"Occupational Stereotypes Among Haitian High School Seniors : Their Rel" by Michel Lamartine Porcena

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Higher Education Administration EdD

First Advisor

Edward A. Streeter

Second Advisor

Robert A. Williams

Third Advisor

Wilfred Futcher



One of the more important decisions confronting all young people across all cultures is the choice of an occupation. In recognition of this condition, researchers have suggested many factors as being influential in the career aspirations of students. Among these factors, occupational stereotypes have received a great deal of attention. Since no study was found in the literature either to determine the nature of occupational stereotypes among Haitian students or to compare their relative importance in relation to selected variables, it was the purpose of this study to determine the nature of occupational stereotypes and their relative importance to career aspirations with implications for educational leadership.


Eight high schools were chosen by a stratified random sampling method from all private secondary schools and "lycees" in Haiti to include males and females, capital city and provincial students, and students from three socio-economic levels. All available seniors were tested. Three instruments were used to collect the data: the Self Directed Search, and two other instruments particularly designed for the study: a semantic differential scale with a six step rating scale applied to six occupational titles, and a paired comparisons instrument. The following statistical procedures were used: t-tests for a single sample mean and for two independent groups; multivariate analysis of variance followed by discriminant analysis; product moment correlation; and the paired comparisons scaling technique.


In light of the test of the hypotheses and the analysis of the adjusted scale values of the eight factors on the part of the total respondents and nine subgroups, the major findings of the study were:

1. Haitian high-school seniors' occupational stereotypes were significantly related to Holland's typology.

2. Various subgroups had more accurate stereotypes than other subgroups with respect to various occupations.

3. Respondent's career aspirations were congruent with realistic career choices as determined by their summary code on the SDS.

4. Students who made use of vocational guidance services did not have more realistic career aspirations than those who had not made use of such services.

5. Those who had a more correct understanding of occupations did not make more realistic career choices than those who had a less correct understanding of occupations.

6. After intellectual ability, occupational stereotypes were the most influential factor in the respondents' career aspirations.


In light of the findings of this study and the review of literature, the following conclusions were made:

1. The respondents' career aspirations were at variance with the manpower needs projection of the country.

2. The respondents overchose white collar jobs--particularly medical profession--and neglected many other necessary types of occupation for a developing country.

3. Guidance services and career education appeared to be a priority for Haiti.

Subject Area

High school seniors--Haiti, Occupations--Haiti.



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