"The Signs of the Parousia: a Diachronic and Comparative Study of the A" by Ki Kon Kim

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Religion, New Testament PhD

First Advisor

Robert M. Johnston

Second Advisor

Raoul Dederen

Third Advisor

Jon Paulien


The purpose of this study is to find continuity and discontinuity in the use of the apocalyptic vocabulary in Matt 24:27-31 with that of the apocalyptic literature by tracing its possible literary allusions or parallels.

Chapter 1 states the problems concerning Matt 24:27-31, as well as the purpose and limitation of the study; reviews relevant literature; describes methodology and procedures used; and surveys the ancient sources which witness to the apocalyptic traditions which may be assumed to be related to the passage.

Chapter 2 explores the term "Parousia" in order to grasp the meaning of the Matthean Parousia because it is the subject of the signs and the key to understanding the structure of Matt 24.

The purpose of chapter 3 is to trace the concept of the six apocalyptic terms and motifs of Matt 24:29-31. It attempts to find the genealogy of each apocalyptic vocabulary item of the Matthean Parousia signs, and to discover continuity and discontinuity with antecedents by tracing the trajectory. Thus, all apocalyptic terms or word groups of Matt 24:29-31 are studied in the light of the Old Testament, the Jewish Apocalyptic literature, the New Testament, the Qumran texts, and the rabbinic literature.

Chapter 4 attempts to synthesize a combined trajectory based on the outcome of chapter 3, and to find the place of Matt 24:27-31 in the apocalyptic tradition. The continuity and discontinuity of Matt 24:27-31 with possible antecedent traditions are analyzed along with the functions of the peculiar Matthean apocalyptic terms in the Matthean Parousia scene.

Chapter 5 summarizes the results and lays out the conclusions of the study. It seems that the apocalyptic vocabulary of Matt 24:27-31 has aunique place and function in the apocalyptic tradition. Matthew's Christian perspective is the source of his creativity. Two main elements which are distinguished in Matt 24:27-31 are the Christocentric eschatology and Matthew's intention to make the Parousia of Jesus vivid and dramatic by inserting his peculiar apocalyptic terms into each scene of the Parousia.

Subject Area

Second Advent, Bible. N.T. Matthew 24:27-31 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc



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