Works of Art in James White Library
Creation Date
Prophetess, preacher, missionary, mother, and author of over one hundred original and compiled books, Ellen G. White filled her life of 87 years with selfless service to the God and Gospel she so dearly loved. While her wide travels took her not only across the United States but also through the European countries and Australia, she nevertheless found time to raise three sons together with her husband, best friend, and partner in the work of God, James White. The revelations she received in vision and related to the young Seventh-day Adventist church, together with the divinely inspired counsel she provided, covered a wide range of subjects including health, ministry, education, church administration, and, of course, Biblical themes such as the Great Controversy and the plan of salvation. In her lifetime she was an invaluable pillar of the Seventh-day Adventist movement and early leadership, and her influence is still felt in the heart and life of the church today.
Harry Ahn, an internationally recognized artist who has lent his talent to Andrews University as a contract teacher for the past 25 years, has once again put brush to canvas to produce a portrait of Ellen G. White in his signature oil paint style. A graduate of the MSH Studio School of Art, Ahn developed a passion for Biblical and religious themes in his art, which led him to become a portrait artist whose paintings exhibit a rare depth of humanity and the beauty of the soul, a quality acknowledged many times over by prestigious awards. Ahn attributes his unique talent and success to the grace of God and, when commissioned to paint the portrait of James White now displayed in the library bearing the founder’s name and for which the new painting will be a companion, he expressed how honored he felt to be entrusted with such a task.
Ellen G. White Portrait Unveiling October 26, 2015
EG White w Posters.pdf (8087 kB)
Posters on display at the unveiling of the portrait
EGWPoster-1.pdf (11094 kB)
Poster displaying photographs of Ellen G. White
EGW Portrait - -The Unveiling-.mp4 (1881066 kB)
Video of Unveiling Program
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