"The Peruvian Education Reform of 1968-1980 and Seventh-day Adventist E" by Luis Alberto Del Pozo

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Religious Education, PhD

First Advisor

John B. Youngberg

Second Advisor

George R. Knight

Third Advisor

Eduardo A. Ocampo


Problem. The purpose of this study was to compare and contrast two distinct educational models: (1) Peruvian educational reform, which affected both public and private education throughout the country, and (2) the Seventh-day Adventist educational system as represented by Inca Union College. This research was limited geographically to Peru chronologically to the educational reform of 1968 and 1980. After the historical background was established, emphasis was placed on the Peruvian educational reform as a model of innovation as compared with the Seventh-day Adventist model at Inca Union College.

Method. This study utilized the historical method of research. Major sources included documents regarding the history and educational philosophy of Peruvian educational reform and Inca Union College. Minutes of the institution, periodicals, and other primary sources were used.

Conclusions. Both models had similar outward appearances, especially since they promulgated the need for a holistic education which assumes that people need formation in physical, intellectual, spiritual, vocational, and social aspects; nevertheless, the study of their philosophical foundations demonstrates different meanings for their programs and activities. In conclusions, it may be stated that: (1) The Peruvian educational reform identifies itself with humanism and is anthropocentric, while the Seventh-day Adventist system classifies itself as theocentric. From this observation derive the other conclusions in the various philosophical categories. (2) While the Peruvian system views social change as its ultimate goal, Seventh-day Adventist education seeks man's redemption in both the present and eschatological dimensions. (3) The Peruvian system accepts conscientization as an epistemological means which stimulates creative and critical thinking about social reality.Seventh-day Adventist education amplifies social reality to include the relationship with the rest of humanity and with God. (4) The Peruvian reform recognizes education for work as the source of personal and societal well-being. Adventist education recognizes the importance of societal well-being; in addition to this, it presents work as a means of restoring God's image in man. (5) Both systems promulgate the need for a holistic education but with different meanings. (6) Under the educational reform, religious education received unprecedented support and freedom through participation of all religious confessions in the National Religious Education Council.

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