Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Higher Education Administration EdD

First Advisor

Bernard M. Lall

Second Advisor

Edward A. Streeter

Third Advisor

Cedric C. Ward


Problem. There are virtually no model designs available for television complexes to meet the needs of private colleges and universities. These institutions must meet educational specifications for new or remodeled complexes within strict limits in space and money. The purpose of this study was to develop a model complex and administration of a cost efficient design.

Method. The study utilized the descriptive and developmental methods. Literature was reviewed to gather concepts related to complex facilities, hardware, administration and personnel. Twelve functioning television complexes were visited using a thirty-four item criteria list to evaluate each complex, its hardware, administrative structure, and programs.

Conclusions. Major conclusions drawn as a result of information and experience gained during the course of the study were that: (1) The planning process for a small facility is similar to, yet distinct from larger complexes. (2) Cost efficiency of planning, establishment, and operation are essential. (3) Expenditures for media including video tape can only be justified when it becomes an integral pat of instruction. (4) Low cost quality hardware and systematic development of instructional materials make such a program operable. (5) Smaller facilities are needed as electronic technology has allowed moving to remote locations without large crews or remote trucks. (6)A consolidated media program would be more cost efficient by ridding duplication in services. (7) Flexibility must be planned into the complex hardware, administrative structure, and personnel to meet the needs of the future. (8) Establishment of a complex is a fixed sequence task that can be carefully planned.

Recommendations. The following recommendations are presented: (1) The model developed in this study should be field tested by small colleges and universities planning a television complex and revised in light of this experience. (2) The planning process for a television complex should have stopping off points when need is not clearly established to warrant any expenditures. (3) The planning process should be closely analyzed in order to make certain the facility, hardware, and personnel are cost efficient yet functional to meet investigated needs.

Subject Area

Television broadcasting--Study and teaching


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