Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Educational Psychology MA

First Advisor

Donna Habenicht


Problem. The purpose of this study was to describe the symbols and actions children from religious backgrounds include in their Kinetic Family Drawings. Method The sample consisted of 172 children 9 to 12 years of age from 9 randomly selected Catholic, Lutheran, and Seventh-day Adventist elementary schools in Berrien County, Michigan. Each child made a Kinetic Family Drawing and answered a brief questionnaire. Findings 1. Approximately 12% of children from religious backgrounds included religious symbols or actions in their KFDs. 2. Boys and girls from religious backgrounds drew the same kinds of symbols but different actions in their KFDs. 3. Elementary school children from different religious backgrounds included the same kinds of symbols and actions in their Kinetic Family Drawings, but with different frequencies.

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