"Protecting Youth from Health Risk Behaviors" by Alina Baltazar, Kathryn Conopio et al.

Faculty Publications

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Between the ages of 13 and 25, youth go through major psychosocial changes—forming their own identity, becoming independent of their parents, establishing intimate friendships and relationships, struggling with academic goals, and eventually starting a career and even a family. During this time, they can experience difficulties adjusting to these changes and the stresses that ac - company them, and as a result, make behavioral choices that are dangerous and even life destroying. To avoid destructive choices, young people need support from significant others throughout this stage of their lives. What can educators, parents, and church and community leaders do to help prevent dangerous health-risk behaviors in youth?


Retrieved June 8, 2015 from The Journal of Adventist Education

First Department

Social Work

Second Department

Behavioral Sciences
