Content Posted in 2015
P-62a/b, Hyun Kwon
P-62 Evaluating the mechanical properties of Dielectric Electro Active Polymer (DEAP), Boon-Chai Ng
P-63 The Global Classroom, Laura Racovita
P-64 Biblical Diagnosis: A Tool for Helping Professionals, David Sedlacek
P-65 The Role of African American Clergy in Reducing Mental Health & Substance Abuse Disparities and Increasing Treatment Linkages for Congregants, Curtis VanderWaal
P-66 Antimicrobial Activity of Boronic Stilbenes, Rozaleth Role, Karen Reiner, Desmond H. Murray, and Bill Chobotar
P-67 A Case Review: The Efficacy of the Differential Processing Training Program on Auditory Processing and Language Processing, Darah Regal, Brynja Davis, and Joni Graves
P-68 Outcomes for Children Exposed to Parental Substance Abuse and Receiving Treatment services with Mom, Karen Allen, Linda White-Young, and H. Westley Clark
P-69 The Influence of Self-efficacy and Spirituality on Self-care Behaviors and Glycemic Control in Older African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes, Henrietta Hanna
P-70 Pediatric Asthma Management in Schools, Gisele Kuhn
P-71 Enhancing Leadership Skills in Baccalaureate Junior Level Students, Gisela Schmidt
P-72 Identifying Variables Associated with Chronic Pain: A Case Report, Kathleen Berglund
P-73 Correlation Between Electromyography Values and Incontinence Quality of Life Questionnaire Scores in Urinary Incontinent Adults, Kimberly Coleman, A. L. Millar, B. Dertz, and L. Scott
P-74 Hip Muscle Endurance in Individuals with and without Patellofemoral Pain, Gregory Almeter, A. L. Millar, M. Hamilton, M. Flores, A. Simmons, T. Brown, S. Roberts, A. Imhoff, and S. Kalappurayil
P-75 Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome and Its Relationship to Back Curvature, Hip Strength, and Hip Flexibility, Gregory Almeter, D. Ellison, M. Flores, M. Furr, M. Hamilton, and A. L. Millar
P-76 The Effect of Organized Group Learning Compared to Traditional Group Learning in the Gross Anatomy Laboratory For Physical Therapy Students, John Carlos, J. Banks, S. Mayers, and J. Wollemberg
P-77 Change in Critical Thinking Throughout Duration of a Doctorate Level PT Program and Correlative NPTE Performance, Wayne Perry, John Carlos, C. Abbott, M. Mountz, E. Moravetz, and R. Sowers
P-78 The Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, Elizabeth Oakley, B. Babb, A. Lindstromberg, R. Spady, M. Bairage, L. Thomas, and K. Roberts
P-79 The Long Term Effect of Short Wave Diathermy Versus Moist Hot Pack on Hamstring Extensibility, Elizabeth Oakley and M. J.P. Carreras
P-80 Comparing 3 Training Methods to Increase Deep Cervical Flexor Endurance, Lee Olson and A. L. Millar
P-81 Using a Modified Climbing Harness to Create a Permissive Environment for Balance Training in Elderly Individualist at Risk for Falls: A Case Study, Lee Olson, David Village, and A. L. Millar
P-82 Frequency of Physical Therapists Taking Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in an Outpatient Setting, David Village, A. L. Millar, T. King, G. McKenzie, J. Lee, and C. Lopez
Pacific Union Conference Report on Membership Growth, Unknown
Panel Discussion, Andrews University
Panel Discussion, Andrews University
Panel Discussion, Roy Gane
Panel Discussion, Richard Davidson
Panel Discussion, Gerald Klingbeil
Panel Discussion, Jiří Moskala
Panel Discussion with Gregory Boyd, Richard Rice, Steve Harnish, and Carl Helrich, Andrews University
Panel Discussion with Nancey Murphy, John Slattery, and Karl Bailey, Andrews University
Paper-based Biosensor for Colorimetric Detection of PSA Biomarker, Alyson Drew
Paramedic Professional and Leadership Development Using High-Fidelity Healthcare Simulation and Audiovisual Feedback : One Michigan Community College Case Study, Chester L. Dalski
Parental Influence on Inhalant Use, Alina Baltazar, Gary Hopkins, Duane C. McBride, Curt Vanderwaal, Sara Pepper, and Sarah Mackey
Parental Influence on Inhalant Use, Alina Baltazar, Gary Hopkins, Duane C. McBride, Curtis J. VanderWaal Dr., Sara Pepper, and Sarah Mackey
Passport to Mission / Cheryl Doss [book review], Cristian Dumitrescu
Pastoral Effectiveness : a Study of Differences Among Comparison Groups of Seventh-day Adventist Clergy, Peter Swanson
Pastoral Stress Management to Maximize Family Function, H. Peter Swanson
Pastor Isaiah [Interview], Bruce L. Bauer
Pastors and Life in the Public Square, Skip Bell
Patriarchy: A Gateway to Ministry to Women in High Identity Muslim Contexts, Linda Smith
Patterns and Challenges of Parenting School-Age Children Among Selected Sub-Saharan African Immigrant Parents in Southwest Michigan: a Multiple-Case Study, Israel M. Kafeero
Paul's Apparent Reversal of Concern for the Weak Brother in l Corinthians 10:29B-30: an Examination of the Text in Light of Greco-Roman Rhetoric, Moses Oladele Taiwo
Paul's Use of Canonical and Noncanonical Wisdom Literature in Romans and the Corinthian Letters, Tadashi Ino
Pelvic Pain, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary and Colorectal Distress Incidence and Relationship to Quality of Life and Birth Mode, Lori Maria Walton, Christine Abreu, Eliena Jeffus, Amy Trautwein, and Shenya Xavier
Perceived Executive Leader’s Integrity in Terms of Servant and Ethical Leadership on Job Burnout among Christian Healthcare Service Providers: Test of a Structural Equation Model, Jerry L. Chi and Grace Chu-Hui-Lin Chi
Perceived Leader Authenticity as an Effective Indicator of Perceived Instructional Leadership Behavior in Middle Level Principals, Thomas M. Meyer
Perceived Leadership Style, Style Flexibility, and Style Effectiveness of Government Hospital Administrators in Thailand, Pongsin Chuwattanakul
Perceptions and Attitudes of Selected Adventist and non-Adventist Parents of School-Age Children Toward Adventist Schools in Canada, Mike Mile Lekic
Perceptions of Leadership Characteristics of Principals who Influence Positive School Culture in a Midwest Adventist Union : a Qualitative Study, Evelyn P. Savory
Perceptions of Nursing Academic Administrators and Faculty Related to the Pursuit of Upper-Level Administrative Careers, Lavonne M. Adams
Perceptions of Physical Therapy Faculty on the Inclusion of Spirituality in Physical Therapy Education, Janice C. Pitts
Perceptions of Problem-Based Learning and Attitudes Towards its Adoption Among K-12 Teachers in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in Florida, Eileen A. Pilliner
Perceptions of Psychology Among Seminary and Biology Students at Andrews University, Sandro Moraes
Perceptions of Seventh-day Adventist Church Elders in Ghana and the United States on Servant Leadership and Culture: a Correlational Study, Appiah Kubi Kwarteng
Perceptions of Teachers on Systemic Factors Related to Student Performance in Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Schools in Zimbabwe, Sophie Masuku
Perceptions of the Adventist Church in North America, Monte Sahlin
Perceptions of the Role of the Bible Class in Four Christian Liberal Arts Colleges: Considered in the Context of Conflicting Rationales, Jaime Castrejon
Performance Analysis of Beethoven's Violin Sonata Op.23: Freedom of Interpretation in Passages of Formal Anomaly, Arielle E. Cady
Performance Techniques for Four Avant-garde Piano Pieces by Henry Cowell, Gabrielle E. Smith
Personality Profiles and Problems Related to Clergy Misconduct, Kenneth S. Brodie
Peter Lyons presents on the "Structure and function of a unique proteolytic enzyme", Andrews University
Philosophical Foundations and the Biblical Sanctuary, Fernando L. Canale
Philosophy and Education: An Introduction in Christian Perspective, 4th Edition, George R. Knight
Phoebe: Was She an Early Church Leader?, Darius Jankiewicz
Photocatalysis Using CDSE Quantum Dots, Luis K. Garibay
Phrasing and Articulation in Henry Purcell's Harpsichord Suites, Carey Diane Bozovich
Physics Department logo, Andrews University
Phytochemicals from Croton species of Trinidad and Tobago, Simone Walcott
Picture1 GPC, Andrews University
Picture2 TLC, Andrews University
Picture3 TLC, Andrews University
Picture4 GPC, Andrews University
Picture5 LEAD, Andrews University
Picture6 LEAD, Andrews University
PL-1 Deciphering a Slice of Washington’s History Writ Large, James L. Hayward and Shandelle M. Henson
PL-2 Twin Cities Harbor, Andrew C. von Maur
PL-3 Piazzolla's Four Seasons: A Performance Preparation, Carla Trynchuk
PL-4 Partnership as Mission: Advancing Scholarship Through Publications, Wagner Kuhn
Plain Revelation: Reader’s Introduction to The Apocalypse, Ranko Stefanovic
Planificacion Estrategica Para La Universidad Adventista De Chile, 2005-2007, Bolivar Alana Poseck
Planning Abaco: A Proposal to Restroe a Sustainable Tradition on Great Abaco Island, The Bahamas, The 2008 Urban Design Studio, Andrew C. von Maur, and Tony Homenchuk
Planning a Needs-Assessment-Based Approach to Continuing Education Programs for Seventh-day Adventist Clergy in the Eastern Africa Division, Baraka G. Muganda
Planting Diverse Ethnic Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Berlin, Germany, Berndt Dietrich Wolter
Planting Missional Mennonite Churches in Complex Social Contexts as the Denomination Undergoes a Paradigm Shift in Ecclesiology: a Multiple Case Study, David W. Boshart
Pnong: A Cambodian Tribal People, Braden Pewitt
Polygamy in the Bible With Implications for Seventh-day Adventist Missiology, Ron Du Preez
Poor and Rich in the Epistle of James: a Socio-Historical and Exegetical Study, Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid
Portrayal of Women in Kenya's Print Media: a Study of Daily Nation, the Standard, and Kenya Times, June 2002 to June 2003, Beatrice P. Omari
Postmodernism: An Emerging Culture, Miroslav Pujic
Postmodernity: Challenge and Opportunity, Jonathan Thornton
Potomac Conference Adcom Team Transitional Journey from Hierarchical to Servant Leadership, William K. Miller
Power in Religious Organizations: a Study of Principals' Perspectives as Seen in Three Religious High Schools in Michigan, Patrick L. Allen
Practical Application of Seventh-day Adventist Doctrine Through Narrative Preaching at Parkview Adventist Academy, Stephen Reasor
Practical Spirituality in Isaiah 1:10-20, Paul Z. Gregor
Praying for our Leaders, Tom Shepherd
Preaching To An Institutional Congregation: An Analysis Of The Needs And Expectations For Preaching In The Newbury Park Adventist Church, Daniel G. Smith
Preaching to Jews and Gentiles, Robert M. Johnston
Predicting Work Stress Burnout in Rural and Urban Emergency Medical Technicians Through the Use of Early Recollections, Susan M. Vettor
Predictors of Divorce Adjustment Among Members of Three Conservative Protestant Denominations, Andreas Erben
Predominant Nursing Students' Learning Profile and Nursing Faculty Teaching Styles as Related to Final Course Grade in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program in Puerto Rico, Lourdes M{acute}endez Cruz
Preliminary Report on the 2012 Season of the Madaba Plains Project: Tall Jalul Excavations 2012, Paul Z. Gregor, Randall Younker, and Paul Ray
Premarital Education: A Model for the Toronto Perth Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church, Steve David Cassimy
Premarital Preparation : An Educational Content Design for Seventh-day Adventists in the United States, Roger H. Ferris
Premarital Preparation Within the Home, School, and Church as Perceived by Adolescents in the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Ernest James Stevens
Preparation and Practice of Ministry : a Study of Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Education in the Philippines, Crisolito Vasquez Dela Cruz
Preparation, isolation, and characterization of carcinogenic heterocyclic amines derived from arginine, Ryan Hayes
Preservice Teachers' Attitudes and Efficacy Beliefs Toward Inclusion of Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Midwestern Region of the United States, Amy Cavanaugh Cramer
Priesthood of All Believers: a Catalyst for Change in the Ephraim Seventh-day Adventist Church, Reginald R. Barthelemy
Priestly Writing and the Composition of the Pentateuch, Richard E. Averbeck
Principles for Reorganization of the Seventh-day Adventist Administrative Structure, 1888-1903 Implications for an International Church, Barry David Oliver
Principles of Church-State Relationships in the Writings of Ellen G. White, Marcio D. Costa
Processing Load and Biopotentials: An Evaluation of a Consumer Electroencephalogram (EEG), Kristen M. Bishop
Proclamation in Cross-Cultural Context: Missiological Implications of the Book of Daniel, Sung Ik Kim
Proclamation in Cross-Cultural Context: Missiological Implications of the Book of Daniel, Sung Ik Kim
Production of Z 0 bosons in elastic and quasi-elastic ep collisions at HERA, Margarita C. K. Mattingly
Profiles of Pre-Service Teacher Education : an Investigation into the Nature of Selected Exemplary Programs in Jamaica and Michigan, Heather Smith-Sherwood
Programa de Adiestramiento Laico para las Iglesias Hispanas Adventistas de la Association del sur de California, Alfredo Lee
Programa de Rescate de Miembrosque Han Desertadode la Iglesia Adventista Central De Cali, Colombia, Juan Caicedo Solis
Programa para Evangelizar Inmigrantes Hispanos en Ann Arbor, Michigan, Alejandro Delgado Blanco
Promoting Cross-cultural Engagement Among the Pastors in the Greater New York Conference, Oriel Thomas
Promoting Spiritual Growth Among Camp Counselors Through Camping Ministries, Edmund E. Heinrich
