"Identification of Key Strategies for School Effectiveness and How They" by Hedley J. Eager

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Higher Education Administration PhD

First Advisor

Edward A. Streeter

Second Advisor

Paul S. Brantley

Third Advisor

Richard T. Orrison


Problem. Educators in the 1970s and early 1980s identified characteristics of effective schools. But researchers had not addressed the problem of identifying what strategies exemplary schools used to make the characteristics effective, nor how the strategies were implemented.

Method. Administrators and teachers in selected exemplary private secondary schools responded to the Quality Schools Index for Private Schools (QSIPS). Key strategies for school effectiveness were ranked on the basis of mean weighted scores for: (a) extent of use of the strategies within the school; and (b) their importance to quality schooling. Selected personnel were interviewed in six schools to determine how strategies were implemented.

Results. The 12 top ranking strategies for school effectiveness were: faculty (1) showing they care about the students as people; (2) being proud of school and student successes; (3) providing an all-round quality program for student benefit; (4) believing "We are an effective school", (5) showing personal interest in each student; (6) taking time to listen to students; (7) providing a curriculum that meets the school's purpose; (8) addressing the needs of the whole child; (9) developing a total school program students are proud of; (10) setting a positive example for students; (11) communicating regularly to parents about their students' progress; and (12) making clear to students how they are expected to behave.

The major findings on how schools implemented key high use/high importance strategies were: the schools selected willing trainable staff; provided continuous professional improvement; provided care and respect in positive relationships and example; communicated openly and freely with each other; were consistent; constantly evaluated programs against student needs and the school's philosophy; treated each student individually; listened, talked with, and gave students positive recognition; corrected them with positive redirection, time out, and interactive guidance as needed; and kept the environment attractive.

Conclusions. School effectiveness was achieved as faculty showed consistency in loving, personal care toward students, high academic professionalism, and cooperation in extracurricular activities with positive, open, two-way communication.

Subject Area

High schools--Administration, High school students



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