"The Current Structure of Intellect Remediation Lab as an Intervention " by Donna Turner Campbell

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Educational Psychology, Ph.D.

First Advisor

Donna J. Habenicht

Second Advisor

Wilfred G. A. Futcher

Third Advisor

Shirley Freed


Problem. Educational testing procedures focus on identification and classification of students rather than on remediation for their abilities. The Structure of Intellect (SOI) model proposes a multidimensional view of intelligence with a focus on remediation for underdeveloped or nonexistent abilities as they relate to school achievement.

Purpose. The purposes of this study were to determine if participation in the SOI remediation lab had a measurable effect on reading achievement with third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade students, and to describe SOI learning profiles of students with below grade reading skills.

Methodology. The subjects for this quasi-experimental study were third-, fourth-, and fifth-graders from two public schools. Eleven subtests from the SOI Learning Abilities Tests, Forms CR and L, purportedly related to reading, were used as pre- and post-test measures. ANCOVA was used to analyze data from these 11 subtests. The Burns & Roe Informal Reading Inventory was a pre/post measure of reading. Chi-square was used to analyze the pro-portions of students making gains in reading achievement. The SOI learning profiles were analyzed descriptively.

Findings and conclusions. The results supported the SOI Intervention lab as a useful intervention for remedial reading. Students who participated in the SOI remediation labshowed significant increases in reading achievement. The 11 subtests proposed as prerequisite skills for reading and comprehension did not uniformly increase as did the reading levels. Gains were only noted on 4 of the 11 subtests. There were no discernable patterns of SOI learning profiles that predicted below grade level reading skills. It appears that the SOI remediation lab could serve as an effective intervention for students with deficient reading skills in grades three though five. The lack of discernable distinct learning profiles limits the Forms CR and L of the Structure of Intellect Learning Abilities tests as a possible option for identification.

Subject Area

Intellect--Study and teaching, Reading--Remedial teaching



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