"Concurrent Validity of the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory for Seve" by M. Lloyd Erickson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Counseling Psychology, Ph.D.

First Advisor

Frederick A. Kosinski, Jr.

Second Advisor

S.A. Chaij

Third Advisor

R.L. Dudley


Problem. The purpose of this study was to detemine if the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory (SCII) is a valid instrument for measuring the vocational interests of Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) seminarians and ministers and to discover if denominational differences exist on the SCII. Another purpose of the study was to determine if preferred type of ministry is related to vocational interests.

Method. The SCII and questionnaire were administered to randomly selected SDA seminarians and ministers. The data-producing sample consisted of 75 seminarians and 189 ministers. Statistical analyses included Hotelling's T test, t-tests, univariate and multivariate analyses of variance, and discriminant analysis.

Findings. (1) SDA seminarians have significantly more Social interests and less Artistic interests than does the SCII criterion minister sample as measured by the General Occupational Themes. (2) There is no significant difference between the vocational interests of the SCII criterion minister sample and the vocational interests of SDA seminarians as measured by the Minister (male) Occupational Scale. (3) SDA ministershave significantly less Investigative and Artistic interest than does the SCII criterion minister sample as measured by the General Occupational Themes. (4) SDA ministers score significantly lower than the SCII criterion minister sample on the Minister (male) Occupational Scale. (5) SDA seminarians score significantly higher than SDA ministerson the Artistic and Social General Occupational Themes. (6) SDA seminarians score significantly higher than SDA ministers on the Minister (male) Occupational Scale. (7) The type of preferred ministry makes a significant difference, generally in the expected direction, in the interests of SDA seminarians and ministers as measured by the General Occupational Themes. (8) The type of preferred ministry makes a significant difference, with the administration group scoring the lowest and the counseling group scoring the highest, in the interests of SDA seminarians and ministers as measured by the Minister(male) Occupational Scale.

Implications. In spite of the aforementioned differences, the research provides support for the concurrent validity of the SCII for SDA seminarians and ministers. However, vocational counselors need to be aware that denominational differences exist on the SCII and utilize denominational norms as they become available.

Subject Area

Interest inventories, Seventh-day Adventists--Clergy



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