"A Quantitative Case Study of Transformational Leadership Characteristi" by Isaac Boateng

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Leadership PhD

First Advisor

Erich W. Baumgartner

Second Advisor

Subir Dass

Third Advisor

Isadore Newman


Problem. Finding transformational leaders for private higher education institutions in Ghanais a major problem facing the governing boards of such institutions. There is tremendous growth at Valley View University. Finding transformational leaders could help support the growth of Valley View University (VVU). The task of university leaders has become very complex, ranging from communication, interaction, collaboration, shared leadership, policy interpretation, meeting the needs of foundations, boards, parents, students, alumni, faculty, staff, accreditation boards and the government. Therefore, finding transformational leaders for Valley View University to meet the above leadership challenges is a major problem.

Purpose. The purpose of this study was to measure transformational leadership characteristics among the leaders of Valley View University. The transformational leadership characteristics that were measured are: Idealized Influence (attribute and behavior), Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, and Individualized Consideration.

Research Methodology. This study is an empirical quantitative case study. An empirical research is away of gaining knowledge either by observation or through experience. In this research the transformational leadership experiences of Valley View University leaders are measured with survey called the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. A 5-point scale for rating the frequency of the observed leader's behaviors was used. The data collected were analyzed using SPSS 19.0 and independent samples t -test. The participants who took part in the survey were staff and faculty members who play some specific leadership roles at VVU (administrators) as well as student leaders.

Results. A benchmark score of 3.0 was set as the cut-off point for transformational leadership characteristics. Fifty percent of the student leaders scored between 2.75 and 3.25, indicating weaker self-perceived transformational leadership characteristics among the student leader respondents. The student leaders' mean score was 2.97, which indicates that student leaders at VVU do not perceive themselves as having transformational leadership characteristics. The administrators' mean score was 3.51, indicating that administrators perceive themselves as having transformational leadership characteristics. Fifty percent of administrators scored between 3.25 and 3.75, showing from moderate to strong transformational leadership characteristics. The composite score for both administrators and student leaders was 3.40, showing that leaders at VVU perceived themselves as having transformational leadership characteristics. The strongest transformational leadership variable was Inspirational Motivation (3.61), and the weakest was Individualized Consideration.

Conclusions. The results have shown that administrators at Valley View University perceived themselves as having transformational leadership characteristics in all five areas of transformational leadership with a mean score of 3.51. This self-perception is in tension with VVU Strategic Planning Committee report. There is therefore the need for further and continuous education for the administrators so that these desirable qualities can be used in a more gainful way to help Valley View University meet itsleadership goals. The emphasis of such education (leadership development) should strengthen VVU's weak areas, such as poor communication, poorly defined administrative roles, a participatory decision-making process (shared leadership), and faculty and staff development.

The results also showed that student leaders at Valley View University do not perceive themselves as having transformational leadership characteristics. The mean score of 2.97 was a hair below the 3.0 benchmark point. Student leaders also need training to correct the weak areas.

Subject Area

Transformational leadership--Ghana, Valley View University, Seventh-day Adventists. Education.--Ghana


