Faculty Publications
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This paper demonstrates the acquisition of advanced circuit board performance parameters from breakaway test coupons measured right at the PCB fabricator. We show how to acquire S-parameter and TDR-based measurements up to 30 GHz using robust probes and test coupon fixtures. The measurements provide pass/fail tests for process control and they provide model parameters as feedback to improve channel design. By way of example, we demonstrate measurements of several representative test coupons, perform total loss tests, such as SET2DIL, and extract design parameters that can be used to improve EDA channel models. We also demonstrate measurement and tests of impedance uniformity and differential delay skew, both of which are influenced by glass weave position and copper fabrication variations. Archiving fundamental S-parameter and TDR measurements allows for further extraction of important design-to-fabrication feedback while in the process of tracking PCB process statistics.
Journal Title
DesignCon 2014 Conf. Dig.
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Recommended Citation
DeGroot, Donald; Moreland, Brett; and Bogatin, Eric, "Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too: Engineering Measurements at Fabrication for Channel Design and Process Control" (2014). Faculty Publications. 2.
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Retrieved August 31, 2015 from DesignCon 2014