"Leadership in Reaching Global Consensus on Technologicl Standardizatio" by Carol Oak Tierney

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Higher Education Administration PhD

First Advisor

Hinsdale Bernard

Second Advisor

Elsie P. Jackson

Third Advisor

Charles H. Tidwell, Jr.


Problem. Today there is an environment in our organizations represented by “islands” of information. Information cannot be exchanged easily. The information is stored in computers that cannot talk to each other. Archaic paper processes, lack of non-proprietary international standards, and computer interoperability deficiencies have created cumbersome industry productivity problems. The purpose of the study was to determine whether differences exist between organizations in the acceptance and implementation of non-proprietary international standards and the required processes for change. This purpose was addressed through an examination of one example of a model for the exchange of data-The Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data—Numerical Control (STEP NC).

Methodology. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in this study. The quantitative aspects utilize a researcher-developed instrument to assess the perceptions of a select group of respondents. The qualitative portion of the survey used varying degrees of the qualitative analysis procedures on issues related to international standards adoption and implementation and categorized to support the quantitative responses. The qualitative responses were open-ended. The qualitative response themes are discussed. Each qualitative question was analyzed separately and then grouped with quantitative response themes. The design of the study centered around analyzing the responses to survey items developed on the following research issues:

1. Processes to implement change within organizations

2. The impact that development of non-proprietary international standards has on organizations

3. The change required to lead consensus for adoption and implementation of STEP NC

4. Who will lead the change necessary to adopt STEP NC within an organization.

Findings and Conclusions.

1. Organizations have change processes in place. Organizations do not have a process in place to institutionalize new international STEP standards.

2. Large organizations have scattered groups conducting international standards implementation.

3. The automotive industry segment is not empowered to act on STEP implementation. The other industry segments are empowered.

4. Implementation of STEP is important for the manufacturing process in organizations.

5. Industry believes that non-proprietary international standards are important to the organization for competitive advantage.

6. Industry believes there are leaders within their organizations promoting STEP and STEP NC.

Subject Area

Technological innovations, Industrial management, Technology--Standards.



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