"Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Characteristics as Predictors of College S" by Denise Marie Scameheorn

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Counseling Psychology, Ph.D.

First Advisor

Frederick A. Kosinski, Jr.

Second Advisor

Wilfred G. A. Futcher

Third Advisor

Elsie P. Jackson


Problem. This study examined the relationship of selected cognitive and non-cognitive characteristics of community college students, particularly Aftican-American and Caucasian students, with self-concept, class attendance patterns, and GPA.

Method. The subjects were 185 community college students. They completed the Non- Cognitive Questionnaire and the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory. Demographic data were obtained from the college student database. Instructors provided attendance and grade records.


1. Student self-concept was related to age, academic background and skills, and selected learning and study strategies.

2. Student class attendance was related to family support, ethnicity, academic background and skills, and motivation.

3. Student GPA was related to family support, ethnicity, study environment, academic background and skills, and selected learning and study strategies.

4. African-American students were more likely than Caucasian students to have financial difficulties, transportation difficulties, less family support, and lower academic skills. These factors might explain lower levels of class attendance and lower GPA’s among African-American students.

5. Student success was related to having a good study environment, family support, good academic background and skills, an ability to deal with racism, a positive attitude, motivation, and selected learning and study strategies.

Conclusions. The success of African-American students deviated from literature citations as follows: The variables in Tracey and Sedlacek’s Non-Cognitive Questionnaire did not predict academic success for the minority students in this sample.

Subject Area

Community college students--United States, College students--United States--Psychology--Evaluation.



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