"Family Matters!: Examining the Relationship Between Family Climate and" by Isaac Suh

Date of Award

Summer 6-3-2015

Document Type



Behavioral Sciences

First Advisor

Harvey Burnett, Jr. PhD

Second Advisor

Lionel Matthews PhD


Recent research indicates that suicide is a growing cause of death in our country (CDC, 2010). Over the twelve year period (1999 to 2012), suicide rates increased by a staggering 40%. This is especially evident among adolescents (13-17 years). In spite of this trend, much remains to be known about the variability of this phenomenon across various subcultures. This study examines suicidal ideation and the effect of various demographic, psycho-social, and religious predictors among adolescents of a conservative religious denomination.

Research Question:

How does family climate effect the instances of at risk behaviors in adolescents in a conservative religious population?

Included in

Psychology Commons