Prophesies concerning Christs 2d coming, Isaac Newton
Prophetic Preaching to Resistant Audiences: a Call for Change, Charles Rayburn Ferguson
Proposed Solution to the Problem of Member Retention for the South Sao Paulo Conference, Nilson S. Ferreira
Protecting Women and Children from Violence and Insecurity in Nigeria: The Role of the Media, Ifeoma Ayeni
Protecting Youth from Health Risk Behaviors, Alina Baltazar, Kathryn Conopio, Jacqueline Moreno, Larry Ulery, and Gary L. Hopkins
Protection and Reward: the Significance of Ancient Midrashic Expositions on Genesis 15:1-6, Aecio E. Cairus
Protology and Eschatology in the Writings of John C. Polkinghorne: a Study of Contrastive Roles of Scripture, H Nicholas De Lima
Proyecto Para la Construccion de un Templo Para la Iglesia Adventista Central Hispana de Kansas City en Missouri, Manuel Moral
Psychological Sense of Community in On-Line Learning Environments, Thomas Chris Laughner
Psycho-Social Factors Influencing the Learning of a Second or a Foreign Language, Dora Mae Rodgers
Q-Factor Emotional Intelligence Profiles as an Area for Development in Graduate Nurse Anesthesia Students, Shawn Bryant Collins, Duane Covrig, and Isadore Newman
Quality Research Papers For Students of Religion and Theology, Terry Dwain Robertson and Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
Quantifying Sight: Methods for Studying Eye Movement Patterns While Viewing Paintings, Karl G.D. Bailey and Herbert W. Helm
Quantum Reality: Some Implications for Christian Theology, Charles Chinyoung Choo
Quem Deve Servir a Sociedade?, Wagner Kuhn
Questions and Answers About Women's Ordination, Martin Hanna and Cindy Tutsch
Questions on C-5, Carlos G. Martin
Questions on Doctrine: Annotated Edition, George R. Knight
Questions on Doctrine: Annotated Edition, George R. Knight
Questions on Doctrine: Annotated Edition, George R. Knight
Race, Ethnicity, and Tribal Conflicts, Joel Musvosvi
Radioscopy of a Resurrection: The Meaning of niqq`pu zot in Job 19:26, Jacques R. Doukhan
Ranking Interesting Changes in Correlation Coefficient Matrix Results from Varying Data Partitions in Causal Graphic Modeling, Yesica Daniela Bravo Gonzalez
Rationale and Suggested Program for Workshop on Congregational Singing for Use in Local Church or District, Christopher Ederesinghe
Reach for the Stars, Jennifer Schwirzer and Tara Vincross
Reaching the World Rapidly: A Divine Strategy Focusing on the North American Division, Terri Saelee
Reactions to Childhood Sibling Death: A Qualitative Investigation, Mary A. Paulson
Reactions to the Seventh-day Adventist Evangelical Conferences and Questions on Doctrine 1955-1971, Juhyeok Nam
Readiness for Inter-Institutional Collaboration Among Adventist Institutions of Higher Education in North America : Stages of Change, Robert Arthur Paulson
Reading with Understanding: A practical guide to reading other people’s mail: New Testament Epistles, Felix H. Cortez
Ready 4 Opportunities, Greg Constantine
Reaping the Harvest, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Reason in Theology: a Comparison of Fernando Canale and Wolfhart Pannenberg, Sven Fockner
Reasons for Divorce: Perspectives of Divorced Seventh-day Adventists (The First Draft of an Article), Andreas Erben
Reasons Seventh-day Adventist Parents Gave for Not Sending Their Children to Seventh-day Adventist Elementary and Secondary Schools, Irma C. LaBorde
Reclaiming Our Purpose: Becoming a Missionary Movement Again, Michael R. Cauley
Reconsidering the Literary Structure of the Book of Deuteronomy, Jiří Moskala
Reflections on Forty Years of Research Discovery, Duane C. McBride
Reflections on Genesis 37 and Efforts to Resuscitate the Documentary Hypothesis, Duane A. Garrett
Reflections on Immigration: A Case Study, Judith Redman
Registration, Andrews University
Registration, Andrews University
Registration and Breakfast, Andrews University
Registration and Breakfast, Andrews University
Registration and Breakfast, Andrews University
Reigniting the Lifecycle of Plateauing Churches in Brazil Through a Prayer-Based Intensive Growth Approach, Otoniel de Ferreira
Reign of God, 2nd Ed.: An Introduction to Christian Theology from a Seventh-day Adventist Perspective, Richard Rice
Reign of God, 2nd Ed.: An Introduction to Christian Theology from a Seventh-day Adventist Perspective, Richard Rice
Reign of God: An Introduction to Christian Theology from a Seventh-day Adventist Perspective, Richard Rice
Relational Care as Ministry to the Marginalized, Olaotse Obed Gabasiane
Relationship Between Child Temperament, Parental Knowledge of Child Development, and Parental Stress, Nancy J. Carbonell
Relationship Between Four Temperament Types and Nineteen Spiritual Gifts, Roland L. Joachim
Relationship between Health-maintenance Preferences and Health, Kiara Dillard
Relationship between Health-maintenance Preferences and Health, Kiara Dillard
Relationship Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Resilience, and Religious Orientation and Practices Among University Student Earthquake Survivors in Haiti, Harvey J. Burnett Jr and Herbert Helm
Relationship Between Trust and Perceived Value of Faculty Unionization Among Full-Time Faculty in Selected Michigan Community Colleges, Stacy L. Horner
Relationship of Caning to Internal-External Locus of Control Among Selected African Secondary and College Students, James R. Kilmer
Relationships Among Expectations of Reentry Problems of International Students Living in On-Campus Apartments and Off-Campus Housing at Andrews University and Selected Student Characteristics, José R. Bourget-Tactuk
Relationships Among Selected Internal/External Variables Affecting Decision Making in the Roles/Functions of Research University Provosts, Haldane F. Davies
Relationships among the non-Byzantine manuscripts of 2 Peter, Terry Dwain Robertson
Religion and Biblical Languages Department, Andrews University
Religion and Positions on Public Issues among Seventh-day Adventists in the United States, Roger Dudley
Religion, Culture, and Modernity : Some Missiological Implications of the Process of Secularization in East Asia, Gan-Theow Ng
Religion Is Not a Hobby, Nicholas P. Miller
Religiosity and Perceived Stress Among College Students, Cooper Hodges
Religiosity & Perceived Stress Among Conservative Christian College Students, Cooper Hodges and Duane C. McBride
Religious Commitment as a Correlate of Mental Health and Life Satisfaction Among Black American Families, Judith Bernard-Fisher
Religious & Political Attitudes Towards Women in Power, Jason T. Miller
Religious Tolerance and its Relationship to Spiritual Maturity and Religious Orientation Among Seventh-day Adventists in Jamaica, Meric Dale Walker
Religious TV Spots: Guidelines for Developing a Mass Media and Follow-up Strategy, Assad Bechara
Religious Value Transmission Among Seventh-day Adventist White American Families : A Cognitive Approach to Parental Values and Relationship as Perceived by Youth, Claude M. Villeneuve
René Drumm listens to Baltazar's presentation
Report One: Pathfinder Club Members, The Pathfinder Survey, Kermit Netteburg and Paul Richardson
Reproductive Success of Gulls in the Larus Glaucescens-occidentalis Complex on Protection Island, Washington, Libby C. Megna
Research and Creative Scholarship at Andrews University (2011). Volume 2., Andrews University
Research and Creative Scholarship at Andrews University (2012). Volume 3., Andrews University
Research and Creative Scholarship at Andrews University (2013). Volume 4., Andrews University
Research and Creative Scholarship at Andrews University (2014). Volume 5., Andrews University
Research and Creative Scholarship at Andrews University (2015). Volume 6., Andrews University
Research at Andrews University (2010). Volume 1., Andrews University
Resistance and Accommodation to Racism Among Early Seventh-day Adventist Missionaries in the American South: a Case Study on Relating to Oppressive Cultural Practices in Missions, Kessia Reyne Bennett
Resource Allocation in Seventh-day Adventist Elementary Schools: an Educational Production Function Study, Gerald Alan Brown
Resources For The Hispanic Church, Unknown
Response to Questions on C-5, Jerald Whitehouse
Response to Questions on C-5, Jon L. Dybdahl
Restoring Fallen Pastors: a Study on Restoring and Reinstating Clergy Who Have Been Involved in Sexual Misconduct, David Lawrence Bissell
Resurrection in Daniel 12 and its Contribution to the Theology of the Book of Daniel, Artur A. Stele
Retaining Young Adults Through a Wholistic Formational Discipleship Program at the Immanuel Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church, John S. Nixon II
Revelation 6:9-11: An Exegesis of the Fifth Seal in the Light of the Problem of the Eschatological Delay, Patrice Allet
Revelation and Creation in the Thought of Bernard L. Ramm and Carl F.H. Henry: the Creation "Days" as a Case Study, Warren H. Johns
Revelation and Inspiration: Method for a New Approach, Fernando L. Canale
Revelation of Jesus Christ, 2nd Ed.: Commentary on the Book of Revelation, Ranko Stefanovic
Revelation of Jesus Christ: Commentary on the Book of Revelation, Ranko Stefanovic
Review of A Passion for Truth: The Intellectual Coherence of Evangelicalism, by Alister McGrath, Denis Fortin
Review of Baptismal Imagery in Early Christianity: Ritual, Visual, and Theological Dimensions, Robin M. Jensen, Denis Fortin
Review of Bateman IV, Herbert W. Charts on the Book of Hebrews, (Kregel, 2012), Erhard H. Gallos
Review of BibleWorks 6, Teresa Reeve
Review of BibleWorks for Windows 3.5, Gerald Klingbeil
Review of Biblical Dictionary in Seven Languages: Hebrew, Greek, Latin, English, German, Hungarian, Czech, Jiri Moskala
Review of Borderland Religion: The Emergence of an English-Canadian Identity by J.I. Little, Denis Fortin
Review of Continuity and Change in Adventist Teaching: A Case Study in Doctrinal Development, by Rolf J. Pöhler, Denis Fortin
Review of Francoise Briegel, Negocier la Defense: Plaider Pour les Criminels au Siecle des Lumieres a Geneve (Geneva: Librairie Droz, 2013), Brian E. Strayer
Review of Handbook of Seventh-day Adventist Theology by Raoul Dederen, Denis Fortin
Review of Leviticus 17-22: a new translation with introduction and commentary, by Jacob Milgrom, Gerald Klingbeil
Review of Nothing Beyond the Necessary: Roman Catholicism and the Ecumenical Future by Jon Nilson, Denis Fortin
Review of Original Sin: Origins, Developments, Contemporary Meanings, by Tatha Wiley, Denis Fortin
Review of Religion and the Enlightenment: From Descartes to Kant, by James M. Byrne, Denis Fortin
Review of Roman Catholics and Evangelicals, by Norman L. Geisler and Ralph E. MacKenzie, Denis Fortin
Review of Simon Peter in Scripture and Memory: The New Testament Apostle in the Early Church, by Marcus Bockmuehl, Denis Fortin
Review of The Life and Witness of Peter, by Larry R. Helyer, Denis Fortin
Review of The Reform of the Papacy: The Costly Call to Christian Unity, by John R. Quinn, Denis Fortin
Review of The religions of ancient Israel: a synthesis of parallactic approaches, by Ziony Zevit, Gerald Klingbeil
Revisiting the Literary Structure of the Book of Exodus, Richard M. Davidson
Revolution: Finding Vibrant Faith Beyond the Walls of the Sanctuary / George Barna [book review], Lowell Cooper
Richard Averbeck, Andrews University
Richard Davidson, Andrews University
Riemannian Submersions and Lagrangian Isometric Immerson 1, Yun Myung Oh
Risk and resilience among pre-teen girls: Examining the relationships between body image, self-esteem, and bullying, Tatiana Romelus, Dana Willis, and Jaqueline Torres
River Plate College : an Historical Study of a Missionary Institution, 1898-1951, Egil H. Wensell
Rječnik stvaranja iz Postanka 1-3 u Petoknjižju i u drugim antičkim zapisima o stvaranju, Paul Z. Gregor
Role and Function of Religion in Africa: An Adventist Response, Gilbert Wari
Role Expectations Of Presidents As Perceived By Presidents, Board Of Trustees, And Faculty: A Study Of Private Institutions Of Higher Education In West Java, Indonesia, Richards A. Hutagaol
Romans Were Known for Their Aquaducks: And Other Gems of Wit and Wisdom in Western Civilization, Brian E. Strayer
Roy Gane, Andrews University
Ryan Hayes presents "Preparation, isolation, and characterization of carcinogenic heterocyclic amines derived from arginine", Sarah Burton
Sabbath and Sanctification, Roy Gane
Sabbath and the New Covenant, Roy Gane
Sabbath Keeping Internalization: Well Being and Need Satisfaction, Cheryl Simpson
Sabbath-Keeping Practices and Factors Related to These Practices Among Seventh-day Adventists in 51 Countries, May-Ellen Netten Colon
Sabbath School, Roy Gane
Sabbath School, Sarah Burton
Sabbath School Revitalization Phase II, Unknown
Sacramental Theology and Ecclesiastical Authority, Darius Jankiewicz
Sacred Times: The Book of Jubilees at Qumran, J. Amanda McGuire
Sanctuary Principles for the Successful Church Community, Roy Gane
Screening for Eating Disorders Utilizing the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Roseann M. Woodka
Scriptural Foundations for Accounting, Carmelita Troy and LeRoy Ruhupatty
Scriptural Foundations for Business Communication, Verlyne Starr
Scriptural Foundations for Management, Michael E. Cafferky
Scriptural Foundations for Marketing, W. Bruce Wrenn, Harwood Hoover Jr., and Jacquelyn Warwick
Scriptural Foundations for Microeconomics, Harwood Hoover Jr.
