"Factores Predictores de la Satisfaccion Laboral en los Docentes de las" by Luis Barba Briceño

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Counseling Psychology, Ph.D.

First Advisor

Tevni Grajales Guerra

Second Advisor

Alfredo Matos

Third Advisor

Salomón Vásquez Villanueva


Problem. The present study explores the following research questions: Are the work environment, teacher supervision, teacher recognition, and a fair and equitable perception predictors of work satisfaction in secondary school teachers in the South Central Peru Conference during the 2009 school year?

Methodology. This study is exploratory, descriptive, correlational, and cross-sectional. The population sample in this study is comprised of 60 teachers from the South Central Peru Conference secondary schools in the Lima district. The unit of observation was the classroom teacher. A survey was used as the means for collecting information. The statistical software SPSS was used for data processing. For null hypothesis testing, multiple lineal regression was used through a stepwise method.

Results. The results show that three research veriables are predictors of work satisfaction for the South Central Peru Conference secondary school teachers: work environment (β1 = 0.531), teacher recognition (β2 = 0.235), and teacher supervision (β3 = 0.261), significant at p< 0.05 and with a determination coefficient R2 = 0.704.

Conclusions. The results lead us to conclude that an improvement in a school organizational climate depends on an adequate management of teachers. Work environment, teacher recognition, and teacher supervision predict work satisfaction among secondary school teachers in Seventh-day Adventist educational institutions in the South Central Peru Conference, and make their work gratifying and rewarding.

The majority of the Seventh-day Adventist secondary school teachers are satisfied with the values that are practiced, and with the autonomy with which they work. Teachers' satisfaction is good, even though it could be better if their salaries were improved and if their administrators would show more recognition for their work, as a considerable number of teachers (between 20% and 30%) have never received any type of recognition from their administrators, from colleagues, from parents, or from their students.

Regarding a fair and equitable treatment, it seems like the teachers do not perceive any religious, gender, social, or economic discrimination. Furthermore, they have the same opportunities for teachers' training and the same autonomy in their work.

Subject Area

Job satisfaction--Peru, High school teachers--Job satisfaction--Peru, Performance awards, South Central Peru Conference of Seventh-day Adventists



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