Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Religion, MA

First Advisor

Andrew G. Mustard


Problem When World War I broke out German Adventists were obliged to make a basic decision regarding their military service. Their readiness to do active service in the German forces resulted in considerable damage to their relations with the General Conference and Adventists in other countries. Method In comparing documents and reconstructing historical events this thesis tries to discover the former position of German Adventists on military service and how it changed. Historical documents are examined to determine whether or not they support the supposedly traditional Seventh-day Adventist stance on non-combatancy. Results The pragmatic decision of the Germans must be seen as a result of their fear of state sanctions. Their attempts to establish a sound theological basis to underpin their decision remain unconvincing and can be no more generalized dogmatically than the non-combatant position born in a democratic environment. Conclusions The position regarding military service can be determined only by the individual's sense of responsibility arising from the peace commandment of the Lord.


Completed at the Postgraduate School of Theology, Newbold College Campus

Subject Area

War--Religious aspects--Seventh-day Adventists., War--Biblical teaching.

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