SDA General Conference Survey Analysis, Unknown
Search for Gravitational Radiation from Intermediate Mass Black Hole Binaries in Data from the Second LIGO-Virgo Joint Science Run, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration
Search for Gravitational Wave Ringdowns from Perturbed Intermediate Mass Black Holes in LIGO-Virgo Data from 2005-2010, Tiffany Summerscales and The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with γ-Ray Bursts Detected by the Interplanetary Network, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration, and IPN Collaboration
Second Advent History, Isaac Wellcome
Second Advent History, Isaac Wellcome and Gary Land
Secrets of a Happy Heart, Hyveth Williams
Sec Teens and Youth Feedback Survey, Unknown
Seed fairs in seed security programmes, Sarah Kimakwa
Seed security for food security, Mutizwa Mkute, Doreen Mnyulwa, and Sarah Kimakwa
Seed security: How far has PELUM come?, Sarah Kimakwa
Seeking the Lost Sheep: A Study of membership loss in the Southeastern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Jerry W. Lee
“‘See that you do not refuse the one who is speaking’: Obedience in the Letter to the Hebrews., Felix H. Cortez
Selected Aspects of Ellet J. Waggoner's Eschatology and Their Relation to His Understanding of Righteousness by Faith, 1882-1895, Clinton L. Wahlen
Selected Characteristics of Children Referred for Psychiatric Evaluation, Rebecca Louise Pigott
Selected Characteristics of Home Schools and Parents Who Operate Them, Gunnar A. Gustavsen
Selected Dimensions and Orientations of Religiosity Related to Marital Satifaction As Perceived by Married Seventh-day Adventists in the Midwest, Margaret D. Dudley
Selected Educational Indicators for Monitoring the Primary-School System, Jamaica, Edith G. Marshalleck
Selected Factors Influencing Academic Success of First-Year Students in Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Schools in Rwanda, Salomon Maniraguha
Selected Personality and Motivation Variables Related to Behavioral Commitment to Certain Health Teachings of Seventh-day Adventists, Ronald Edwin Ruskjer
Selected Personality Constructs as Correlates of Personnel Appointment, Appraisal, and Mobility in Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Merle A. Greenway
Selected Roles/Functions of Technical/Vocational Education Administrators in Barbados and the Need for Further Preparation and Continuing Professional Development, Cecil I. Cummins
Selected Variables Related to Alienation from Religion Among Church-Related High School Students, Carl Robert Laurent
Selected Variables Related to Alienation from Religion as Perceived by Students Attending Seventh-day Adventist Academies In the United States, Roger L. Dudley
Selected Variables Related to and Content Dimensions of the Family Concept of Seventh-day Adventist Parents in Costa Rica, Emilio Garcia-Marenko
Selected Variables Related to Religious Commitment among Church-Related Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Youth, Roger Dudley
Selected Variables Related to the Knowledge of, Attitude Towards, and Utilization of Bilingual Education Services by Spanish American Parents in Two Michigan Cities, Ricardo Garcia Rodriguez
Selective Processing by the L3 Auditory Interneuron in Acheta Domesticus : Juvenile Hormone III and Protein Kinase C, Ashley Ranae Lynch
Self Concept and Family Relations of American-Lebanese Children: a Descriptive and Comparative Study, Tagrid T. Chartouni
Self-Concept in Home-Schooling Children, John Wesley Taylor
Self-Esteem, Personal Control, Optimism, Extraversion, and the Subjective Well-Being of Midwestern University Faculty, Shawn Lee Zimmerman
Self-Reported Personal Problems of Adventist Academy Students, Ellen Marsh Crosby
Semana Santa: Historia e Implicaciones, Ricardo Norton
Semiotic Analysis of Andrews University's Official Seal, Debbie-Ann Francis
Send Me: A Vision for Mission to North America, Campbell Page
Sermon Application: Development of Principles and Examination of Selected Sermons, Nikolaus Satelmajer
Servants and Friends: A Biblical Theology of Leadership, Skip Bell
Service and Mentoring in Prevention of At-Risk Behaviors. Seminar on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs, Duane C. McBride and Gary Hopkins
Service Un-requited: African American Civil War Soldiers and Their Fight for Freedom and Pension Compensation, Clifford Allen
Serving with Eyes Wide Open: Doing Short-Term Missions with Cultural Intelligence / David A. Livermore [book review], Wagner Kuhn
Seventh - day Adventist Church , 1993 World Survey, Unknown
Seventh-day Adventist Dissertations and Theses in Religion, Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson and Terry Dwain Robertson
Seventh-day Adventist Lifestyle Views, Unknown
Seventh-day Adventist Mission: The Shifting Landscape, G. T. Ng
Seventh-day Adventist Organizational Leadership Behavior: An Exploration of Ethical Issues, Stan Patterson
Seventh-day Adventists and Original Sin: a Study of the Early Development of the Seventh-day Adventist Understanding of the Effect of Adam's Sin on His Posterity, Edwin Harry Zackrison
Seventh-day Adventist Tentmakers--the Key to Evangelizing Restricted-Access Countries and Unentered Areas, Stenio Gungadoo
Seventh-Day Aventist Youth at the Mid-Century, Unknown
Sex and Substance Use Within a Prohibitionist University Setting, Herbert Helm and Duane C. McBride
Shaking Hands with the (D)evil: Adventism and Communism, Cristian Dumitrescu
Shall Thou Reincarnate or Not? A Quest for Spirituality among Czech "Irreligious" People, Petr A. Činčala
Shame and Honor: Biblical Understandings and Islamic Cultural Reflections, Cristian Dumitrescu
Shannon Trecartin listens intently
Short-Term Missions: A Vital Ingredient of the Divine Blueprint, Vernon B. Parmenter
Should the Qur’an Be Used in Christian Witness?, Petras Bahadur
Simone Walcott and Anthony Bosman enjoy canoeing on Sabbath afternoon, Sarah Burton
Simone Walcott enjoys a good conversation, Andrews University
Simone Walcott presents on "Phytochemicals from Croton species of Trinidad and Tobago", Sarah Burton
Simulation of Light Propagation in Skin and Subcutaneous Blood Vessels, Robert Polski, Ricardo Huancaya, and Hyun J. Kwon
Simultaneous Digital Demodulation and RDS Extraction of FM Radio Signals, Jonathan Ford
Skeleton and Source of Life, Roy Gane
Slavery, Prophecy and the American Nation as seen by the Adventist Pioneers, 1854-1865, Trevor O'Reggio
Slicing the Pie: A Discussion of Seminary Book Budget Allocation at Andrews University, Terry Dwain Robertson
Slow to Understand: the Disciples in Synoptic Perspective, Bertram L. Melbourne
Socially Constructing God: Gender, Culture, and a Stratified Trinity, Landon P. Schnabel
Social Work Department logo, Andrews University
Socioeconomic Characteristics as Factors of Academic Success on the Exame Nacional de Cursos Among Undergraduate Students of Selected Study Programs in Brazil, Josmar Sionti Arrais de Matos
Sociology: A Seventh-day Adventist Approach for Students and Teachers, Lionel Matthews
Sociology: A Seventh-day Adventist Approach for Students and Teachers, Lionel Matthews
Sociopolitical Structure of Transjordanian Societies During the Late Bronze and Iron I Ages (ca. 1500-1000 B.C.), Paul Z. Gregor
Solomon Gisemba presents on "Minimizing Side Reactions in Novel Peptide Ring Closing Metathesis Reactions", Sarah Burton
Some Interesting Features of the Tb3+ Magneooptics in teh Paramagnetic Garnets, Gary W. Burdick, Uygun V. Valiev, John B. Gruber, Anvar K. Mukhammadiev, Dejun Fu, and Vasiliy O. Pelenovich
Some Thoughts on Nonconformity in the Adventist Ethos, Teresa L. Reeve
Sounding the Past: The Music in Between the Acts, Trina Thompson
Sources of Stress, Levels of Stress, and Coping Strategies of Faculty and Staff at Northern Caribbean University, Gloria Davis-Roberts
Spatial and Seasonal Signals in Stable Isotopes of Incisor Enamel from Free-ranging, Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrels, Jacob Andrew Brassington
Spenser's Palmer: The Perversion of Right Reason in The Fairies Queene, Book Ii, Carolyn Davis
Spiritual Formation: a Program to Be Incorporated Into the Theological Education Curriculum at Solusi College, Zimbabwe, Zacchaeus Abram Mathema
Spiritual Formation Within the Faith Community: the Beginning of a Life Journey, Esteban Ricardo Palacios
Spiritual Leadership in Schools: Interview with L. Roo McKenzie., Janet Ledesma
Spiritual Nurture in the Local Seventh-day Adventist Congregation Through the Spiritual Gifts of Prophecy and Shepherding, Francy Duran
Spiritual or religious leadership: What do you practice? What should you practice?, Duane M. Covrig, Janet Ledesma, and Gary Gifford
Spiritual Well-Being and Quality of Life as Correlates of Job Stress Among Academic Chairpersons in Selected Seventh-day Adventist Tertiary Institutions, Russell Mark Aldridge
Staff Satisfaction and Leadership Behavior of Theory X- and Theory Y-Oriented Principals in the Greater Chicago Public School System, Lynn Schiffer Gillman
Stages of Deliberate Teacher Integration of Faith and Learning : the Development and Empirical Validation of a Model for Christian Education, Raquel Bouvet Korniejczuk
Stakeholders' Perceptions of the JBTE Teaching-Practice Benchmarks : a Descriptive Exploration of Two Teachers' Colleges in Jamaica, Hyacinth Paulina Rose
State Methamphetamine Precursor Policies and Changes in Small Toxic Lab Methamphetamine Production, Duane C. McBride, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Jamie Chriqui, Jean O'Connor, Curtis VanderWaal, and Karen Mattson
State Policies Matter: The Case of Outpatient Drug Treatment Program Practices, Jamie Chriqui, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Duane C. McBride, and D Eidson
Statistical Comparison of Results of Redox Titrations Using K-2 CR-2O-7 and KIO-3 in the Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry Lab, David W. Randall and Luis K. Garibay
Staying in Ministry: a Qualitative Study of Seventh-day Adventist Women Pastors, Leslie Helfer Bumgardner
STEM Sabbath School, Andrews University
Strain and Counterstrain for Structural Integrators, Caryn Pierce
Strategies for Seventh-day Adventist Theological Education in the South Pacific Islands, Alexander Shand Currie
Strategies Towards Dignity in the Experience of Poverty Among Two Predominantly African-American Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Birmingham, Alabama, Roy E. Gaiter Sr
Strategy For Holy Week Incarnational Evangelism For The West Puerto Rico Conference Of Seventh-Day Adventists, Efren Pagan
Strategy to Evangelize the Ahanta Middle Class, Andrews Laurence Ewoo
Stressors that Affect Psychotherapists' Therapeutic Functioning, Donald E. Wallace
Structural models for world mission in the twenty-first century : An Adventist perspective, Gorden R. Doss
Structure and function of a unique proteolytic enzyme, Peter Lyons
Structure and Mission Effectiveness: a Study Focused on Seventh-day Adventist Mission to Unreached People Groups Between 1980 and 2010, Abraham Guerrero
Student Evaluations of Teachers, Student Ratings of Teacher Behaviors, and Their Relationship to Student Achievement : A Cross Ethnic Comparison, Trudy Ann Holmes
Student Perception of the Attributes of Peer Mediators: Implications for Program Improvement, Michelle Maree Bell
Study of Experimental Validation for Negative Pressure Wound Therapy, Gener Aviles-Rodriguez
Study of Factors Which Influence the Involvement of Baby Boomers in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Metro-atlanta, Edward E. Wright
Study of Fluid Characterization by Interferometry Techniques, Lizsandy Torres
Study of the Attitudes Concerning Church Standards Expressed by Seventh-day Adventists in Relation to Selected Personality Traits, Hampton Eugene Walker
Study of the Efficacy of a Christian-based Inpatient Hospital for Treating Eating Disorders, Depression, and Spiritual Distress, Robert Alan Darden
Substance Abuse: A Major Global Health Issue, P. N. Landless and Duane C. McBride
Suicide Attempt and Characteristics of Religiously Affiliated Puerto Rican Adolescents and Young Adults, Sa{acute}ul Rivera
Su Palabra permanece para siempre, Felix H. Cortez
Supper, Andrews University
Supper, Andrews University
Supper, Andrews University
Supper, Andrews University
Supper, Andrews University
Supper, Andrews University
Supper, Andrews University
Supper and Volleyball, Andrews University
Supper Reception, Andrews University
Survey of Church Members, Oklahoma Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Unknown
Survey of Nigerian University Student Affairs Services: a Comparison of Students' Perceived Service Importance and the Students' Level of Satisfaction, Michael Adewale Adeniyi
