A-2 An Analysis of the Relationship between God’s Benevolence and Animal Pain in Theistic Evolution
Presenter Status
PhD Student, Department of Theology and Christian Philosophy
Buller Room 108
Start Date
8-11-2012 5:12 PM
End Date
8-11-2012 5:24 PM
Presentation Abstract
Theistic evolution suggests that God created animal and human beings through a long process of evolution. An evolutionary creation, however, implies that pain and death are inherent in the process, since creatures fight each other in their struggle for survival and new species arise through adaptations involving extinctions. This raises a stringent question: How does the presence of animal death before the appearance of human beings reflect on the character of God? In this paper I seek to explore, analyze, and critique the justification of God’s benevolence evolutionary theologians offer corollary of their view of origins.
A-2 An Analysis of the Relationship between God’s Benevolence and Animal Pain in Theistic Evolution
Buller Room 108
Theistic evolution suggests that God created animal and human beings through a long process of evolution. An evolutionary creation, however, implies that pain and death are inherent in the process, since creatures fight each other in their struggle for survival and new species arise through adaptations involving extinctions. This raises a stringent question: How does the presence of animal death before the appearance of human beings reflect on the character of God? In this paper I seek to explore, analyze, and critique the justification of God’s benevolence evolutionary theologians offer corollary of their view of origins.