"A Conceptual Model for the Professional Practice of Seventh-day Advent" by Rilla Taylor

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Higher Education Administration EdD

First Advisor

John Youngberg

Second Advisor

Bernard M. Lall

Third Advisor

George Akers


Problem. Since the Seventh-day Adventist administrator must define a suitable mode of practice, the question must be addressed; does the Seventh-day Adventist religion require a distinctive mode of practice or simply suggest a characteristic approach to a common mode of practice?

Method. While the Seventh-day Adventists share many beliefs in common with all Christians, their most distinctive belief is found in the messages of three angels described in Revelation 14:6-12. Therefore, these messages are examined to determine whether or not they contain concepts which lead to a characteristic mode of administrative practice. Firstly, the three angels' messages are analyzed to determine the major thrust of each. Secondly, the concepts of all three are cross-filed under subject headings to obtain a conceptual framework characterizing the practice of an administrator practicing in harmony with the three messages. From these two steps a model for administration was developed which can be stated as follows: Seventh-day Adventist administration is a function of trusteeship in which the administrator becomes accountable for cooperating with the Holy Spirit in initiating and facilitating change which increases institutional harmony with divine laws and principles. A diagrammatic representation of the model is developed. The model is applied to several cases in order to demonstrate its usefulness in practice. The study has been submitted to a panel of experts and their evaluations are included in the appendix.

Results. The results of the first two steps, analyzing the messages, can be summarized as follows:

Step 1: The major thrust of the first angel's message is an appeal to harmonize with the law of God. Divine law describes the conditions on which institutional life depends. The major thrust of the second angel's message is an appeal to separate from the unprincipled behaviors which reflect impure motives. Principles are enumerated which provide certain and constant guides for administrative actions and policies. The third angel's message contrasts two change methodologies, one of which was cursed and the other commended as making men saints. Thus the administrator can gain knowledge of heaven-approved change methodology.

Step 2: Examination of the cross-filed individual concepts of all three messages resulted in the development of a conceptual framework for administrative practice which characterizes administration when influenced by the messages.

Conclusions. The concepts of the three angels' messages of Revelation 14, which represent the distinctive belief of Seventh-day Adventists, do, when fully understood and accepted, provide the basis for a distinctive and characteristic mode of administrative practice useful for Seventh-day Adventist administrators.

Subject Area

School management and organization.



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