Adventist School Administrators in North America: a Multiple Case Study, Janet Ledesma
Narratives of Longevity: Why Adventist Principals Stay Beyond 10 Years in One School., Janet Ledesma
Narratives of the Leadership Development of Adults Who Served as Summer Camp Staff in the Mennonite Setting : a Multiple Case Study, Jason Harrison
Nature as a Biblical Hermeneutic Device: the Role and Use of Light in the Experience and Writings of Ellen G. White, William Clyde Sands
Negative Consequences of Undergraduate Alcohol Usage : a Multivariate Gender Comparison, Leonald Dean Robinson
"Neighbor" Is a Verb, Tom Shepherd
Never Two Ladies Lov'd as They Do: Queer Theory and As You Like It's Celia, Theron L. Calkins
New Age Holistic Health: Implications for Seventh-day Adventist Faith and Practice, Manuel Vasquez
New Early Eighth-century B.C. Earthquake Evidence at Tel Gezer: Archaeological, Geological, and Literary Indications and Correlations, Michael Gerald Hasel
New Initiatives in Adventist Mission, Jon L. Dybdahl
Newton and Prophecy: What He Said and Why it Matters, Mateja Plantak
Nineteenth-Century Evangelicalism and Early Adventist Statements of Beliefs, Denis Fortin
No. 334: A Visual Exploration of Race and Identity, Naudline Pierre
No Bones About It: Evaluating Faunal Evidence for Ancient Lifestyles at Tall Jalul, Jordan, Chelsea L. Grimstad
Nonclassroom Teacher-Student Association in Seventh-day Adventist Academies in the Northern and Central California Conferences, John G. Kerbs
Non-labeled, Real-time Detection of H1N1 DNA Hybridization Using Combined QCM-D System, Sandra P. Prieto
Nonnatives' Perceptions of Group Work: a Study of Their Attitudes and Experiences in the Group Work Setting, Ellen Nogueira Rodrigues
North American Division Local Conference Survey of Educational Costs, Richard Osborn
North American Division Resource Needs Assessment, Monte Sahlin
Nursing Students' Experiences in Personal Spiritual Formation and in Provision of Spiritual Care to Patients, Beverly Jane Cobb
Nurturing Sabbath Observance in the Lawrenceburg and Pulaski, Tennessee, Seventh-day Adventist Churches, John Delano Riggs
Nurturing the Pastor's Spiritual Discipline of Prayer Through the Dynamic of Spiritual Direction, Derek John Morris
Oakland: The First Norwegian-American Seventh-day Adventist Church in America, Lawrence W. Onsager
Object Relations and Identity Disturbances in Bulimic Women, Kathy Appledorn
Occupational Choice and Academic Planning in the Colombia-Venezuela Union of Seventh-day Adventists : a Needs Assessment, Leonardo Suescun Franco
Occupational Identity Assessment Among Middle and Late Adolescents, Julian Melgosa
Occupational Stereotypes Among Haitian High School Seniors : Their Relative Importance to Career Aspirations in Relation to Selected Variables and the Implications for Educational Leadership, Michel Lamartine Porcena
O Desafio Restante, Bruce Bauer
O Dom de Línguas e a Missão Adventista: Implicações para a Igreja Adventista, Wagner Kuhn
Of Nails and Donkeys, Kenley D. Hall
Old Testament Principles Relating to Divorce and Remarriage, Roy Gane
On the Unique Headship of Christ in the Church: A Statement of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary
Optimizing a Full-time Music Ministry Team for a Church Planting Project in the Northern Asia-pacific Division, Dong Hee Shin
Organizational Expectations and Role Clarification of Pastors and Educators Serving K-10 Schools Operated by the Georgia-Cumberland Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Stanley E. Patterson
Organizational Orientations of K-12 School Leaders in the Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Rose Tooley Gamblin
Orthodoxy And Heresy In Hans Küng: An Analysis And Critique Of His Criteria And Norms Of Christian Truth And Error, C Enrique Espinosa
Our Creator Redeemer: An Introduction to Biblical Covenant Theology, Hans K. LaRondelle