Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Roger L. Dudley

Second Advisor

Fritz Guy

Third Advisor

Arnold K. Kurtz


This study reports and evaluates problems and needs of the wives of Seventh-day Adventist ministers in North America, and proposes a psycho-social support system for them. Support units comprising the support system focus upon normal rather than pathological needs of wives, prevention rather than cure, multi-resources, and a whole population of wives in North America.

Literature and survey analysis reveals that Seventh-day Adventist ministers' wives have needs very similar to those of wives of other Protestant ministers, indicating that problems faced by them are inherent in the role of minister's wife. Problems experienced by the former group are: high mobility, few close relationships, lack of payment by conferences for church work, time pressures, workaholic minister-husbands, unrealistic expectations, lack of meaningful recognition from administration, lack of preparation and training, lack of a continuing education program, lack of a suitable counselor, loneliness, inadequate finances, and feelings of inadequacy.

Several theological reflections focus upon these needs and, together with support-systems theory, form a basic philosophy which undergirds the proposed psycho-social support system.

Natural and professional support units that could be accessible to Seventh-day Adventist ministers' wives in North America are: personal coping mechanisms, minister-husbands, friends, family, continuing education, career or employment outside the home, support groups, church members, conference leaders, conference advocate, seminary, and professional counselors.

Subject Area

Spouses of clergy--North America

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