Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

C. Mervyn Maxwell

Second Advisor

Benjamin D. Schoun

Third Advisor

Norman K. Miles


Problem. Sabbathkeeping practices vary widely fran congregation to congregation and among Sabbathkeepers individually. This study attenuated to evaluate the Sabbathkeeping practices of two congregations before and after a series of sermons and a discussion session and to effect a change in these practices as compared to those of the control church, which did not have the benefit of the sermons and discussion.

Method. Sermons were developed that followed the theology of Sabbath observance as presented in chapter 2 of this project and were delivered to the test churches. A questionnaire was administered twice to the two test churches, before and after the sermons and discussion, and also twice to the control church, which did not hear the sermons or the discussion. The comparison of the first and second administrations of the questionnaires was done by carputer analysis by Dr. Roger Dudley of the Institute of Church Ministry at Andrews University.

Results. Personal observations of the behavior of members of the test churches and the results of analysis of the questionnaires revealed a need and desire for change in Sabbath observance. The comparison of the test group and control group indicated that this project was useful in effecting change in Sabbathkeeping practices.

Conclusions. There are definite relationships between length of time as an Adventist, study habits, and spirituality and one's attitude toward Sabbath observance. Although it is difficult to judge motives or to measure changes in the affective domain, which involves values, beliefs, and feelings, a minister can nurture observable growth in his congregation in the area of Sabbathkeeping.

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