Survey of the Young Adults in the Pacific Union Conference by the Church Ministries Department, Unknown
Survey On The Status of Women Elders in The North American Division, Carole L. Kilcher and Gan-Theow Ng
Sustainability in School Architecture: Learning from Tradition and Modernity, Jose Quezada
Synthesis, Andrews University
Synthesis, Andrews University
Synthesis, Andrews University
Synthesis, Andrews University
Synthesis and Reactivity of alpha-Azido Acylals, Gretchen Bell
Synthesis and Testing of Second Generation Azatilbenes, Maurice Hardy
Systematic Theology: Creation, Christ, Salvation (Vol. 3), Norman R. Gulley
Systematic Theology: Creation, Christ, Salvation (Vol. 3), Norman R. Gulley
Systematic Theology: God As Trinity (Vol. 2), Norman R. Gulley
Systematic Theology: God As Trinity (Vol. 2), Norman R. Gulley
Systematic Theology: Prolegomena (Vol. 1), Norman R. Gulley
Systematic Theology: Prolegomena (Vol. 1), Norman R. Gulley
Systematic Theology, Vol. 1: Prolegomena, Norman R. Gulley
Systematic Theology, Vol. 2: God as Trinity, Norman R. Gulley
Systematic Theology, Vol. 3: Creation, Christ, Salvation, Norman R. Gulley
Talking and Listening, Unknown
Tall Hisban 2011-2012: The Final Season of Phase II., Robert D. Bates, Øystein S. LaBianca, and Jeffrey P. Hudon
Taphonomic Degradation of Chicken Feathers by Bacteria and Fungi in Varying Sediments, Douglas Van Putten
Taphonomic Effects of Fire on Ostrich and Emu Eggshell, Shelley J. McLarty
Teacher Change and a Direct Instruction Reading Approach : A Multiple-Case Study, Shirley Ann Freed
Teacher Concerns: An Overview, Paul S. Brantley
Teacher Efficacy and the Use of Specific Instructional Practices by Seventh- and Eighth-Grade Science Teachers in the United States, Larry Dale Burton
Teacher Participation in School Decision-Making and Job Satisfaction as Correlates of Organizational Commitment in Senior Schools in Botswana, Paul Alan Mosheti
Teacher Perceptions of Internet-Based Distance Education in Adventist Colleges and Universities : a Mixed-Methods Study, Susan B. Smith
Teachers' and Students' Perceptions of Seventh- and Eighth-Grade Science Education in a Selected Seventh-day Adventist Union Conference, Marcel Andre Sargeant
Teachers' Perceptions of the Availability and Need of a Support Program for Students with Learning Difficulties Attending Elementary Schools in the Atlantic Union Conference, Lileth Althea Coke
Teacher Success, Assessment, and Evaluation Practices in Service-Learning Composition Courses, Faith-Ann Abiola McGarrell
Teacher Thinking and the Change Process: a Qualitative Study of Experienced Teachers Learning and Implementing New Models of Teaching, Susan J. Karrer
Teaching Children Right from Wrong, Roger Dudley
Teaching Crossculturally: An Incarnational Model for Learning and Teaching / Judith E. Lingenfelter amd Sherwood G. Lingenfelter [book review], Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
Teaching Effective Communication Principles: Characteristics of Effective Preaching to Young Adult in a North American Context, Matthew William Gamble
Teaching History: A Seventh-day Adventist Approach, Gary Land
Teaching History: A Seventh-day Adventist Approach, Gary Land
Teaching Literature: A Seventh-day Adventist Approach, Delmer Davis
Teaching Literature: A Seventh-day Adventist Approach, Delmer Davis
Teaching Strategies and Adaptations of Teachers in Multiculturally Diverse Classrooms in Seventh-day Adventist K-8 Schools in North America, Annabelle I. Lopez
Te Amo Mujer: a Film, Ivan Ruiz
Technology Partnership Curriculum Initiative: A Descriptive Case Study of its History, Development, and Implementation, Ingrid Wright-Jones
Teenage Pregnancy in St. Kitts-Nevis: Psychosocial and Familial Factors, Ermine T. Leader
Tell Hesban and Vicinity in the Iron Age, Paul J. Ray
Temple and Sacrifice, Roy Gane
Testing the Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM 3) with the Inclusion of Change Fatigue and Overload, in the Context of Faculty from Seventh-day Adventist Universities: A Revised Model, David Andrew Jeffrey
Test Market Research Report, What I Like About..., Monte Sahlin
Test-Retest Reliability of Individual Student Acquisition and Retention Rates as Measured by Instructional Assessment, Matthew K. Burns
That Glorious Fire it Kindled: Extremes of (Un)Righteous Sexuality in Books I and III of Spenser's Faerie Queene, S. Erin McLean
The 1919 Bible Conference and its Significance for Seventh-day Adventist History and Theology, Michael W. Campbell
The Abuse of Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs, Alina M. Baltazar, Gary Hopkins, and Duane C. McBride
The Adventist Church's Position and Response to Socio-Cultural Issues in Africa, John Aza Kisaka
The Adventist Sola Scriptura Research Project, Fernando Canale
The Adventist Woman In The Secular World: Her Ministry and Her Church, Jennifer Knight, Pamela Clifford, Merolyn Coombs, and Linette Lock
The Analogy of Scripture Revisited: A Final Form Canonical Approach to Systematic Theology, John C. Peckham
The Anason Family in Rogaland County, Norway and Juneau County, Wisconsin, Lawrence W. Onsager
The Ancestry and Descendants of Harry William McGlothlin of Bloomer, Chippewa County, Wisconsin, Lawrence W. Onsager
"The anchor of the soul that enters within the veil": the ascension of the "son" in the letter to the Hebrews, Felix H. Cortez
"The Anchor of the Soul that Enters Within the Veil": the Ascension of the "Son" in the Letter to the Hebrews, Felix H. Cortez
The Anointing of Aaron: A Study of Leviticus 8:12 In its OT and ANE Context, Gerald Klingbeil
The Apocalyptic "Son of Man" in Daniel 7, Arthur J. Ferch
The Aqedah at the "Crossroad": Its Significance in the Jewish-Christian-Muslim Dialogue, Jacques R. Doukhan
The Aramaic Ostracon from Lachish: A New Reading and Interpretation, Gerald Klingbeil
The Architecture of Tell Jalul, Carina de Prestes
The Argument of the Order of Creation in 1 Timothy 2:9-15, Felix H. Cortez
The Art of French Melodie: A Manual for Recital Preparation, Kristen Abraham
The Art of French Melodie: A Manual for Recital Preparation, Kristen Abraham
The Augusta, Maine, Church-planting Project, Michael D. Steenhoven
The Avondale School and Adventist Educational Goals, 1894-1900, Milton Raymond Hook
The Background and Experience of New Members in the Georgia Cumberland Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 1979-1980, Roger Dudley
The Background and Meaning of the Sealed Book of Revelation 5, Ranko Stefanović
The Background, Formation, Development, and Presentation of Ellen White's Concept of Forgiveness From Her Childhood to 1864, Ronald Deane Bissell
The Banquet Type-Scene in the Parables of Jesus, Fazadudin Hosein
The Behavior of Glaucous-winged Gull Egg Cannibals, Ashley A. Reichert
The Belonging Principle in Church Membership, Warren Butler Ruf
The Bender Gestalt and Symbol Digit Modalities Tests as Cerebral Dysfunction Screening Instruments :a Comparative Evaluation, Bruce R. Wright
The Bible and Change, James Coffin
The Bible Instructor: a Manual for the Training of Lay Bible Instructors, Colin Alfred Dunbar
The Bible Supports the Ordination/Commissioning of Women as Pastors and Local Church Elders, Richard M. Davidson
The Biblical Canon: Do We Have the Right Bible?, John C. Peckham
The Biblical Concept of Man and its Implications for Christian Religious Instruction, Helmut Ott
The Black Seventh-day Adventist Family in South Africa : a Needs Assessment and Implications for Family Life Education, Velile S. Wakaba
The Book and the Student: Theological Education as Mission, Wagner Kuhn
The Book of Daniel in Light of the Ancient Near Eastern Literary and Material Finds: an Archaeological Perspective, Patrick Mazani
The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can be Done About It / Paul Collier [book review], John Clements
The Caring Ministry: Concepts and Methods of Ministry to Inactive Members of the Stone Tower Seventh-day Adventist Church, Portland, Oregon, John Clifton Alspaugh
The Caring Ministry: Concepts and Methods of Ministry to Inactive Members of the Stone Tower Seventh-day Adventist Church, Portland, Oregon, John C. Alspaugh
The Center for Adventist Research at Andrews University, Merlin D. Burt, Jim Ford, and Terry Dwain Robertson
The Center of the Aqedah: A Study of the Literary Structure of Genesis 22:1-19, Jacques R. Doukhan
The Challenge of the Postmodern Condition to Adventist Mission in South America, Kleber de Oliveira Gonçalves
The Church as an Agent of Reconciliation in the Thought of Desmond Tutu, Trust J. Ndlovu
The Church as a Social Support for Women: Perspectives of Female Members of Selected Seventh-day Adventist Churches, Norma Greenidge
The Church as Family: A Study of Viability in the Smaller Local Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Kerry H. Hortop
The Church, Structural Organization, and Acculturation, Bert B. Beach
The Classification of the Greek Manuscripts of 1 Peter with Special Emphasis on Methodology, Kenneth Keumsang Yoo
The Classification of the Greek Manuscripts of the Epistle of James, Joel D. Awoniyi
The Colton Celebration Congregation: a Case Study in American Adventist Worship Renewal 1986-1991, Viviane Haenni
The Common Core State Standards' Mathematical Practices: What do They Mean for the Adventist Mathematics Classroom?, Marion V. Prince
The Community of the First Century, Jim Park
The Composition of Tripolar Announcement Stories in the Gospel of Mark, Hans-Otto Reling
The Concept of Character Development in the Writings of Ellen G. White, John M. Fowler
The Concept of Character in the Apocalypse with Implications for Character Education, Beatrice S. Neall
The Concept of Contextualization and its Implications for the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Education in India, Melchizedek M. Ponniah
The Concept of Divine Love in the Context of the God-World Relationship, John C. Peckham
The Concept of Divine Love in the Context of the God-World Relationship, John C. Peckham
The Concept of Salvation in 19-34-Year-old Seventh-day Adventists Who Live in the State of Indiana, Neva Charlotte Regal
The Concept of the Poor in the Context of the Ecclesiology of Liberation Theology, Amin Americo Rodor
The Concept of Vengeance in the Book of Revelation in its Old Testament and Near Eastern Context, Joel Nobel Musvosvi
The Conceptual and Stylistic Imprint of Deuteronomy on the Narratives of Genesis–Numbers, Daniel I. Block
The Connection Between Slavery and Prophecy as it Related to the American Nation in the Writings of the Adventist Pioneers during the Antebellum Period, Trevor O'Reggio and Dojcin Zivadinovic
The Contribution of Education, Experience, and Personal Characteristics on the Reflective Judgment of Students Preparing for School Administration, Margaret Rae MacDonald
The Contribution of Terminological Patterns to the Literary Structure of Leviticus, Wilfried Warning
The Correlation of Personality Factors with Spiritual Gifts Clusters, Soo Dong Choi
The Correlation of Value Profiles and Vocational Choice, Yew Chong Wong
The "Cosmic Covenant" in the Letter to the Hebrews, Jeffrey P. Walker
The Counseling Center as a Healing Community : the Development of a Model, Talitha Day Fair
The Creation Narrative, Jacques R. Doukhan
The Creation of a Natural Church Development Coaching and Implementation Guide for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Robert Folkenberg
The Creation of a Natural Church Development Coaching and Implementation Guide for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Robert S. Folkenberg Jr.
The Crippling Problem the Church Faces Today, S. Joseph Kidder
The Cross of Christ: Theological Differences Between Joseph H. Waggoner and Ellen G. White, Denis Fortin
The Cultic Motif in Space and Time in the Book of Daniel, Winfried Vogel
The Cultivation and Production of Student Missionaries, Laurence G. Burn
The Current Structure of Intellect Remediation Lab as an Intervention for Deficient Readers in Grades 3, 4, and 5, Donna Turner Campbell
The Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment of Dispositions in Preservice Teacher Education, Andrea Marie Baldwin
The Danger of Certainty-Seeking Faith, Gregory Boyd
The Decalogue Before Mount Sinai, Jo Ann Davidson
The Decalogue Predates Mount Sinai: Indicators from the Book of Genesis, Jo Ann Davidson
The Deeper Life Conference: an Adventist Adaptation of the Spiritual Retreat Concept, Norman A. Yeager
The Definition and Function of Markan Intercalation as Illustrated in a Narrative Analysis of Six Passages, Tom Shepherd
The Delimitation of Pericopes: a Case Study in Matthew, Mark B. Regazzi
The Demonology of Ellen G. White, Marko Kolic
The Derivation of Identity: Gender, Masculinity, and Sexuality in Coriolanus, Matthew Chacko and L. Monique Pittman Ph.D.
