Digital Commons @ Andrews University - Honors Scholars & Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium Programs: P-15 Evolution Over Revolution: A Generic Criticism of the Muscle Car’s Past and Present Hierarchy

Presenter Information

John Irvine, Andrews University


Since the early 1960’s the Muscle Car has been seen as representative of American cultural idealism; a post-war expression of Americanism through the medium of octane obsession. Muscle Cars are seen abstractly as an embodiment of several cultural principles; however, what physically constitutes this embodiment, the convergence of these features into the ‘soul’ of the muscle car, is broadly the subject of speculation. The ‘soul’, or formative characteristics, will be established through the generic criticism of a cross section of First Generation 1960’s Muscle Cars. Through analysis of physical features and technical specifications, the substantive and stylistic elements necessary for participation in the Muscle Car Genre, as shaped around an organizing principle, will be generically described. This descriptive yardstick will then be applied against modern incarnations of the muscle car to judge if they generically participate in the muscle car genre, as demonstrated by the 1960’s First Generation of their ‘lineage’. Conditions for future participation in the genre will then be established upon the First Generation’s generic characteristics.


J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar

Advisor: Ivan Davis, English


Buller Hallway

Start Date

3-7-2014 2:30 PM

End Date

3-7-2014 4:00 PM

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Mar 7th, 2:30 PM Mar 7th, 4:00 PM

P-15 Evolution Over Revolution: A Generic Criticism of the Muscle Car’s Past and Present Hierarchy

Buller Hallway

Since the early 1960’s the Muscle Car has been seen as representative of American cultural idealism; a post-war expression of Americanism through the medium of octane obsession. Muscle Cars are seen abstractly as an embodiment of several cultural principles; however, what physically constitutes this embodiment, the convergence of these features into the ‘soul’ of the muscle car, is broadly the subject of speculation. The ‘soul’, or formative characteristics, will be established through the generic criticism of a cross section of First Generation 1960’s Muscle Cars. Through analysis of physical features and technical specifications, the substantive and stylistic elements necessary for participation in the Muscle Car Genre, as shaped around an organizing principle, will be generically described. This descriptive yardstick will then be applied against modern incarnations of the muscle car to judge if they generically participate in the muscle car genre, as demonstrated by the 1960’s First Generation of their ‘lineage’. Conditions for future participation in the genre will then be established upon the First Generation’s generic characteristics.