

Download Full Text (48.3 MB)

Download Cover and front matter (9.1 MB)

Download Troubled Waters, story by Emily Leffler, photos by Rachel Aka (1.5 MB)

Download 5 "Healthy" Things You're Doing Wrong, story by Skye Tenorio, photo by Steven Debulgado (1.6 MB)

Download Quick and Easy 5-day Meal Plan, story by Skye Tenorio, photos by Stella Laguerre (2.3 MB)

Download Is Crossfit for You? story by Brittany Ward, photos by Elizabeth Kosowesky (1.2 MB)

Download Knighton's Shining Armor, story by Emily Ferguson, photos by Brian Tagalog (6.6 MB)

Download Inside a Syrian Refugee Health Clinic, story and photos by Levon Kotanko (12.6 MB)

Download A Faith Like Abraham's, story by Melodie Roschman, photos by Shemaiah Telemaque (5.0 MB)

Download A Time Apart Builds Closer Bonds, story by Joelle Arner, photo by Danielle Sergio (3.3 MB)

Download Making the Pieces Fit, story by Melodie Roschman, photo by Carissa Paquette (1.6 MB)

Download See the World, story by Lauriel Lewis, photos by Steven Debulgado (684 KB)

Download Tips for Living Off-Campus, story by Justin Walker, illustrations by Kiara Brown (698 KB)

Download Confessions of a Shopaholic, story by Lauriel Lewis, photo by Steven Debulgado (1.1 MB)

Download Help! What's God's Cellphone Number? story by Jasmine Fraser, photo by Jourdain Smith (6.1 MB)

Publication Date

Fall 2014


World Changers Made Here

First Department

Visual Art, Communication and Design

Envision, Fall 2014
