Digital Commons @ Andrews University - Celebration of Research and Creative Scholarship: P-01 An Educational Plan for Agricultural Conservation of Plants, Water and Farmlands in Jordan to Help Solve the Crisis

P-01 An Educational Plan for Agricultural Conservation of Plants, Water and Farmlands in Jordan to Help Solve the Crisis

Presenter Status

Assistant Professor of Horticulture and Landscape Design, Department of Agriculture

Preferred Session

Poster Session

Start Date

30-10-2015 2:00 PM

End Date

30-10-2015 3:00 PM

Presentation Abstract

The 2015 Research Poster will chronicle the work that our International Agriculture Development team has been doing. The team has researched species loss of native and socio-economic plants of Jordan through overgrazing/collecting, the loss of water harvesting methods in recent decades due to increased dependence on non-renewable water aquifers and the loss of farmland due to development. Preliminary funding for an Agricultural Education Heritage Center is committed and the logistics and conceptual plans for the educational exhibits in a donated building yet to be renovated at the Tel Hisban site are being finalized. This Center will educate hundreds of schoolchildren to Jordan’s plight and will forge a strong sense of conservation in Jordan’s future populace. Outside funding and local participation is making this possible along with Andrews Faculty Research grants and the collaboration between Andrews Agriculture, Architecture and Archaeology at Tel Hisban, Jordan.


This project is funded by a Faculty Research Grant.

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Oct 30th, 2:00 PM Oct 30th, 3:00 PM

P-01 An Educational Plan for Agricultural Conservation of Plants, Water and Farmlands in Jordan to Help Solve the Crisis

The 2015 Research Poster will chronicle the work that our International Agriculture Development team has been doing. The team has researched species loss of native and socio-economic plants of Jordan through overgrazing/collecting, the loss of water harvesting methods in recent decades due to increased dependence on non-renewable water aquifers and the loss of farmland due to development. Preliminary funding for an Agricultural Education Heritage Center is committed and the logistics and conceptual plans for the educational exhibits in a donated building yet to be renovated at the Tel Hisban site are being finalized. This Center will educate hundreds of schoolchildren to Jordan’s plight and will forge a strong sense of conservation in Jordan’s future populace. Outside funding and local participation is making this possible along with Andrews Faculty Research grants and the collaboration between Andrews Agriculture, Architecture and Archaeology at Tel Hisban, Jordan.