Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

James J. North, Jr.

Second Advisor

John F. Duge

Third Advisor

Bruce L. Bauer


Problem. Current statistics reveal that the African American community is disproportionately affected by the AIDS epidemic. The rate of infection for other groups is being impacted by the community education programs, prevention strategies, and service organizations. Messages and service relevant to the African American context are needed. A resource guide and a training model for pastoral care to better serve the Black AIDS patient could address this problem.

Method. Published rates of HIV infection for the general public and specific groups in the United States are examined to understand of the impact of AIDS on the Black community. Two pastoral-care training programs are examined for strengths and weaknesses in responding to the African American AIDS patient. Issues impacting the Black community, relative to AIDS, are examined to reveal strategies for providing care. Issues relevant to the pastoral caregiver's response to the African American AIDS patient are discussed. The model for pastoral care is based on the preceding research. A model for training pastoral caregivers to effectively respond to the African American AIDS patient is proposed with recommendations for implementation.

Results. Relevant issues of African American life give some indication as to why the Black AIDS numbers are increasing, and the appearance of AIDS denial in the Black community. Current training prepares pastoral caregivers to provide care for AIDS patients in general. Training for the African American context is not provided. This project presents a resource guide and a model for training caregivers for the African American context.

Conclusions. Special training to respond to the African American AIDS patient is needed. Black life in America presents specific challenges impacting the Black AIDS patient's ability to cope. Training for caregivers has been in existence for approximately ten years. This project can provide the specific training needed to prepare caregivers to help the Black AIDS patient. African Americans must lead in providing care for the Black AIDS patient. The Black church and the Black pastor are central in this process. Use of the guide, the training model, evaluation, and adjustments over time will result in the effective care and intervention needed in the Black community in response to the AIDS epidemic.

Subject Area

AIDS (Disease)--Patients--Pastoral Counseling of, AIDS (Disease)--Religious aspects--Christianity

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