Digital Commons @ Andrews University - Honors Scholars & Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium Programs: P-57 Forgiveness Measures within Seventh-day Adventist Interpersonal Relationships

P-57 Forgiveness Measures within Seventh-day Adventist Interpersonal Relationships

Presenter Information

Lindsay White, Andrews University


The Forgiveness Measurements within the Seventh-day Adventist interpersonal relationships is researching and describing the forgiveness levels of them, and how they (SDA’s) perceive those around them to be. We have been reading existing articles on forgiveness between genders, age, and people’s relationships between others. Also, the levels of forgiveness depending on situations and past issues/memories of a situation that arise after a certain time. Our expected results for this research will be to see what the forgiveness level is for the Seventh-day Adventists, how forgiving they are and how they perceive others around them to be, based on our survey and readings.


Undergraduate Research Scholar

Advisors: Patrice Jones and Rachel Williams-Smith, Communication


Buller Hallway

Start Date

3-6-2015 2:30 PM

End Date

3-6-2015 4:00 PM

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Mar 6th, 2:30 PM Mar 6th, 4:00 PM

P-57 Forgiveness Measures within Seventh-day Adventist Interpersonal Relationships

Buller Hallway

The Forgiveness Measurements within the Seventh-day Adventist interpersonal relationships is researching and describing the forgiveness levels of them, and how they (SDA’s) perceive those around them to be. We have been reading existing articles on forgiveness between genders, age, and people’s relationships between others. Also, the levels of forgiveness depending on situations and past issues/memories of a situation that arise after a certain time. Our expected results for this research will be to see what the forgiveness level is for the Seventh-day Adventists, how forgiving they are and how they perceive others around them to be, based on our survey and readings.