"Development of An Institutional Research Model : Lake Michigan College" by Jonas M. Dalton

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Higher Education Administration PhD

First Advisor

Bernard M. Lall

Second Advisor

Robert D. Moon

Third Advisor

Edward Streeter


Problem. Institutional research is a form of organizational self - study designed to help colleges gather data, analyze , and present the results for the purpose of aiding the administration in achieving long -range goals, ascertaining the effectiveness of institutional programs, and identifying new programs and operational changes needed to achieve institutional goals and objectives. In view of the fact that Lake Michigan College does not have an Office o f Institutional Research , the purpose of this study was: (1 ) to develop a proposed Institutional Research Model for Lake Michigan College , and (2) to determine the informational needs of Lake Michigan College . Method. The informational needs assessment was conducted in two parts : administrators and faculty . Unstructured personal Interviews were conducted with the president, vice - presidents , and deans. The interviews were conducted with the use o f a cassette recorder, and then were transcribed and returned to the administrators for review and ranking in the order of importance. The perceived needs were compared with available data sources and those needs which were not being met were further analyzed to determine if it was possible to obtain the necessary data . A Faculty Inventory Questionnaire was used to solicit information from the Lake Michigan College faculty concerning proposed institutional research at the college . The questionnaire was developed by Garner (1970, p .71), who used it at Ohio Northern University . It was modified to cover the particular academic areas and faculty relationship to the college before using it at Lake Michigan College . The analysis of the data from the Faculty Inventory Questionnaire was descriptive . Except for some brief demographic information , the data analyzed dealt with the faculty's perceived needs that related to institutional research. 4 Further information was obtained from a selected group of institutions of higher education concerning research policies they were using to guide their institutional research programs. The first aspect o f the purpose was to develop a proposed Institutional Research Model. The model was developed from information obtained through the review of literature and material received from the selected group of institutions which were involved in institutional research . Conclusions The following conclusions are based on the comments o f the panel. 1. The model merits trying . 2 . The model can serve as a useful reference model. 3 . The document will help others determine the informational needs of their colleges and universities as well as help them begin an Office of Institutional Research . 4 . The review of literature related to institutional research is probably the most complete to be found anywhere. 5 . The model is an excellent proposal and worthy o f serious consideration . 6 . The model will be of great value to a college which is in the initial stages of developing an institutional research office . 5. Recommendations. On the basis of the literature review and comments by the panel members the following recommendations are presented for consideration : 1. That Lake Michigan College make a full commitment to the use o f institutional research and incorporate it into the college decision -making process . 2 . That Michigan College establish a budget for institutional research. 3 . That after institutional research has been implemented, a study should be conducted to determine the extent to which the perceived informational needs are , or are not , being met through meaningful institutional research . 4 . That further study be initiated concerning additional variables which may influence an institutional research model and in particular, the institutional research process . 5 . That a study be initiated concerning the relationship between the Office of Institutional Research and the center for data processing in community colleges .

Subject Area

Education, Higher--Michigan--Research



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