"A Model for Marketing Agricultural Programs [in] Private Colleges and " by Thomas N. Chittick

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Higher Education Administration EdD

First Advisor

Edward A. Streeter

Second Advisor

Wesley Shultz

Third Advisor

David S. Penner


Problem. Enrollment in agriculture programs has been declining despite a shortage of qualified graduates to meet the current needs of the agriculture industry. Although the principles of marketing have been applied to higher education, little has been written about the marketing of agriculture programs in a liberal arts institution.

Method. Information about marketing educational programs was reviewed in the literature and knowledge of current marketing practices of liberal arts colleges with agriculture programs was assembled by conducting site visits at seven colleges selected for the study. This information was the basis for the development of a marketing model. The model was reviewed by two panels of judges and their suggestions were noted in the study. Conclusions and recommendations were then made.

Conclusions. The principles of marketing have been applied to institutions of higher learning and have had a positive impact on enrollment. A marketing plan should incorporate institutional research, market research, strategy formation, strategy execution and program review and evaluation. All the elements of a marketing plan are essential if the plan is to be dynamic and meet the specific needs of the institution.

The marketing of agriculture programs utilizes marketing activities that are unique to the field of agriculture.

Subject Area

Agriculture--Study and teaching (Higher)



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