Digital Commons @ Andrews University - Honors Scholars & Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium Programs: P-53 Understanding Jalul through Ceramic Analysis

P-53 Understanding Jalul through Ceramic Analysis


Three-dimensional ceramic scans provide many advantages for research and publication. These 3-D scans can be shared with distant scholars for examination. Using special software, we can convert the 3-D color scans into 2-D computer drawings that represent the cross section of the pottery sherd, which is the standard way in which pottery sherds are presented in publication. Using the program, features that may be overlooked with the naked eye are highlighted, allowing for a more accurate analysis. My presentation will explain how ceramic analysis has aided our overall understanding of the ancient Iron Age site of Jalul, Jordan thus far.


Undergraduate Research Scholar

Advisor: Randall Younker, Institute of Archaeology


Buller Hallway

Start Date

3-6-2015 2:30 PM

End Date

3-6-2015 4:00 PM

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Mar 6th, 2:30 PM Mar 6th, 4:00 PM

P-53 Understanding Jalul through Ceramic Analysis

Buller Hallway

Three-dimensional ceramic scans provide many advantages for research and publication. These 3-D scans can be shared with distant scholars for examination. Using special software, we can convert the 3-D color scans into 2-D computer drawings that represent the cross section of the pottery sherd, which is the standard way in which pottery sherds are presented in publication. Using the program, features that may be overlooked with the naked eye are highlighted, allowing for a more accurate analysis. My presentation will explain how ceramic analysis has aided our overall understanding of the ancient Iron Age site of Jalul, Jordan thus far.