"An Empirically Derived Base for the Validation of Standards for Indust" by P. John Williams

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


College of Education and International Services


Religious Education, PhD

First Advisor

E. Stanley Chace

Second Advisor

Robert J. Cruise

Third Advisor

Laun Reinholtz



This study identified two problems. The first was that, at the time of writing, there existed no comprehensive data describing the number, nature, and status of SDA industrial arts programs. The second problem was the lack of comprehensive criteria for the evaluation and guidance of SDA industrial arts programs.


Two separate methodologies were utilized to answer the 31 research questions. One related to the development, administration, and analysis of a survey, and the other to the development and validation of standards for industrial arts. The responses from mailed surveys were computer-analyzed and the resulting data formed the basis of the answers to the research questions. Standards for industrial arts were compiled from computer searches and other sources before being pilot tested and then validated.


1. Grade 9 is the focus of the industrial arts program as far as both numbers of students taking industrial arts and the numbers of courses offered is concerned.

2. Most principals perceive industrial arts as a general education course that has a role to play in the instructional program of college-bound students.

3. Both SDA and public-school industrial arts chairmen rate the academic ability of industrial arts students as below that of other students, and public-school chairmen rate the academic ability of their industrial arts students as significantly lower than SDA chairmen rate their industrial arts students.

4. A significantly larger proportion of SDA schools have industrial arts programs than do public schools.

5. SDA industrial arts departments spend more per student on equipment and supplies than do public-school industrial arts departments.


From the data collected, the following conclusions were made:

1. SDA industrial arts programs are not following the latest curriculum developments in the are of industrial arts and technology education. The trend is toward consolidation while SDA industrial arts offerings are diversifying.

2. There are few significant differences between SDA and public-school industrial arts departments, apart from the most common course in the SDA system being auto mechanics, while that of the public schools is drawing.

3. There is a significant discrepancy between the current and ideal emphasis on the purposes of industrial arts as perceived by chairmen.

Subject Area

Industrial arts--Study and teaching (Secondary)--United States



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