P-21 C. S. Lewis’s The Great Divorce: An Adaptation for Reader’s Theater


This project—a Reader’s Theater production of C. S. Lewis’s short allegorical novel The Great Divorce (1946)—pursues the values of truth and beauty by relating the rich theological realities of Lewis’s work through drama and voice. Reader’s Theater differs from traditional theater in that the voice, rather than blocking and costuming, carries the drama. The script is read rather than memorized, resulting in a directed, well-rehearsed dramatic presentation of a script. This project requires the creation of an abridged script with a substantial introduction detailing the process of production, and all elements of production from inception to a final stage performance of approximately 90 minutes.


J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar

Advisors: Beverly Matiko, Communication and Ante Jeroncic, Religion & Biblical Languages


Buller Hallway

Start Date

3-6-2015 2:30 PM

End Date

3-6-2015 4:00 PM

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Mar 6th, 2:30 PM Mar 6th, 4:00 PM

P-21 C. S. Lewis’s The Great Divorce: An Adaptation for Reader’s Theater

Buller Hallway

This project—a Reader’s Theater production of C. S. Lewis’s short allegorical novel The Great Divorce (1946)—pursues the values of truth and beauty by relating the rich theological realities of Lewis’s work through drama and voice. Reader’s Theater differs from traditional theater in that the voice, rather than blocking and costuming, carries the drama. The script is read rather than memorized, resulting in a directed, well-rehearsed dramatic presentation of a script. This project requires the creation of an abridged script with a substantial introduction detailing the process of production, and all elements of production from inception to a final stage performance of approximately 90 minutes.