"What Women Want: Masculine Images and Gender Construction in the Old S" by Ashley Meyer

Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis



First Advisor

Ivan Davis


The award-winning Dos Equis "The most interesting man in the world" and Old Spice "the man your man could smell like" campaigns are unique not only for their creativity and humor, but also for their portrait of ideal men. These campaigns propose idealized images of masculinity which engage societal conceptions of manhood in the 21st century. Using rhetorical criticism, we can identify underlying ideologies in these campaigns, which combine the traditional and modern masculine constructs to present a new identity that aims but ultimately fails to be universally pleasing. The campaigns also reinforce sexist views of women as childlike and superficial and homosexuality as unnatural.

Subject Area

Advertising., Gender identity in advertising, Masculinity in advertising.

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