P-20 The impact of servant leadership on job burnout among Adventist healthcare nurses
Presenter Status
Department of Nursing
Second Presenter Status
School of Business Administration
Buller Hallway
Start Date
31-10-2014 1:30 PM
End Date
31-10-2014 3:00 PM
Presentation Abstract
Many nurses enter the healthcare with great passion. They believe nursing is to serve and help patients. However, the pressure and workload in reality frequently exhaust nurses’ enthusiasm and idealism. These lead to frustration and burnout. Servant leadership is a model growing among professionals. The concept begins with serving and inspiring followers. This model emphasized on partnership, trust, listening, and proper use of power. The study is to examine whether servant leadership is well implemented in a Christian hospital, to evaluate its influences to burnout levels perceived by nurses, and to identify which servant leadership components influence burnout. Online surveys are sent. Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) are used. The SEM results showed that the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) was sufficient: CFI = 0.910, Standardized Regression Weight= -0.68, Canonical Correlation=0.937, χ2= 3296.37, degree of freedom =1028, probability level (p)=0.000, RMSEA=0.021, NFI = 0.910, IFI = 0.910, TLI = 0.905.The findings demonstrate that servant leadership significant negatively influences nurse’s job burnout. Perceiving support from leaders is important. The practice of servant leadership increase job satisfaction and reduce burnout. The finding is beneficial in improving healthcare managerial skills to retain nurses and battle with nursing shortage issue.
P-20 The impact of servant leadership on job burnout among Adventist healthcare nurses
Buller Hallway
Many nurses enter the healthcare with great passion. They believe nursing is to serve and help patients. However, the pressure and workload in reality frequently exhaust nurses’ enthusiasm and idealism. These lead to frustration and burnout. Servant leadership is a model growing among professionals. The concept begins with serving and inspiring followers. This model emphasized on partnership, trust, listening, and proper use of power. The study is to examine whether servant leadership is well implemented in a Christian hospital, to evaluate its influences to burnout levels perceived by nurses, and to identify which servant leadership components influence burnout. Online surveys are sent. Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) are used. The SEM results showed that the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) was sufficient: CFI = 0.910, Standardized Regression Weight= -0.68, Canonical Correlation=0.937, χ2= 3296.37, degree of freedom =1028, probability level (p)=0.000, RMSEA=0.021, NFI = 0.910, IFI = 0.910, TLI = 0.905.The findings demonstrate that servant leadership significant negatively influences nurse’s job burnout. Perceiving support from leaders is important. The practice of servant leadership increase job satisfaction and reduce burnout. The finding is beneficial in improving healthcare managerial skills to retain nurses and battle with nursing shortage issue.