"Institutional Activities in International Higher Education : An Assess" by Janeric Arne Gustavsson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Educational Leadership PhD

First Advisor

James A. Tucker

Second Advisor

Hinsdale Bernard

Third Advisor

David A. Faehner


Problem. Small church-related colleges and universities are experiencing financial difficulties. This study assesses the institutional advancement programs at selected Seventh-day Adventist colleges and universities. The purpose of this examination was to analyze "what is" to determine the present-day process of the advancement function, and what "ought to be." These data will also suggest potential areas for growth and development.

Method . The study uses a non-experimental, descriptive design. To accomplish the purpose of the study, the literature on institutional advancement was reviewed to find a useable framework. The instrument used for this study was the one used in Willmer's (1980) study with some modifications. The presidents of nine colleges and universities were surveyed through two questionnaires to determine the present-day activities. A questionnaire was also sent to the chairman of the governing board for each school in an attempt to expand the knowledge ofthe board's involvement in the area of institutional advancement.

Results. The research was carried out within the framework of five areas of institutional advancement with research questions for each area. The findings were grouped into the same areas: (1) Institutional commitment. The study found significant deficiencies in the percentage of budget allocation for advancement, and number of professional and clerical staff members; (2) Authority and Organizational structure. The study showed that the schools in this study meet and even exceeded Willmer's model on the level of authority and organization; (3) Personnel Resources. A significant lack of involvement with institutional advancement activities of the presidents and the members of the board was found; (4) Advancement Activities and Functions. All schools reported raising funds through a wide variety of activities; all had alumni organizations and publications mailed regularly, but had a weakness in small mailing lists; (5) Evaluation. No formal evaluation processes were found in any schools.

Conclusions. The colleges and universities are trying to raise funds on limited resources. Each school needs to evaluate its institutional advancement activities. Members of the board and volunteers need to be more involved in fund-raising; therefore, training should be conducted. The presidents need to evaluate their priorities and spend considerable more time on advancement activities.

Subject Area

Education, Higher--Finance, Fund raising, Seventh-day Adventist universities and colleges--Finance



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