"Job Satisfaction and its Relationship to Organizational and Religious " by Donna Brown

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Higher Education Administration PhD

First Advisor

Hinsdale Bernard

Second Advisor

James R. Jeffery

Third Advisor

Jimmy Kijai


Problem. Recruiting teachers and motivating them to stay in their jobs present a challenge to educational institutions in Jamaica. Given the importance of workers' satisfaction to the health of an organization and the link between job satisfactionand turnover rate, then an examination of job satisfaction at Northern Caribbean University (NCU) is a priority. Based on this background, the primary focus of this study was to investigate job satisfaction and its relationship to organizational and religious commitment among workers at NCU.

Method. This study utilized a quantitative, descriptive research design. A survey questionnaire was sent to all full-time administrators and sector managers, faculty, and staff members who were currently employed by the university at the time of the study. The questionnaire solicited information using (a) five demographic questions (occupational area, gender, age, educational level, and length of employment), (b) 15 items to measure professional satisfaction, (c) 10 items to estimate the level of organizational commitment, and (d) 7 items were used to assess intrinsic religious motivation. Responses were measured on a 5-point Likert-type scale. Data were statistically analyzed by using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, and multiple regression analysis.

Results. This study revealed that NCU workers displayed neutral levels of satisfaction with their jobs. Overall, they were most satisfied with their responsibility, achievement, relations with peers and students, and work itself. The lowest level of satisfaction was found for organizational policy, administration, working conditions, and salary. The investigation revealed that overall job satisfaction and its intrinsic and extrinsic facets were influenced by demographic variables such as occupational area, gender, age, educational level, and length of employment. Organizational commitment was related to age and length of employment. Religious commitmentwas related to occupational area, age and educational level. Organizational commitment was the better predictor of job satisfaction.

Conclusion. The employees of NCU have a high level of religious and organizational commitment but only a neutral level of job satisfaction. This level of job satisfaction is affected by demographic and institutional factors, and by the organizational and religious commitment of the employees.

Subject Area

Job satisfaction--Religious aspects--Seventh-day Adventists, Northern Caribbean University--Employees--Job satisfaction



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