Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
Curriculum and Instruction PhD
First Advisor
Larry D. Burton
Second Advisor
Ray Ostrander
Third Advisor
Shirley Freed
Purpose of study. This study focuses on the implementation of the Field-based Master's Program at Midwestern Christian University. The three-step Adoption Change Model (Fullan, 1991) guided me through this innovation: (1) adoption, (2) implementation, and (3) institutionalization of the program. This 2-year study describes the program's adoption and implementation stages. Institutionalization was not included as it takes 3-10 years to occur. Three research questions guided this study.
Research questions. (1) What did the teacher training in the uses of processes look like during the initial summer session of the Field-based Master's Program? (2) What did the transfer of training in the use of processes look like in the participants' classrooms? (3) What were the teachers' reactions, concerns, and recommendations throughout the implementation of the Field-based Master's Program?
Summary of research question answers. Initial teacher training was designed using the Joyce-Showers Training Model (1995). The participants were in a Workshop Design environment (Joyce, 1992) at the university that allowed the professors to model what the participants expected to learn.
The Workplace Design (Joyce, 1992) facilitated transfer of training to the classroom. Cohort groups provided support during transfer of training the first year of implementation but discontinued during the second year.
Four themes emerged when analyzing the teacher's reactions: (a) Learning and Implementing Strategies, (b) Cohort Groups, (c) Unclear Communication and Expectations, and (d) Feeling Overwhelmed and Frustrated.
Conclusions. This study confirmed much of the research on educational change. Its contributions to the literature include: (a) documentation of a Field-based Master's Program affiliated with a religious institution of higher education and a parochial school system, and (b) presentation of a rationale for continued literature review as a guide throughout the process of change.
Subject Area
Teachers--Training of, Education--Study and teaching (Graduate)
Recommended Citation
Grant, Jeanne Renita, "A Descriptive Case Study : The Implementation of a Field-Based Master's Program" (2002). Dissertations. 401.
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