The Design and Creation of a Portable Water Purification System, Adam Shull
The Design, Implementation, and Assessment of Initial Change and Growth in a Local Voluntary Organization and its Members, Tracy Ann Weber
The Development and Administration of a Modified Community College-Type Program for Caribbean Union College, T. Leslie Ferdinand
The Development and Evaluation of a Seminar for Teachers on the Awareness and Management of Allergic Conditions of their Students in the Classroom, Elwin C. Munson
The Development And Formative Evaluation Of Instructional Materials And Procedures Designed To Teach The Concept Of Christian Witness, Gordon Gale Bietz
The Development and Implementation of a Grief Support Group Program for the Toronto East Seventh-day Adventist Church Community, Whitford A. Shaw
The Development and Validation of a Sentence-Completion Method: a Semi-Structured Projective Technique Designed for Personality Study, Esdon N. Bacchus
The Development and Validation of a Vocational Interest Survey Instrument With Audio-Visual Format, Paul Gene Elliott
The Development of a Continuing Educational System for the College of the Bahamas with Implications for Third World Countries, Arthur Leon Roach
The Development of a Course in Biblical Theology Based on a Book-by-book Approach to the Bible, Daniel Duda
The Development of a Master Plan of Curriculum and Instruction for a Charter School in the State of Michigan, Thomas Gerald Kea
The Development of an Instrument for K12 Coordinators Implementing Curriculum Videoconferencing and a Model to Predict Utilization of Videoconferencing, Janine Monica Lim
The Development of an Instrument to Screen Children at Risk for Attention Deficit Disorder, Carlisle Applewhaite
The Development of a Program for the Retention of New Members in the New Jerusalem Seventh-day Adventist Church, Enell Oswald Hall
The Development of a Self-Esteem Protocol for Adults, Steven D. Mauro
The Development of a Theologically Undergirded Strategy for Mission Employing Small Group Structure in the SDA Church in Zambia, Lassew Dennis Raelly
The Development of Organizational and Leadership Paradigms in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Barry D. Oliver
The Development of the Concept of Salvation in Lutheran and Seventh-Day Adventist Parochial, Secondary-School Students, Megan G. Brown
The Development of the Seventh-day Adventist Understanding of Ellen G. White's Prophetic Gift, 1844-1889, Theodore N. Levterov
The Development of the Spiritual Life as the Foundation for Mission, Michael R. Cauley
The Difference of Love, Joy, and Peace, Roy Gane
The Diversity of Color: an Analysis of Cross-cultural Color Symbolism, Erica L. Bradfield
The Doctrine of Sin in the Thought of George R. Knight: Its Context and Implications, Jamie Kiley
The Doctrine of the Sanctuary in the Seventh-day Adventist Church: Three Approaches, Roy Adams
The Drama of Scripture: Finding Your Place in the Biblical Story / Craig G. Bartholomew and Michael W. Goheen [book review], Cristian Dumitrescu
The Early Bronze Age Ceramic Assemblage from Tell Ta'annek, Palestine, Mark S. Ziese
The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Teams Using the BcubeTM Process, C. Vincent Anderson
The Effectiveness of Rating Scales and Semi-Structured Interview in Diagnosing Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Carolyn Mae Cofrancesco
The Effectiveness of the Writing Workshop Model to Teach an English-as-a-Second-Language College Writing Course in Puerto Rico: a Look at Students' Outcomes, Marie Jacqueline Agésilas
The Effect of 4-aminopyridine on Phonotactic Selectivity in Female Crickets, Lauren Martin
The Effect of a Jail-Based Substance-Abuse Program on Anxiety, Depression, and Locus of Control, Peggy Leigh Frick
The Effect of BMI on the Age of Menarche in Adolescent Girls, Samara R. Sterling
The Effect of Celite Formulated Rhizobium Rubi AT3-4RS/6 and Tryptophan on Velvetleaf Plant Growth, Jonathon Ahn
The Effect of Prosody Instruction on Reading Fluency and Comprehension Among Third-Grade Students, Tammy B. Overstreet
The Effect of Pull-Out Programs on the Academic Achievement of Sixth Grade Students In South Bend, Indiana, Pherbia Mathis Engdahl
The Effect of Reality Therapy As An Administrative Model Upon the Organizational Climate and Educational Outcomes of Selected Elementary Schools, Clarence U. Dunbebin
The Effect of Stress- Relaxation Cycles on the Capacitance of Dielectric Electro Active Polymers, Cody Rieger and Boon-Chai Ng
The Effect of Varying Sound Intensities on Phonotactic Selectivity in Female Acheta domesticus, Re'Jeanne Greene and Benjamin Navia Ph.D.
The Effects of Accreditation by the North Central Association on the Organization, Administration and Programs of Selected Accredited Michigan Public Community Colleges, Margaret A. Crishal
The Effects of a Pre-Therapy Information Audiotape on Client Satisfaction, Anxiety Level, Expectations, and Symptom Reduction, Mark A. Davison
The Effects of a Valproate Fatty Acid Prodrug on the Inositol Biosynthetic Pathway, Gina Kang
The Effects of a Videoconferencing Implementation Project on Educators' Level of Concern in Southwest Michigan Schools, Dennis David Lundgren
The Effects of Chloro Linoleate Acylal Prodrugs on the Inositol Biosynthetic Pathway in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Steffie-Ann Dujon
The Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Inositol Pathway Mutants, Daniel Antonio Colon Hidalgo and Marlene Murray - Nseula
The Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on the Concentration of Myo-inositol, Patrick Knighton
The Effects of Perspective-Taking Training on Empathy Development in Adult Male Sex Offenders, Randall E. Haugen
The Effects of Prereferral Intervention Through the Connecticut Early Intervention Project on Special Education Prevalence Rates in Connecticut Schools, Marianne Eike Kirner
The Effects of Prompted Tutoring on an Emporium Model Math Course, Juliette Michelle Young
The Effects of Pyrilamine on the Selectivity of Phonotaxis, Kristin Chung
The Effects of Selected Tax Reform and School Finance Proposals on the Equalizing Tendencies of State Aid to Michigan Public School Districts, Dorothy R. Hildebrand
The Effects of "Stress Inoculation" on Anxiety-related Behaviors in a Rodent Model, Rebecca Ruth Clouse
The Effects of Valproate Prodrugs on the Inositol Biosynthetic Pathway in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Yeast, Lisa Thompson
The electronic etching and characterization of Tungsten tips in preparation for production, G. Brendan Cross
The Ellen G. White Encyclopedia, Denis Fortin and Jerry Moon
The Emerging Church—Part 3: Evangelical Evaluations, Fernando L. Canale
The Emotional Intelligence Profiles and Cognitive Measures of Nurse Anesthesia Students in the Southeastern United States, Shawn Bryant Collins
The Empirical Development of a College Curriculum of the Epistle to the Galatians, Dragutin Matak
The Empirical Development of a Curriculum in Sports Acrobatics and Spiritual Witnessing, Robert U. Kalua
The Empirical Development of a Curriculum on Faith Development, Samir Selmanovi{acute}c
The Empirical Development of a Curriculum on Identification of the "Tongues" of 1 Corinthians 14 Utilizing a Socio-Exegetical Approach to Interpretation, Angel Hernandez
The Empirical Development of a Curriculum on Psalms Utilizing a Modified Form-Critical Approach, Ted Ewing
The Empirical Development of a Curriculum on the Issues Concerning the History of Ancient Israel, Ruzica Gregor
The Empirical Development of a Curriculum to Train SDA Professional Youth Leaders, Steve Case
The Empirical Development of an Instructional Product Designed to Enhance the Cognitive Awareness of and the Modification of Affect Toward the Disability Condition, Rikard Ashmore Bailey
The Empirical Development of an Instructional Product for the Training of Seventh-day Adventist Literature Evangelists, Randy C. Horning
The Empirical Development of an Instructional Product on the Religion of Islam from a Missiological Perspective, Raja D. Farah
The Empirical Development of a Preparation for Marriage Curriculum for Twelfth-Grade Students, Kevin John Howse
The Employed Versus the Nonemployed Mother: the Effects on the Seventh-day Adventist Family in Southwestern Michigan, A. Melville Lawson
The End of the Israelite Monarchy, Roy Gane
The End of the World as the Church Used to Know It, Kleber de Oliveira Gonçalves
The Eschatological Judgment in Job 19:21-29 : an Exegetical Study, Gordon E. Christo
The Eschatological Role of the Jerusalem Temple: An Examination of Jewish Writings Dating from 586 BCE to 70 CE, Eric W. Baker
The Establishment of ASI Chapters in Tanzania, Israel Mangore Magesa
The Ethical Viability of Church Support of Moral Legislation, Jason Alexander Hines
The Evolving Face of God as Creator: Early Ninteenth-Century Traditionalist and Accommodationist Theological Responses in British Religious Thought to Paleonatural Evil in the Fossil Record, Thane Hutcherson Ury
The Experience of Growing Up in a Minister's Home and the Religious Commitment of the Adult Child of a Minister, Carole Brousson Anderson
The Faith that lies at the Heart of Science, Gary W. Burdick
The Fatherhood of God: an Exegetical Study From the Hebrew Scriptures, David Russell Tasker
The Father of Black Adventism, Trevor O'Reggio
The Female Adolescent Incest Victim : Personality, Self-Esteem, and Family Orientation, Don-Nee E. German
The Forgotten Movement: Church Planting Trends and Lessons (Part 1 of 2), S. Joseph Kidder and Dustin Serns
The Forgotten Movement: Church Planting Trends and Lessons (Part 2 of 2), S. Joseph Kidder and Dustin Serns
The Fossil Record: Seventh-day Adventist Perspectives, H. Thomas Goodwin
The Function of Christ's Suffering in I Peter 2:21, Madelynn Jones-Haldeman
The Function of loipos in Contexts of Judgment and Salvation in the Book of Revelation, Leslie N. Pollard
The Gatekeepers: An Evaluation of Clergy Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions Regarding Mental Health Issues, Collaboration, and Referral to Treatment, Alix R. Sandman
The gatekeepers: Clergy involvement in referrals and collaboration with mental health and substance abuse professionals, Curtis J. VanderWaal Dr., E. I. Hernandez, and A. R. Sandman
The General Epistles, Thomas Shepherd
The Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament, Gerald A. Klingbeil
The Genesis Flood Narrative: Crucial Issues in the Current Debate, Richard M. Davidson
The Geometry of Curves, Ye Lim Seo
The God of Job and Our Adversary, Jiri Moskala
The Gospel According to God’s Judgment: Judgment as Salvation, Jiri Moskala
The Gospel and Australian Culture, Part 1, Peter Roennfeldt
The Gospel and Australian Culture (Part 2), Peter Roennfeldt
The Gospel of Reconciliation in East Africa: Islam and Traditional Religion, David W. Shenk
The Head and Not the Tail, Roy Gane
The Heartbeat of the Believer, S. Joseph Kidder
The Heavenly Court Scene of Revelation 4-5, R. Dean Davis
The Heavenly Sanctuary in the Old Testament, Richard M. Davidson
The Heavenly Sanctuary/Temple Motif in the Hebrew Bible : Function and Relationship to the Earthly Counterparts, Elias Brasil de Souza
The Hellenistic and Roman Periods at Tell Hesban, Jordan, Larry A. Mitchel
The "Hero" Motif Within the Adventist Narrative, Evan Knott
The Historical Books, Jiri Moskala
The Historical-Critical Paradigm in Biblical Studies: A Critical Intellectual History, Joshua Berman
The Historical Development of Higher Education in Bermuda, Inez E. Browne-Dixon
The Historical Development of Seventh-day Adventist Eschatology 1884-1895, Roy Israel McGarrell
The Historical Development of the Religion Curriculum at Battle Creek College, 1874-1901, Medardo Esau Marroquin
The Historical Development, Philosophical Foundation, and Mission of the Religious Education Program at Andrews University, Jorge E. Rico
The History of the Adventist Interpretation of the "Daily" in the Book of Daniel from 1831 to 2008, Denis Kaiser
The Hole in Our Gospel / Richard Stearns [book review], Marcelo E. C. Dias
‘The Holy Spirit and We Have Decided’ (Acts 15:28) – Reflections on the Authority of the Office, Paul B. Petersen
The Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Scriptures, Jiri Moskala ThD, PhD
The Identity and Role of the Gift-giving Spirit in Numbers 11, Jeanmark Kessler
The Immigration Crisis: Immigrants, Aliens, and the Bible / James K. Hoffmeier [book review], Cristian Dumitrescu
The Impact of Accreditation on the Teacher Education Curricula at Two Historically Black Colleges from 1920-1940, Denise J. Shaver
The Impact of Computer Literacy and Library Anxiety on Students' Library Experience, Terry Dwain Robertson and Lauren Matacio
The Impact of Cultural Factors on Leadership in a Global Church, Erich C. Baumgartner
The Impact of Early-Intervention/Prevention Services on the Northville Public Schools, Robert O. Sornson
The Impact of Family, Community, and Resilience on African-American Young Adults Who Had Parents Incarcerated During Childhood, Marilyn Diana Ming
The Impact of Intentional Learning Experiences for Personal Spiritual Formation on Seminary Students, Carol M. Tasker
The Impact of Short-Term Mission on Brazilian Theology Students, Nathanael B.P. Moraes and Berndt Wolter
The Impact of Short-Term Missions at the Local Church Level, Gary Wagner
The Impact of Student Evaluative Feedback on the Perception of the Teaching Faculty at Andrews University, Edmund Siagian
The Impact of the Coaching Relationship on Pastoral Leaders in the Rocky Mountain Conference, Barry L. Taylor
The Impact of the College Experience on the Lives of Female Single-Parent Students, Elizabeth Darby Watson
The Impact on Team Effectiveness of Personality Preferences of Team Members Involved in the Connecticut Early Intervention Project, Nancy Krafcik-Rousseau
The Implementation and Evaluation of the Spiritual Leadership Curriculum Joshua's Men in the Williamsport Pennsylvania Seventh-day Adventist Church, Thomas R. Grove
The Implications of Arminius’ Understanding of the Intellect on Knowledge Exchange Strategies in the Mission of the SDA Church, Terry Dwain Robertson
The Implications of the Arad Temple for the Question of Dating P, Jorge Luiz Da Silva
The Implications of the Piagetian Stages to Readiness for Baptism, Daniel Gutekunst
The Importance of and Relationship Between Admissions Criteria for Undergraduate Students and the Management of the Office of Admissions in Seventh-day Adventist Institutions of Higher Education, Gerald Francis Clifford
The Improv Church : A Qualitative, Theoretical, and Interdisciplinary Explanation of its Appeal to Collegians, Karl Haffner
The Individuality of Modernity, Jim Park
The Influence and Use of Daniel in the Synoptic Gospels, Reimar Vetne
The Influence of a Series of Sermons on the Attitudes and Attendance of the Crossroads Seventh-day Adventist Church in New York, Linford Lee Martin
The Influence of Family Dynamics on Contraceptive Use in Madagascar and the Ensuing Impact on Family Well-Being, Joel Zafitandra Hajason, Kayla Piña, and Joel L. Raveloharimisy
The Influence of K-12 Christian Education on Leadership Development, Jeffrey S. McMaster
The Influence of Social Integration, Religious Integration, and Religious-Social Regulation on Suicidal Behaviors Among Seventh-day Adventist Youth, Elizabeth A. Hossler
The Influence of University Personnel Upon Students' Spirituality at Selected Adventist Universities in West Africa, Isaiah Ola Abolarin
The Initiation of an Intentional Ministry Within a New Pastorate in the Dalton, Georgia, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Benjamin Carl Maxson
The Institute of World Mission: Forty-five Years and Counting, Patricia Jo Gustin
The intra-Jewish dialogue in 4 Ezra 3:1-9:25, P. Richard Choi
The Iron Age I Structure on Mount Ebal: Excavation and Interpretation, Ralph K. Hawkins
The Israel of God in Prophecy: Principles of Prophetic Interpretation, Hans K. LaRondelle
The Israel of God in Prophecy: Principles of Prophetic Interpretation, Hans K. LaRondelle
The Israel of God in Prophecy: Principles of Prophetic Interpretation, Hans K. LaRondelle
The Issue of Antitrinitarianism in the Fifteenth-Century Novgorod-Moscow Movement: Analysis and Evaluation, Oleg Zhigankov
The Jephthah Traditions : a Rhetorical and Literary Study in the Deuteronomistic History, Dale Sumner DeWitt
The Jerusalem Council, Gorden R. Doss
The Johannine Paroimia, Hyunsok Doh
The Karajá Mission in Brazil, Ubirajara de Farias Prestes Filho
The Latter Days and the Time of the End in the Book of Daniel, Gerhard Pfandl
The Laws of Clean and Unclean Animals of Leviticus 11: their Nature, Theology, and Rationale (an Intertextual Study), Jiří Moskala
The Laying on of Hands on Joshua: an Exegetical Study of Numbers 27:12-23 and Deuteronomy 34:9, Keith Edward Mattingly
The Leadership Behavior of Jamaican High School Principals : Perceptions and Expectations of Teachers and Principals, Nehemiah Mead
The Learning Disabled College Student : Experiencing the Hundred-Acre Wood, Frances Lowry Schander
The Life and Status of Women in ACHAEMENID PERSIA, Erika Mikkelson
The Lifestyle and Prevalence of Vegetarianism in Seventh-day Adventist Hispanics, Maribel Hidalgo
The Literary Structure of the Genesis Creation Story, Jacques Doukhan
The Lost Meaning of the Seventh Day, Sigve K. Tonstad
The Lost Meaning of the Seventh Day, Sigve K. Tonstad
The Lost Meaning of the Seventh Day, Sigve K. Tonstad
The Love of God: A Canonical Model, John C. Peckham
The Macedonian Call: Regional, Religious, and Political Identities and the Austin School of Theology (1882-1895), Michel Sunhae Lee
The Magisterium and Theologians in the Writings of Avery Robert Dulles, Darius W. Jankiewicz
The Market for Resource Materials in the North American Adventist Church, Monte Sahlin
The Market Position of a University Relative to an "Ideal": A Study of Constituent and Faculty Perceptions, R. Kenneth Blanton
The Meaning and Function of System in Theology, Timothy Watson
The Meaning of Marriage to the Voluntarily Childless Couple, June Ann Smith
The Meaning of Telos in Romans 10:4, Robert Badenas
The Meaning Of YAYIN In The Old Testament, Lael O. Caesar
The Melodic Structure And Form Of Norwegian Lullabies (Bansuller) From The Valleys Of Valdres, Gudbrandsdalen, And Osterdalen, Elbjorg Keyn Lundstrom
The Message of God's People in the Old Testament, Jiri Moskala
The Michael Figure in the Book of Daniel, Lewis O. Anderson
The Michigan School Board Member, Delegate or Trustee? : His/Her Personal Characteristics and Attitudes Toward Current Educational Concerns, Frederick J. Schmidt
The Minister as a Husband, Roger Dudley
The Mission of God's People in the Old Testament, Jiri Moskala
The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible’s Grand Narrative / Christopher J.H. Wright [book review], Cristian Dumitrescu
The Mission of the Remnant: To Reveal and Proclaim the Glory of God, Lester P. Merklin Jr.
