"A Study Of Issues And Problems Women Face In Attempting To Pursue Care" by Bertha Kirigo Mutai

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


College of Education and International Services


Higher Education Administration EdD

First Advisor

Edward A. Streeter

Second Advisor

Wilfred G. A. Futcher

Third Advisor

Luanne Bauer



In Kenya, the majority of women in education occupy classroom teaching positions. Educational officers, in their hiring practices, appear to overlook women as resources, thereby depriving the schools of the skills and talents of potentially capable leaders. Students are also denied the role models of female leaders. This study investigates how difficult it is for women to secure professional careers in educational administration in Kenya.


The population consisted of all the female teachers employed by the Ministry of Education in Kenya, and female Kenyan students in North American universities. A questionnaire was used to collect data from the women teachers selected from five educational levels, namely, university, commercial and technical colleges, secondary and primary schools, and Kenyan students in North American universities. The data collected were analyzed and tested for significant differences related to the women's marital status, age, education, and experience. All 52 items were tested by Chi-square and the alpha level was .05 for all tests.


The conclusions are given in the order presented in the Purpose of the Study.

1. A majority of women teachers strongly agreed that advanced degrees were the key to administrative positions.

2. It appears that self-confidence to become school administrators was lacking as portrayed in the women's responses.

3. Women teachers believed they would gain self-satisfaction in school administration positions.

4. Culture was recognized as the major barrier as compared to all other factors.

5. Family pressures were also a deterrent to women teachers aspiring to become educational administrators.

6. Kenyan women teachers showed little interest in and commitment to educational administration as a career.

7. Lack of role-models was yet another factor preventing women from pursuing careers in educational administration.

Subject Area

Women school administrators--Kenya; Women in education--Kenya


