"Development and Empowerment of Women for Ministry in the Seventh-day A" by Leabaneng Providence Simankane

Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Walton A. Williams


Problem. The proclamation of the Gospel message in the community of Francistown, located on the northeastern part of Botswana, requires church members (both men and women) who are dedicated and trained for evangelism. However, women are not given opportunity to participate fully in the Gospel ministry. The leadership of the church continues to rest upon men leaving out the God-given potentials of women.

Method. This study used the qualitative descriptive research method and intended to find out the extent to which members are favorable to the development and empowerment of women for ministry in Francistown churches in Botswana. The questionnaire of 37 statements on certain variables were formulated and stipulated to streamline research focus, conceptual framework, and findings. There were 265 number of instruments randomly distributed and 240 were retrieved, a 90.6% retrieval rate. An averaged summary of responses was used to determine whether or not respondents (church members) were in favor of the development and empowerment of women for ministry.

Findings. A total of 5,865 (66.3%) responses reflected in the 37 research statements portray that members of the Francistown churches including pastors and non-Adventists have positive perceptions and attitudes toward the development and empowerment of women for ministry. However, responses to statements relating to church governance, especially the dissemination of General Conference authorization for the ordination of women as local church elders, was not favorable.

Conclusions. Members of Francistown Seventh-day Adventist Church are in favor of the development and empowerment of women for ministry. Apparently, there is no significant demographic difference on their perception and attitude towards women in ministry.

Subject Area

Women in church work--Botswana, Seventh-day Adventist women--Botswana

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