The Most Important Thing You Need to Know about Parenting, Donna Habenicht
The motivation factor: Why people do what they do, Skip Bell
The Muslim Spiritual Progress Scale: Aiding Muslims in Coming to Christ, Marc Coleman
The Name Israel and Related Expressions in the Books of Amos and Hosea, Ganoune Diop
The Nature, Function, and Purpose of the Term Sheol in the Torah, Prophets, and Writings, Eriks Galenieks
The Nature of Man and Educational Administration: a Ternary Function, Ralph Moberly Coupland
The Nature of Mentoring and its Relationship with Role Socialization for the Academic Nurse Administrator, Anna Rambharose Vance
The Nearness and the Delay of the Parousia in the Writings of Ellen G. White, Ralph E. Neall
The Necessary Job Competencies of Secondary School Principals as Perceived by School Administrators in Sabah, Malaysia, Charles Saimin Gaban
The need for a Biblical theology of holistic mission, Wagner Kuhn
The NINJA-2 Project: Detecting and Characterizing Gravitational Waveforms Modeled Using Numerical Binary Black Hole Simulations, Tiffany Summerscales and The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
The North American Division Marketing Program, Vol. 1: Profiling Adventist Members and Baptisms., Roger Dudley
The North End Plan: An Urban Design Proposal and Architectural Pattern Book Produced for Michigan City, Indiana, The 2007 Urban Design Studio and Andrew C. von Maur
Theodicy and Execution for Expiation in 2 Samuel 21:1-14, Carrie S. Rhodes
The Old Testament Trinitarian Thinking and the Qur'an: Dialoguing with Muslims, Jiri Moskala
The Old Testament Trinitarian Thinking and the Qur'an: Dialoguing with Muslims, Jiří Moskala
Theology and Disestablishment in Colonial America: Insights from a Quaker, a Puritan, and a Baptist, Nicholas Miller
Theology in Parish Life, Skip Bell
Theology of Blindness in the Hebrew Scriptures, Ray McAllister
Theology of Judgment in Genesis 6-9, Chun Sik Park
Theology of Sexuality in the Song of Songs: Return to Eden, Richard M. Davidson
The Order and Significance of the Sealed Tribes of Revelation 7:4-8, Michael W. Troxell
Theoretical Orientations to Reading and Reading Instructional Practices of Selected Home-Education Parents in Southwest Michigan, Pollyanna Prosper Barnes
The Organizational Communication Climate and Utilization of Lines of Communication Within Purdue University Calumet, Judith Lynn Hack
The Origin and Transmission of the Alphabet, Joaquim Azevedo
The Origin, Development, and History of the Norwegian Seventh-day Adventist Church from the 1840s to 1889, Bjorgvin Martin Hjelvik Snorrason
The Origin of the Eschatological Feast as a Wedding Banquet in the Synoptic Gospels: an Intertextual Study, Phillip J. Long
The Paraclete as Broker of Truth in Context, Doug Matacio
The Passible Potter and the Contingent Clay: A Theological Study of Jeremiah 18:1–10, John C. Peckham
The Pastor as Vital Link : a Study in How Seminary-Educated Pastors Engender Engagement with Scripture in Select Congregations, Jewel Gingerich Longenecker
The Pastor: Forming a Shared Vocational Vision, Skip Bell
The Pauline Epistles, P. Richard Choi
The Pentateuch, Roy Gane
The Perceived Adequacy of Vocational and Technical Education in Nigeria and the Administrative Problems in Staffing the Programs, James Dele Owolabi
The Perception of Government Legitimacy and Willingness to Seek Help, Ezra M. Kenyanya and Joel L. Raveloharimisy
The Perceptions of General Education Teachers About the Over-Representation of Black Students in Special Education, David Roland Grice
The Perceptions of the Impact of Interscholastic Sports On Selected Elements of a Public-School Experience, Denise M. Drabick
The Peripheral Church of Postmodernity, Jim Park
The Persian Period Pottery of Tall Al-'Umayri, Philip R. Drey
The Personality of the Pastor as a Function of Church Growth, Roger Dudley
The Peruvian Education Reform of 1968-1980 and Seventh-day Adventist Education at Inca Union College : a Study in Models, Luis Alberto Del Pozo
The Phenomenon of Power in the Church: an Investigation and Analysis of the Relational Dynamics Experienced in the Context of the Assertion of Authority, Steven R. Walikonis
The Phenomenon of Woman-on-Woman Abuse and its Relationship to Gender Profile and Personal Experiences of Women, Deborah Johnson Spence
The Philosophy of Christian Service and its Practice in the Seventh-day Adventist Senior Academies of the United States during the 1979-1980 School Year, Edward M. Norton
The Pluriformity of the Alexandrian Text-Type in the Catholic Epistles, Coster Shimbaba Munyengwe
The Possible Effects of Deleterious Rhizobacterial Combinations on the Growth of the Weed Velvetleaf, Athena Smith and Robert Zdor Ph. D.
The Postmodern Shift in Library Instruction, Terry Dwain Robertson
The Presence of the Covenant Motif in Amos 1:2-2:16, Reinaldo W. Siqueira
The President's Page: Creation—The Sine Qua Non of Adventism, Jiri Moskala
The President's Page: The New Constitution and Bylaws of the Adventist Theological Society, Jiri Moskala
The Prevalence of Encysted Toxoplasma & Sarcocystis in Consumer-grade Pork, Beef, and Lamb in Michiana, Ross Trecartin
The Problem of Ordination: Lessons from Early Christian History, Darius Jankiewicz
The Problem of Synoptic Relationships in the Development and Testing of a Methodology for the Reconstruction of the Matthean Community, Robert K. McIver
The problem with Training-and-visit extension, Sarah Kimakwa
The Process and Adaptation of the Ministries of the Wausau Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Postmodern Matrix to Those Born After 1964, William Shelby Bossert
The Professional Development School : a Descriptive Case Study of its History and Development, Denise G. Michaelis
The Prophets, Paul B. Petersen
The Psycho-physiological Effects of Volume, Pitch, Harmony and Rhythm in the Development of Western Art Music Implications for a Philosophy of Music History, Wolfgang Hans Stefani
The Quest for “La Sapienza”: Elaborations on Roy Bhaskar’s Critical Realism, Ante Jeroncic
The Qur’an and Its Biblical Under-text: New Perspectives on Non-Muslim Readings of the Qur’an, Gabriela Profeta Phillips
The Reception of Ellen G. White's Trinitarian Statements by Her Contemporaries, 1897-1915, Denis Kaiser
The Reception of the Priestly Laws in Deuteronomy and Deuteronomy’s Target Audience, Benjamin Kilchör
The Reclaiming Project: a final report on 1993, Monte Sahlin
The Reflective Process in Nursing Clinicals Using Journaling and Dialogue, Rita Van Horn
The Relationship Among Selected Personality, Identity Status, and Academic Achievement Factors Among Black Adolescents, Juliet P. Sayles
The Relationship Among Selected Variables Influencing Decision Making in the Roles of Public Community College Academic Deans, Sylvan Alphonso Lashley
The Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Perceived Organizational Effectiveness and the Michigan Elementary Exemplary Public School Recognition Program, David L. Ratajik
The Relationship Between Afrocentric Worldview and Marital Satisfaction in African-American Couples, Ganz E. Ferrance
The Relationship Between Attitudes Toward Women, Rape Myth Acceptance, and Sexual Coercive Experiences of Male and Female Students at Religious and Public Colleges, Lennard Allan Jorgensen
The Relationship Between Co-Dependence and Borderline Personality Disorder, Helen P. Bird
The Relationship Between Community Service Involvement and Student Outcomes in Mexican Higher Learning Institutions, Raul Lozano
The Relationship Between Demographic and Attitudinal Characteristics of Primary-School Teachers and Implementation of the Continuous Assessment Program in Swaziland, Hibajene Monga Shandomo
The Relationship Between Dissociation and Object-Relations Impairment in Adult Female Incest Survivor Clients with and without Personality Splitting, Linda Jean Stuppy
The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Reading Comprehension in High School Students with Learning Disabilities, Helen C. Bryant
The Relationship Between Episodes of Dissociative Amnesia, Symptomology of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Childhood Sexual Abuse, Jennifer E. Perkins
The Relationship Between Experiences of Master of Divinity Students at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary and Their Spirituality, Choung Sook Cho
The Relationship Between Gender and Heterosexual Attitudes Toward Homosexuality at a Conservative Christian University, Herbert W. Helm, Adam D. LaFave, and Omar Gomez
The Relationship Between Internal-External Locus of Control and Evangelistic Success as Evidenced by a Selected Group of Ministers in the Caribbean Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Kembleton S. Wiggins
The Relationship Between Leadership Traits and Church Growth Among Pastors of Free Churches in Germany, Edgar Machel
The Relationship Between Moral Judgment, Selected Personality Factors, and Marital Satisfaction, Thomas C. Wallace
The Relationship Between Need Trait and Temperament Type, Gertrude Elizabeth Jordan
The Relationship Between Parental and Adolescent Religiosity Factors and Adolescent Sexual Risk-Taking Among Older Adolescents in the Anglophone/Latin Caribbean, Karen Christoffel Flowers
The Relationship Between Parental Influence and Christian Spiritual Practices Among Adventist youth in Puerto Rico, Obed Jiménez
The Relationship Between People and Supernatural Beings in Yoruba Traditional Culture, Joseph Adyinka Olanrewaju
The Relationship Between Religious Beliefs, Moral Development, Self-Control, Peer Pressure, Self-Esteem, and Premarital Sex, Jacynth A. Fennell
The Relationship Between Spiritual Belief, Life Attitude, and Mental Health Among Physical Fitness Participants in Northern Indiana, Sharon K. Sacks
The Relationship Between Student Motivation, Resilience, and Parental Environment, Eliana Iller
The Relationship Between Treatment Programs and Recidivism With African American Delinquents Under the Age of 14, Sonya D. Gray
The Relationship of Family, Church, School, Peers, Media, and Adventist Culture to the Religiosity of Adventist Youth in Puerto Rico, Edwin P. Alicea Santiago
The Relationship of Guidance Centers and Student use : a Study of the Location of Guidance Offices Within the School Plant, A Thomas Smith
The Relationship of Hemispheric Performance and Reading Achievement for Black and Caucasian Fourth- and Fifth- Grade Students, Helen Dorothy Byoune
The Relationship of Leadership Style and Organizational Climate to Job Burnout Levels Among Taiwan Public Secondary-School Teachers, Jerry Liang-Yueh Chi
The Relationship of Servant Leadership Attributes to Sales Performance of Salespersons in the Healthcare Industry in 2011, William R. Auxier
The Relationship of Student Retention to Teacher/Student Personality Types at Summit Christian College, C Joseph Martin
The Relationship of Teacher Retention to Personality Style at VisionQuest National Limited, Beth Ann Rosica
The Relationship of the Self-esteem Variable to Specific Christian Doctrines, Paul A. Fisher
The Relationships Between Attitude, Motivation, Anxiety, and Proficiency in English as a Second Language of First-Year University Students in Puerto Rico, Carmen Mercedes Cortés
The Relationships Between Student Diligence, Student Support Systems, Other Related Variables and Student Academic Outcomes in High Schools in Grenada, Christon Arthur
The Relative Effectiveness of Face-to-Face and Telephone Contact by Community Mental Health Workers During Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment of Children and Adolescents, Bruce Patrick Hackworth
The Religious Roots of the First Amendment: Dissenting Protestants and the Separation of Church and State, Nicholas P. Miller
The Remnant Mission: To Reveal and Proclaim God’s Glory, Lester Merklin
The Remnant Motif in the Context of Judgment and Salvation in the Book of Jeremiah, Kenneth D. Mulzac
The Remnant Motif in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Franklin A. Marti
The Resurrection Motif in Hosea 5:8-6:6: an Exegetical Study, Bertrand C. Pryce
