"Measuring Student Satisfaction in the Andrews University School of Bus" by Khelsea Vesper Bauer

Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis


School of Business

First Advisor

Jacquelyn Warwick


The goal of my research is to help the Andrews University School of Business Administration (SBA) improve student satisfaction by identifying which factors are most closely correlated with undergraduate students' satisfaction and perceived quality. I studied satisfaction as a dependent variable measured in relation to nine different double-headed service factors (measured for satisfaction level and degree of importance) provided by the SBA: 1. Curriculum, instruction, and classes, 2. Teaching in subject matter, 3. Advising, 4. Quality of teaching and feedback, 5. Computing resources, 6. Social and extra-curricular components, 7. Preparation for career or graduate school, 8. Physical and office properties and 9. Religious components. To measure student satisfaction I utilized a survey tool I created based on the Student Satisfaction InventoryTM, the Undergraduate Business Exit Assessment, and the AU Senior Survey and Course Survey. Results were evaluated with SPSS analytical software to perform step-wise regression analysis and R statistical software to perform multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA). This unique survey tool revealed six factors that were most closely correlated with overall student satisfaction: 6B. Satisfaction with social and extra-curricular components, 7B. Satisfaction with preparation for career or graduate school, 2B. Satisfaction with teaching in subject matter, 7A. Importance of preparation for career or graduate school, 2A. Importance of teaching in subject matter and 8B. Satisfaction with physical and office properties. The research revealed areas important to improving the Andrews University undergraduate business experience.

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