Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Theology


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Religion, MA: Theology

First Advisor

Fernando L. Canale


Problem This study examines how the concept of inerrancy of Scripture presupposes a particular understanding of divine sovereignty. Investigation is based on the writings of Carl F. H. Henry, a contemporary American evangelical theologian. Method This investigation uses case—study approach. It consists of a descriptive analysis of Carl Henry's concepts of inerrancy and sovereignty as individual concepts and the sense in which the former presupposes the latter. General inferences are based on that analysis. Results This study shows that Henry's concept of sovereignty is an indispensable presupposition in his concept of inerrancy. Among other things, sovereignty denotes Gad's absolute causality, thereby providing the theological grounds on which scriptural inerrancy is predicated. Conelusions The concept of inerrancy is best explained in theological contexts where divine sovereignty is affirmed and understood in absolute causal terms.

Subject Area

Providence and government of God.

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