"An Organizational Model for a Coordinated Program of Music Ministry fo" by Raimo J. Lehtinen

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Higher Education Administration PhD

First Advisor

Edward A. Streeter

Second Advisor

C. Warren Becker

Third Advisor

William H. Green


Problem. Initiating work in the coordination of church music activities has been undertaken in the North American and European portions of the world-wide organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. There was a need to develop a comprehensive model of music ministry which the Church could utilize when further steps in the advancement of organized music programs will be taken.

Method. In the process of creating the philosophical rationale for the model a descriptive method was used. Adventist literature on music ministry was reviewed, analyzed, and compared with the basic themes of Johansson's contrapuntal design (1984). In thedevelopment of the rest of the model a developmental research design was utilized.

Conclusions. Major conclusions drawn as a result of information and experience gained during the course of the study were: (1) The principles found in the Scriptures provide thebasis for the philosophy and practice of music ministry. (2) Creative ability in human beings is part of the image of God. Though weakened as a result of the fall, through restoration in Jesus Christ this ability is liberated, intensified, and sanctified. Individual Christians and the Church as a corporate body have the privilege of nurturing, further developing, and promoting creative talents. (3) Because of its close relationship to human life, music is involved in the basic human dilemma of the conflict between good and evil. (4) Creativity as understood in this study means consideration of universal artistic principles. (5) Music can be seen as a cultural metaphor. This kind of meaning in music is found in the total musical architecture as it relates to human experience in the created world. (6) Mental pictures (compound images) stored in human memory are created through associations. When ideas or behaviors incompatible with Christian values are connected with the gospel content inreligious music, a distorted picture of Christian faith is communicated. (7) One of themusical analogues of faith action is the concept of delayed gratification, aspiration toward spiritual maturity. Music can function as a training school for spiritual maturity. (8) One of the major tasks of music in Seventh-day Adventist homes and churches is to express and reinforce the basic theological doctrines of the Church. (9) The successful programs ofdenominational music ministry share such characteristics as (a) cooperation between administrative levels, (b) adequate communication between pastoral and music staffs and between departments and ministries of the church regarding the philosophy and practice of music ministry, (c) involvement of the spiritual leadership in the formulation and application of the principles of music ministry, and (d) built-in procedures of settling discrepancies related to music ministry.

Subject Area

Church music--Seventh-day Adventists, Music in Christian education, Music, Influence of



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