The Rise of the New Apostolic Reformation and its Implication for Adventist Eschatology, Trevor O'Reggio
The Role and Responsibilities of Andrews University Trustees as Perceived by Themselves, David H. Bauer
The Role and Status of the Catholic Church in the Church-State Relationship Within the Roman Empire from A.D. 306 to 814, Jean Carlos Zukowski
The Role Expectations for the Division Director of Education of Seventh-day Adventists : As Perceived by Seven Status Groups Within the Church, Timothy Vaughan Gorle
The Role of CI(-) Channel-inhibition in the Brain on the Phonotactic Selectivity of Female Crickets, Brent H. Sherwin
The Role of Faculty Families in Nurturing Spiritual Surrogacy on the Maplewood Academy Campus, Michael Jason Sayles
The Role of Natural Products in Acidovorax delafieldii ATH2-2RS/1 Survival in a Dry Formulation, David N. Thomas
The Role of Protein Kinase C in the Supraesophageal Ganglion of Female Acheta Domesticus, Sunny Kim
The Role of Religious Orientation and Ethnic Identity on Religious Coping Among Bereaved Individuals, Luis G. Cruz-Ortega
The Role of Sabbath-Keeping, Christian Internalization, Need Satisfaction, and Parental Environment in Well-Being, Paola Caceres
The Role of Sabbath-keeping, Christian Internalization, Need Satisfaction, and Parental Environment in Well-being, Paola S. Caceres
The Role of School Psychologists as Perceived by Administrators, Teachers, and School Psychologists in Berrien, Cass, and Van Buren Counties, Rosemary E. McDaniel
The Role of the Academic Physical Therapy Department Chair as Perceived by Physical Therapy Teaching Faculty and Chairs, Wayne Louis Perry
The Role of the Academy Principal in the Austral Union of the Seventh-day Adventist Educational System as Perceived by Principals and Teachers, Eduardo Gonzalez
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical Interpretation: a Study in the Writings of James I. Packer, Samuel Koranteng-Pipim
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Enabling Believers for Ministry: an Adventist Perspective, Marcos De Benedicto
The Role of the Seventh-day Adventist Minister in Public Evangelism, Ken Corkum
The Role of Volition in Exercise Behavior, Mary L. DiGangi
The Role of Women in the Church: An International Survey of Seventh-day Women in Leadership, Roger Dudley
The Roles and Attributes of Human Resource Leaders During Organizational Restructuring, Alison Anne Brown
The Sabbath in the First Creation Account, Jiri Moskala
The Sabbath in the First Creation Accounts, Jiri Moskala
The Sabbath in the Pentateuch: an Exegetical and Theological Study, Mathilde Frey
The Sacred Times Prescribed in the Pentateuch : Old Testament Indicators of the Extent of Their Applicability, H. Ross Cole
The Sanctuary and the Three Angels' Messages 1844-1863: Integrating Factors in the Development of Seventh-day Adventist Doctrines, Alberto R. Timm
The Saucier Town Plan, The 2006 Urban Design Studio and Andrew C. von Maur
The Scandal of the Book of Job, Jiri Moskala
The Scholar and the Word of God: Reflections on 2 Peter 1:16-21, Thomas Shepherd
The School Climate in a K-12 Single-Campus School as Perceived by Students, Graduates, Parents, and Teachers, Albert P. Lindner
The SDA Mission to the Jewish Community in South America, Edson Nunes Jr.
The “Secret” Power Behind Mission: The Name of Jesus, Marcelo E. C. Dias
The Seed in Genesis 3:15 : an Exegetical and Intertextual Study, Afolarin Olutunde Ojewole
The Self Perceptions of School Principals Compared to Their Actual Performance on Certain Affective Traits, Michael L. Holtgren
The Seven Heads of the Beast in Revelation 17, Ranko Stefanovic
The Seventh-day Adventist Adult Sabbath School: its Purpose as Described and Perceived, Sherman McCormick
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Malawi, 1900-1980, Jaspine D. Bilima
The Seventy Weeks of Dan 9: An Exegetical Study, Jacques R. Doukhan
The Shepherd and the Steward, Stan Patterson
The Sin Against the Holy Spirit in the Writings of G. C. Berkouwer and E. G. White: a Comparative Study and Ethical Implications, Michael Davey Pearson
The Sinaitic Covenant and Law in the Theology of Dispensationalism, Keumyoung Ahn
The So-Called Mixed Text: an Examination of the Non-Alexandrian and Non-Byzantine Text-Type in the Catholic Epistles, Clinton S. Baldwin
The Sodom/Egypt/Babylon Motif in the Book of Revelation, Edwin Earl Reynolds
The Son of the Morning and the Guardian Cherub in the Context of the Controversy Between Good and Evil, Jose M. Bertoluci
The Spirit of the Lord and Obedience to God's Law : an Exegetical, Intertextual, and Theological Study of Ezekiel 36:27, James Waita Mutua
The Stairway to Heaven: a Critique of the Evangelical Gospel Presentation in North America, Paul Brent Dybdahl
The Stairway to Heaven: A Critique of the Evangelical Gospel Presentation in North America, Paul Brent Dybdahl
The St. Clair Family Story in America: John Sinkler (c1630-1700) to Fairy St. Clair Gibson, Lawrence W. Onsager
The Story of Evangelism / Robert G. Tuttle Jr. [book review], Cristian Dumitrescu
The Story Which He Never Stops Telling Himself: Autobiography, Narrative Community, and the Deconstruction of Selfhood in Virginia Woolf's The Waves, Melodie Roschman
The Stranger in Our Midst, the Gypsies, Cristian Dumitrescu
The Stratigraphy of Tell Hesban, Jordan in the Byzantine Period, J. Bjørnar Storfjell
The Stressors and Coping Strategies of Women in Leadership Positions, Patricia Ann Bernard
The Student Missionary Experience and its Impact on Young Adults, Troy Fitzgerald
The Student Missionary Experience and Its Impact on Young Adults, Troy Fitzgerald
The Student, the Teacher, and the Text : an Ethnography of the Literary Acculturation Process in Three Undergraduate Literature Classrooms, Matthew Justice Quartey
The Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Imino Stilbenes, Shieun Jang
The Synthesis of Arginine-based Heterocyclic Amines, Andrew Stewart
The Teacher-Shepherd Program: a Plan to Meet Church Objectives Through the Adult Sabbath School Class, Lenard Dale Jaecks
The Teacher-Shepherd Program: A Plan to Meet Church Objectives Through the Adult Sabbath School Class, Lenard Dale Jaecks
The Television Viewing, Dating, and Academics of Young Adults, Michael D. Milmine
The Textual Relation of the Peshitta of Ezekiel 1-12 to MT and to the Ancient Versions (Tg-J and LXX), Joaquim Azevedo
The Theology and Practice of Baptism, John M. Fowler
The Theology and the Function of the Prayers in the Book of Daniel, Paul Birch Petersen
The Theology of Sexuality in the Beginning: Genesis 1-2, Richard M. Davidson
The Theology of Sexuality in the Beginning: Genesis 3, Richard M. Davidson
The Therapeutic Effects Upon Dog Owners Who Interact With Their Dogs in a Mindful Way, Amy Jackson-Grossblat
The Therapeutic Effects Upon Dog Owners Who Interact With Their Dogs in a Mindful Way, Nancy J. Carbonell, Dennis Waite, and Amy Jackson-Grossblat
The "Throne of God" Motif in the Hebrew Bible, Daegeuk Nam
The Time of the Reign of Christ in 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 in Light of Early Christian Session Theology, Roger P. Lucas
The Training Program for the Elder, Deacon, and Deaconess, Kenneth O. Swanson
The Traits, Characteristics, and Qualities of International Christian School Teachers Valued by Third Culture Kids, Dale B. Linton
The Trajectory of the "Warrior Messiah" Motif in Scripture and Intertestamental Writings, Sook-Young Kim
The Transgenerational Effect of Substance Abuse, Subira Brown
The Transition From High School to College : a Single-Case Study, Margaret R. Hay
The Trauma of Stalinism Narrated in Varlam T. Shalamov's Kolymskie Rasskazy : Missiological Implications for Contemporary Russia, Yuri N. Drumi
The Trauma of Stalinism Narrated in Varlam T. Shalamov’s Kolymskie Rasskazy: Missiological Implications for Contemporary Russia, Yuri N. Drumi
The Trinity in the Old Testament, Jiri Moskala
The Tyrant and the Rogue: Political Implications of Redemption in William Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, Jonathan Barrett Koch
The Unfinished Task, Lester Merklin and Bruce L. Bauer
The Unity of the Church and Church Authority: a Comparative Study of the Views and Practice of Alexander Campbell and Ellen G. White, Wendy Ann Jackson
The Use and Abuse of Authority: an Investigation of the [Exousia] Passages in Revelation, Laszlo I. Hangyas
The Use of nśʼ in the Pentateuch and its Contribution to the Concept of Forgiveness, Gudmundur Olafsson
The Use of Play Therapy with Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse, Mary J. Roehrig
The Use of Science in Theology: Case Studies of Thomas F. Torrance and Langdon B. Gilkey, Martin Frederick Hanna
The Use of Small Groups as an Element of Discipleship in the Fairhaven, Flint, Michigan, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Walton H. Rose
The Vacant Parish: Managing a Pastoral Search Process, Skip Bell
The Validity of the Growing Disciples in Community Model Among Adolescents in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in North America, Kathleen Beagles
The Validity of the Levitical Food Laws of Clean and Unclean Animals: A Case Study of Biblical Hermeneutics, Jiri Moskala
The Vision of Daniel 8 : Interpretations from 1700 to 1900, Samuel Núñez
The Waldenses Cave Church, Troy Homenchuk
The Waldenses Cave Church Entrance, Troy Homenchuk
The Way: Religious Thinkers of the Russian Emigration in Paris and Their Journal, 1925-1940, John Jovan Markovic
The Well Women of Scripture Revisited, Jo Ann Davidson
The Well Women Revisited, Jo Ann Davidson
The Word of God in Christian Ethics, Miroslav Kis
The Word, the Spirit of Prophecy, and Mutual Love: Lessons from the 'Daily' Controversy for Conflict Resolution, Denis Kaiser
Those Who Revise and Those Who Revolt, Jo Ann Davidson
Thoughts on a SDA Theology of Ordination, Miroslav Kis
Time-varying, Serotype-specific Force of Infection of Dengue Virus, Kanya C. Long, Robert C. Reiner, Steven T. Stoddard, Brett M. Froshey, Aaron A. King, Alicia M. Ellis, Alun L. Lloyd, Claudio Rocha, Stalin Vilcarromero, Helvio Astete, Isabel Bazan, Audrey Lenhart, Gonzalo M. Vazquez-Prokopec, Valerie A. Paz-Soldan, Phlip J. McCall, Uriel Kitron, John P. Elder, Eric S. Halsey, Amy C. Morrison, Tadeusz J. Kochel, and Thomas W. Scott
To the Edge and Back Again: Tanzania as a People and a Place, Kylene N. Cave
Tour of the Siegfried H. Horn Archaeological Museum, Andrews University
To Wait in Tier 1 or Intervene Immediately: A Randomized Experiment Examining First-Grad Response to Intervention in Reading, Luana L. Greulich, Stephanie Al Otaiba, Carol M. Connor, Jessica S. Folsom, Jeanne Wanzek, Christopher Schatschneider, and Richard K. Wagner
Toward a Biblical Model of Culturally Appropriate Persuasion for the Evangelistic Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Imo State, Nigeria, Aloysius Ntiwunka
Toward a Biblical View of Collective Responsibility for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Twenty-first Century, Miroslav Danihel
Toward a Criticism of Theological Reason : Time and Timelessness as Primordial Presuppositions, Fernando Luis Canale
Toward an Objective Measure of Moral Development for Children, Ruth S. Smith
Toward a Rationale for Foreign-Language Proficiency Requirements for Doctoral Degrees in Selected Professional Disciplines, Aurelia Rae Holman
Toward a Theological Encounter: Jewish Understanding of Christianity, by Leon Klenicki, Jacques R. Doukhan
Toward a Theology of Beauty, Jo Ann Davidson
Toward Christian-Identity Response Theory : Exploring Identity, Spirituality, and Response to Adversity Among African American Males Placed at Risk, Charity Hannah Garcia
Toward Enhanced Military Chaplaincy Education at Andrews University Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Michael A. Chester
Towards a Latino/a Vision/Optic for Biblical Hermeneutics, Ruben Munoz-Larrondo
Towards a Missiological Model for Worldview Transformation among Adherents to African Traditional Religion in Yorubaland, Kelvin Okey Onongha
Towards a Theology of Worship: an Application at the Oakwood College Seventh-day Adventist Church, John S. Nixon
