"Factors Affecting Mobility Rates of Principals and Teachers in Canadia" by Leroy Raymond Kuhn

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Higher Education Administration PhD

First Advisor

Bernard M. Lall

Second Advisor

Edward A. Streeter

Third Advisor

Lenard N. Hare


Problem. Statistics Canada (1977) reported that the national mobility rate of the teaching force in Canadian public elementary and secondary schools in 1975-76 was 11 percent, compared with 15 percent in 1970-71. During the 1970-78 period, Seventh-day Adventist church schools (elementary/secondary day schools) in Canada reported a 38 percent teacher/principal mobility rate. It was the purpose of this study to identify factors that cause high mobility of teachers and principals in SDA church schools of Canada by investigating the relationship of opinions between the school board members and the school faculty members of these schools on the topics of: principal mobility, teacher mobility, and efficient school board operation. In addition, the study sought to examine a few actual school board practices, and some biographical characteristics of school board members, teachers, and principals in these schools, to provide supplementary information that may lead to further identification of intrinsic or other factors that affect teacher and principal mobility.

Method. Lists of teachers who had served In these schools during the 1970-78 period (provided by the local conference education directors) were used to determine the teacher/principal mobility rates. A sixtynine- statement questionnaire, devised from a review of related studies, was submitted to the principals, teachers, and school board members of forty-two selected SDA church schools In Canada. The three topics considered by these respondents were: (1) reasons why principals move, (2) reasons why teachers move, and (3) factors important to efficient school board operation. The school board members and principals also reported whether or not these factors were in actual practice at their school or in their school board. Computer analysis of the data received from the 282 respondents yielded such statistical information as the mean, the median, Spearman's rho values, t test values, and percentages of responses. Tables were made according to the computer printout.

Results. The null hypotheses were rejected at the .05 level, or. the basis of the above statistical tests, and the alternative hypotheses were retained— that is, there was a significant relationship between the mean responses of the school board members and the faculty members regarding: (1) the reasons for principal mobility, (2) the reasons for teacher mobility, and (3) factors important to efficient school board operation.

Conclusions. From this study, it was concluded that teacher and principal mobility rates in Canadian SDA church schools are considerably higher than those of the public school system. Student discipline problems, personality clash of teachers and principals with parents of students, and the board's decision regarding teacher/principal performance are three significant factors that cause teacher/principal mobility. That the school boards are not generally following the practices which the respondents indicated were moderately important to efficient school board operation, was reported by the school board members and principals.

Subject Area

School administrators--Canada.



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