"A Descriptive Multiple Case Study of Three Elementary Schools in Proje" by Sharron A. Caraker

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Higher Education Administration EdD

First Advisor

Bernard M. Lall

Second Advisor

Lyndon G. Furst

Third Advisor

Luanne J. Bauer


Topic. The focus of this study was the actions, policies, and procedures used in the successful implementation of an inclusion program in three elementary schools participating in Project Homecoming within the Dallas Independent School District. I was interested in how these actions, policies, and procedures affected the different groups within the schools--students, parents, certified staff, and non-certified staff as well. The data gathered in this study should be useful to other school districts in the process of developing an inclusion program in the elementary school.

Purpose. The purpose of this study was to identify the actions, policies, and procedures needed to implement a successful inclusion program.

General Methodology. This study is a descriptive multiple case study of three of the elementary schools that are a part of the Project Homecoming in the Dallas Independent School District, Dallas, Texas. I reviewed documents associated with the "Homecoming" Project and conducted interviews and observations. The school administrators and program administrators were interviewed. "Homecoming" teachers and support personnel within the participating schools were interviewed, as well as students and their parents. An interview guide was formulated. The case study was piloted at a private school involved in the implementation of an inclusion program.

Results. After the first year of implementing the program there were very few actions, policies, and procedures at the District level. The schools participating in the program did not implement any specific actions, policies, and procedures relative to Project Homecoming other than establishing school planning teams and including special-needs children in theregular classroom. The attitude of the staff and the commitment of the local schoolbuilding administrator were contributors to the success of this program after the initial implementation. The District was unable to carry through with extensive training and support services from the central office.

Conclusions. Before implementing an inclusion program, school districts should be sure that all populations of the school community are committed to inclusion. The district should also be sure that funding is provided for staff development and support staff.

Subject Area

People with disabilities--Education--Texas--Dallas, Mainstreaming in education--Texas--Dallas



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