Towards Understanding Distinctive Seventh-day Adventist Preaching, John Harold Hobart Mathews
Toward the Development of a Church Planting Strategy for the Local Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, Larry R. Evans
Toward the Development of a Theological Critique of Church-Growth Principles From a Seventh-day Adventist Perspective, Terence G. Joshua
Toward the Fulfillment of the Gog and Magog Prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39, Jiri Moskala
Toward Trinitarian Thinking in the Hebrew Scriptures, Jiri Moskala
Traditionalism and Change: Gypsies in a Postmodern Society [Interview], Cristian Dumitrescu
Tradition as a Viable Option for Protestant Theology : the Vincentian Method of Thomas C. Oden, Kwabena Donkor
Training Elders in the Alexandria District of the Southwest Region Conference of Seventh-day Adventists to Preach Expository Sermons, Cedric N. Belcher Sr
Training for Evangelism Among the Yorubas of Nigeria, Joseph Adebisi Ola
Training Members of the Muskegon, Michigan Seventh-day Adventist Church to Conduct Evangelistic Meetings: the Leadership Practices Involved, Ryan Dean Counsell
Training Oral Leaders: An Adventist Challenge, Gideon Petersen
Treasures in Tension: Immigrant Churches and Opportunities for Mission, Daniëlle Koning
Trends facing SDA spiritual leaders, Stan Patterson
Trinitarian Leadership as a Seventh-day Adventist Perspective on Empowering Leadership in Local Churches in Western Ontario, Alex Golovenko
Trust and Doubt in the Drama of Faith, Richard Rice
Truth and Terror: a Text-Oriented Analysis of Daniel 8:9-14, Martin T. Pröbstle
Typological Structures in the Old and New Testaments, Richard M. Davidson
Uncertainty, Carl Helrich
Undergraduate Research Scholar Erika Mikkelson (front) poses with her faculty mentor, Constance Gane, Andrews University
Undergraduate Research Scholar James Magbanua presents his poster "Evaluation of the Electrical Resistance and Capacitance of a Dielectric Electro-Active Polymer", Andrews University
Undergraduate Research Scholar Ricardo Huancaya presents his poster "Design of a Prototype Clinical Near Infrared Imager", Andrews University
Undergraduate Research Scholar Trevor Zimmerman poses beside his poster "Field documentation of summer and fall diet in thirteen-lined ground squirrels, Ictidomys tridecemlineatus", Andrews University
Undergraduate Research Scholar Ye Lim Seo presents her poster "A space curve satisfying t/k = t", Andrews University
Undergraduate SPLAD student Gerilyn Jones explains her research on musicians and hearing loss
Under-represented Students' Engagement in Secondary Science Learning: a Non-equivalent Control Group Design, Joy J. Vann-Hamilton
Understanding and Dealing With Ancestral Practices in Botswana, Stanley P. Chikwekwe
Understanding Board Leadership: Adventist Hospital Board Chair Behaviors and Effectiveness and Organizational Outcomes, Anthony Stahl, Duane Covrig, and Isadore Newman
Understanding Ellen White: the Life and Work of the Most Influential Voice in Adventist History, Merlin D. Burt
Understanding Expressive Writing, Lindsay C. Dever
Understanding Inadequate Response to First Grade Multi-Tiered Intervention: Nonmothetic and Ideographic Perspectives, Luana Greulich, Stephanie Al Otaiba, Christopher Schatschneider, Jeanne Wanzek, Miriam Ortiz, and Richard K. Wagner
Understanding Jalul through Ceramics, Krystal C. Uzuegbu
Understanding the Folk Islam of the Dagbani-Speaking People: a Prerequisite to Evangelism in North Ghana, Sampson Kenneth Twumasi
Union with Christ in the Writings of Ellen G. White, Katrina B. Blue
Un Plan Visionario de Peña Blanca: Proposals for the Properties of Servicio Panamericano de Salud and the Canal Communities of Lake Yojoa, The 2014 Urban Design Studio, Andrew C. von Maur, and Martin Smith
Un Programa de Renovacion Vocacional Para los Pastores de la Asociacion de Baja California, Mexico, Saul Barcelo Guerrero
Un Programa para Incrementar la Participacion de Lideres en la Testificacion entre los Hispanos de la Upper Columbia Conference, Walter Hernan Pintos Schmidt
Untapped Potential, James Wibberding
Unveiling God: Contextualizing Christology for Islamic Culture / Martin Parsons [book review], Lester Merklin
Up from Sea and Earth: Revelation 13:1, 11 in Context, Hugo Antonio Cotro
Up the down path: Power, ambition, and spiritual leadership, Stan Patterson
Urban Evangelism in India: An Evangelistic Project Conducted in the City of Poona, John Willmott
Usage of Archaeological Data in North American Seventh-day Adventist Literature, 1937-1980, Lloyd A. Willis
Use of COMSOL Simulation for Undergraduate Fluid Dynamics Course, Hyun J. Kwon
Use of Funds in a Nonprofit Organization as Predictor of Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency, Throstur B. Thordarson
Use of the Audio Visual Tactile Treatment on Disabled Readers in Grades Three and Four : Its Effect on Word Recognition, Silent Reading Comprehension, and Attitude Towards Reading, Shirani Christine de Alwis
Using Biblical Principles in Working with Victims of Sex Trafficking, David Sedlacek
Using iterative research interviews with Malagasy parents and teachers to improve educational opportunities for girls in rural Madagascar, Karena Griffiths
Validating the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory for Identifying Substance Abuse Among Adolescents in a Residential Treatment Center, Ann Carol Singler
Validation of Goals for Pre-Departure Missionary Orientation, Donna M. Worley
Validation of the Portuguese Version of the Temperament Inventory, Flavia Jorge
Valuegenesis Project Affirmation, Unknown
Values and Leadership Characteristics of Seventh-day Adventist Academy Teachers in Michigan, David Siew-Fee Wong
Values of Seventh-day Adventist Philosophy of Education and Graduate Social Science Programs in Seventh-day Adventist Universities, Injae P. Son and Joel L. Raveloharimisy
Variables Related to the Successful Completion of the First Course in Business Calculus at Three Jamaican Universities, Martin Nkhrama Richards
Variables That Discriminate Between Persisting and Nonpersisting, First-Year Undergraduate Students in an Open-Admissions, Multicampus, Commuter College System, Jeffrey David Hines
Variables Which Discriminate Successful Versus Unsuccessful Placement of Adolescents in an Open Residential Treatment Program, Teresa Gayle Turner
Variation in the Calling Song of the Cricket Gryllus pennsylvanicus Across Geographic Longitudinal Change, Ioana Danci
Variations in Microbiota of Culex (melanoconion) Ocossa and Culex (culex) Declarator Across Peri-urban and Rural Environments, M Nelson Starkey
Venezuelan Adventist University Institute: the Development of a Seventh-day Adventist Educational Institution, 1962-1999, Pablo E. Huérfano
Vespers, Petr Činčala
Vespers, Dave Ferguson
Vespers, Mickey Kutzner
Vespers, Martin Hanna
Vespers, Andrews University
Viewpoint, Rebekah Liu
Viewpoint: A Challenge to South American Adventists, Bruce L. Bauer
Viewpoint: Obstacles That Interfere with Believers from Islam Easily Joining Adventist Churches, Bruce L. Bauer
Viewpoint: Reforming Christians or converting non-Christians?, Gorden R. Doss
Viewpoint: Reforming Christians or Converting Non-Christians?, Gordon R. Doss
Vision and the Ideal Teacher: Implications for Educational Practice, Rosalind Victoria Aaron
Visitor Readership Study, Kermit Netteburg
Visual Cognition While Listening to Stories, Nathalie Borges
Volunteers as Tutors and Trainers of Tutors : a Qualitative Study, Mark B. Thogmartin
Wadenerson Saint Martin (middle) presents his poster "The Relationship Between Yearly and Daily Reproductive Synchrony", Andrews University
Warren Eugene Howell, Seventh-day Adventist Educational Administrator, John Francis Waters
Was Leviticus Composed by Aaronide Priests to Justify Their Cultic Monopoly?, Roy E. Gane
Water/Soil conservation in Jordan, Andrey Yun
Water Systems in the Levant: Newest Discoveries from Tall Jalul, Paul Z. Gregor
'Weak' Self-Integration: Jurgen Moltmann's Anthropology and the Postmodern Self, Ante Jeroncic
Web-Based Courses In Higher Education: Creating Active Learning Environments, Marilyn Ruth Eggers
We Have the Mind of Christ: The Relations of Reason and Faith in Theology, Martin Hanna
Welcome, Andrea Luxton
Welcome, Jiri Moskala
Welcome, Andrea Luxton
Welcome, Jiri Moskala
Welcome, Constance E. Gane
Welcome Banquet, Andrews University
Welcome to ARC, Niels-Erik Andreasen
Welcome to ARC, Niels-Erik Andreasen
Wendell Berry's Sociological Imagination: Agrarian Values and Good Leadership in a Postmodern Culture, Paul Alan Kaak
What Constitutes a Well-Written Proof?, Robert C. Moore
What Does Homecoming 2014 Have to do with Booksigning, Sarah Kimakwa and Edgar Burgara
What if Private Higher Education Growth Becomes an Issue? The Cases of Chile and Mexico, Gus Gregorutti, Oscar Espinoza, Luis Eduardo Gonzalez, and Javier Loyola
What Missiologists Should Know about the Gospel of Barnabas, Jack McNeilus
What Type of Performance Appraisal Should The Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Adopt?, Robert C. Seal
What Women Want: Masculine Images and Gender Construction in the Old Spice and Dos Equis Ad Campaigns, Ashley Meyer
Wheel of Innovation : How Leaders' Attitudes and Behaviors Drive Disruptive Technology in the U.S. Navy, Eddy Wayne Witzel
When God Speaks Cross-Culturally: The Bible as Mission, Paul B. Petersen
When People Take Charge: A Case Study in Holistic Ministry, Rudi Maier
Whole-person Care Ministry: a Study of Discordant Attitudes at Loma Linda University Medical Center, Kenneth Lance Tyler
Why Business As Usual Is No Longer Possible, Merton P. Strommen
William Clarence (W. C.) White: His Relationship to Ellen G. White and Her Work, Jerry Moon
William Warren Prescott, Seventh-day Adventist Educator, Gilbert M. Valentine
Will the World End in 2012? A Survival Guide to Maya Prophecies, Felix H. Cortez
With Heart, and Mind and Strength: Pursuing Reasonable Faith in the Maelstrom of Biblical Studies, Paul Keim
Witnessing in the Czech Republic: Not "Business as Usual", Petr A. Činčala
Witness of God's Love, Denis Kaiser
Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies, John W. Reeve
Women in the Old Testament: Leadership Principles, Jo Ann Davidson
Word Made Flesh: The Inspiration of Scripture, Jo Ann Davidson
Working Toward Systemic Change in a Christian School System, Larry D. Burton, Josephine E. Katenga, Jimmy Kijai, Wanli Xing, and Yu-May Ho
Working with the Poor: Selected Passages from Ellen G. White on Social Responsibility, Rudi Maier
World Church Survey South Pacific Division, Unknown
World Religions and the Vegetarian Diet, Jo Ann Davidson
Worldview: Vital for Mission and Ministry in the 21st Century, Paulo De Oliveira
Worship, Charles Reid
Worship, Andrews University
Worship, Andrews University
Worship, Stephen Zork and Susan Zork
Worship Attitudes of Seventh-day Adventist Churchgoers at Montemorelos, Mexico, Jaime Cruz
Worship in the Book of Daniel, Jiri Moskala
Worshipping Jesus - the 'Eternally Blessed God!' (Rom. 9:5), Paul B. Petersen
Yielding to temptation: How should we deal with students who try alcohol or drugs?, Curtis J. VanderWaal Dr., M. D. Howell, D. Davis, and A. R. Opel
Yom YHWH as a Biblical-Theological Theme, Robert Czarnitzki
You Can Get There from Here!, Bruce Campbell Moyer
You Shall Not Boil a Young Goat in its Mother’s Milk: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Short Legal Statement within Its Context, Alexander Bolotnikov
Youth Evangelism, "Link2Llife," A Strategy To Reach Postmodern Youth In Germany And Switzerland, Stephan Sigg
Youth, Leadership, and the Church, Skip Bell
Youth Ministry, Unknown
Youth Speak: The Church Listens, Kenley D. Hall and S. Joseph Kidder
You, Your Neurons, and Free Will: Concerns About Reductionism and the Popularization of Cognitive Science, Karl G. D. Bailey
Zebrafish Cytosolic Carboxypeptidases 1 and 5 Are Essential for Embryonic Development, Peter J. Lyons, Matthew R. Sapio, and Lloyd D. Fricker
Zoom in, zoom out: How global context and individual preferences impact workplace design, Jay Brand