Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Religious Education, PhD
First Advisor
Roy C. Naden
Second Advisor
Jimmy Kijai
Third Advisor
Bruce L. Bauer
Problem. Research had been undertaken to investigate the possible correlation between temperaments and spiritual gifts, and psychological types and spiritual gifts, but fewer correlations than anticipated were identified.
The purpose of this study was to explore hypothetical predictive models regarding the correlation between 16 personality factors and five spiritual gifts clusters.
Method. Two instruments were used to measure personality factors and spiritual gifts clusters: The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF) and the New Spiritual Gifts Inventory (NSGI). 840 subjects were included in this study--students and their spouses of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, and undergraduate students ofPhilippine union College, Silang, Philippines. Two null hypotheses were formulated and tested statistically by multiple regression analysis.
Findings. For the seminarian sample, personality factors H+, M+, and N+ predicted the teacher cluster; personality factors H+, Q3+, B-, G+, and Q1- predicted the shepherd/evangelist cluster; personality factors Q4-, G+, B-, H+, O+, and Q3+ predicted the supporter cluster; personality factors H+, Q4-, and E+ predicted thecounselor cluster; and personality factors H+, G+, O-, E+, and Q3+ predicted the leader cluster.
For the Filipino sample, personality factors H+, Q3+, F-, and A+ predicted the teacher cluster; personality factors H+, Q3+, F-, G+, and A+ predicted the shepherd/evangelist cluster; personality factors Q3+ and H+ predicted the supporter cluster; and personality factors Q3+, H+, and O- predicted the leader cluster.
Conclusions. This study shows that personality factors may be used to predict probable giftedness. The fact that the best prediction models of the gifts clusters are unique for the two samples implies that one cannot generalize findings cross-culturally.
Subject Area
Gifts, Spiritual, Personality--Religious aspects
Recommended Citation
Choi, Soo Dong, "The Correlation of Personality Factors with Spiritual Gifts Clusters" (1993). Dissertations. 281.
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