"Guidelines for Developing a Campus Master Plan Document for Small Coll" by Bradley Allen Jamison

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Higher Education Administration PhD

First Advisor

Edward A. Streeter

Second Advisor

David S. Penner

Third Advisor

William W. Davidson


Problem. From a review of dissertations in the field of campus master planning, no study was found that attempted to identify the essential elements, principles, configuration and format of campus master plans for guiding small colleges and universities in developing a master plan document. The lack of this type of study left a void in the campus planning process in regards to developing a campus master plan, its purpose, and how it contributed to the overall strength of a small college or university with little campus planning experience.

Results. A campus master plan document was developed from the summation of both the typology and the data master plans, globally representative. These results were organized to serve in a general sense for directing the composition, configuration and format of a campus master plan document. The intent of the study was serve as a guide or resource. Each institution will have unique features which would need to be incorporated into each institution's particular planning document. However, one objective of this research was that the document could be adaptable to different regions, cultures, and environments.

Conclusions. Campus master plan documents evolved over time and will continue to do so, partly because a document needs to be reflective of the local institution, situation, and needs. Any planning resource or materials used in the creation of a document need to be tempered by this purpose.

Most of the master plan documents created in the 199Os and beyond will be for existing campuses. Individuals involved in campus planning will be faced mostly with additions to existing conditions, correcting past mistakes, and attempting to have linear integration of different campus plans and efforts into a continuous process of past and present harmony, with the constant possibility of future expansion.

Campus master plan documents will need to be more of a loose-leaf and informal design, able to be updated and revised on a yearly basis. However, the overall themes of the plan need ta remain consistent. The yearly updates reflect the changing dynamics of the institution, yet the long-range view of the document should not be radically changed by these.

Campus master plan documents have became increasingly shorter, possibly due to a higher percentage of colleges and universities contracting out master planning services to architects and consultants, usually with the charge of solving a particular problem. The resulting master plan documents, authored through these services, heavily reflected the problems needing solutions, without always keeping in view long range planning.

Finally, although this study focused on the campus master plan document itself, it was recognized that the planning process and the curriculum of the institution shape the document. The document is only a result or product of the process, and as such cannot be taken out of that context.

Subject Area

College facilities--Planning., Campus planning



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