Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
Religious Education, PhD
First Advisor
John B. Youngberg
Second Advisor
Werner K. Vyhmeister
Third Advisor
George Knight
Problem. Despite the tremendous educational achievements in Nigeria since the launching of the National Policy on Education in 1977, many Nigerians have continued to call for the restoration of mission-operated private schools. This study set out to establish the role of religion in present-day education in Nigeria and to explore ways in which the aims of Christian education could be achieved in addition to the formal school setting.
Summary and Conclusions. Utilizing the historical documentary research method, the study reviewed Nigeria's educational history from 1845 to 1980 in the light of the country's cultural, religious (Muslim and Christian), and political influences. The National Policy on Education was seen as the climax of the interplay of the aforementioned influences. The historical, philosophical, and cultural evidence favors the recognition of private schools operated within government guidelines. Plans were projected regarding how Christian denominations could prepare for a Second Chance and also develop alternative ways of achieving the goals of Christian education.
A Second-Chance Christian education in Nigeria would enable missions to work under improved conditions and to have easier access to more parts of the country. They would, however, work with a majority of students with differing religious affiliations; lowered academic standards due to mass intake into secondary schools; teachers who feel more obligated to the state than to thedenomination; and insufficient funds for school facilities and equipment.
Nigeria needs a Christian education that is (1) consistently biblical in its efforts to impart saving knowledge, foster Christian character development, and promote unselfish service; (2) actively seeking to develop Nigerian cultural values within a Christian context; and (3) effectively generating more caring, honest, and loving citizens that are desperately needed to unify Nigeria. These objectives could be better met if each denomination (1) developed a statement of universal principles of Christian education; (2) established or revitalized the various graded educational activities of the church and the home; (3) utilized the many avenues of the mass media; and (4) trained dedicated and educationally competent pastors and Bible teachers to function as efficient leaders of Christian education.
Subject Area
Christian education--Nigeria, Education--Nigeria
Recommended Citation
Chioma, Silvanus Ndukuba, "A Second Chance for Christian Education: Strategies for a New Approach to Christian Education in Nigeria in View of the Current Search for Educational Relevance" (1982). Dissertations. 274.
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