Te Amo Mujer is a documentary film project exploring the story of Don Gustavo Jiménez, an old man who lives in a small village in the south of Mexico, and the grandfather of the filmmaker. The film seeks to use the narrative of Don Gustavo to explore the question of why we live where we live. The thesis of the film, or more accurately the suggestion, as the film is a very personal work, is that we live where we do, and how we do, out of love for the people that are closest to us.
Thesis Record URL
Buller Hallway
Start Date
3-7-2014 2:30 PM
End Date
3-7-2014 4:00 PM
P-22 Te Amo Mujer
Buller Hallway
Te Amo Mujer is a documentary film project exploring the story of Don Gustavo Jiménez, an old man who lives in a small village in the south of Mexico, and the grandfather of the filmmaker. The film seeks to use the narrative of Don Gustavo to explore the question of why we live where we live. The thesis of the film, or more accurately the suggestion, as the film is a very personal work, is that we live where we do, and how we do, out of love for the people that are closest to us.
J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar
Advisors: Steven Hansen and Paul Kim, Visual Art & Design