"Identification of the At-Risk Mathematics Student Within the Community" by Gerry Lee Cox

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Curriculum and Instruction PhD

First Advisor

Paul S. Brantley

Second Advisor

Wilfred G. A. Futcher

Third Advisor

Kenneth Thomas


Problem. This study sought to develop a tool to identify the nonsuccessful, at-risk community-college student for correct placement, monitoring, and retention. A comparison in academic achievement of at-risk, remediated students with nonremedial students in a first college-level mathematics class (Intermediate Algebra 101) was also studied.

Method. The ex post facto study sought to determine to what extent the successful and nonsuccessful at-risk mathematics students (n = 358) differ on ASSET test scores, criterion referenced pretest scores, mathematics attitude scores, attendance profile, race, gender, and demographic variables. Statistical analyses using descriptive procedures, ANOVA, MANOVA, Chi-square, and discriminant analysis were used with an alpha =.05.

The achievement of the at-risk students (n = 40) with non-at-risk students (n = 48) in a first college-level mathematics class (Intermediate Algebra 101) was studied.

Results. The variables found in fractions, whole numbers, ASSET (Numerical Skills), age, and gender were significant in the prediction of successful or nonsuccessful achievement in the Basic Mathematics class with a 65.35% correct classification rate. Decimals, ratio and proportions, percentages, attitude, race, attendance, and educational goals were nonsignificant for academic prediction.

There was no significant difference in achievement between the remediated at-risk students and the nonremedial students in the Intermediate Algebra (101) course.

Conclusions. Older students generally outperformed their younger counterparts. These students had better attendance, and thus used their time for academic achievement. Females in both the younger and older age groups tended to academically outperform their male counterparts.

This study suggests that knowledge of a community-college student's demographic information, the ASSET test, and a criterion referenced test can, to a limited extent, aid in predicting whether an at-risk student will or will not finish the first remedial mathematics course.

Results from grade analysis in the Intermediate Algebra course suggest that the mathematics laboratory has removed the mathematics deficiencies and thesestudents are academically comparable with the nonremedial students in this course. In fact, the remediated at-risk students had a higher grade average in this course and a higher cumulative GPA than their nonremedial counterparts, although they were not statistically significantly different at alpha =.05.

Subject Area

Mathematics--Study and teaching (Higher), Mathematical ability--Testing



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